I'm-Smitten-With-You Smile

Sensing the man suddenly go frigid in her arms, Xia Ruo Lan's eyes flew open.

The magnified face of Ethan Lee, as handsome as ever came into her view. His dark orbs glaring unblinkingly described his shock.

Her addled brain cleared up in an instant, like never before. She was back from the evanescent dream of embracing the untouchable CEO Lee.

The dazzling mirror of illusions was shattered in an instant. Thousands of rainbow pieces, broken shards colored the pristine marbled floor of reality.

Before the dumbfounded Ethan Lee could say anything, or feel guilty, Xia Ruo Lan hastily spoke up to save him from the embarrassment.

"I'm sor.. Tha.. Thank you, I'm feeling much better now"

Initially, Xia Ruo Lan wanted to apologize in Ethan Lee's stead. She didn't want him to feel sorry, it was her feeling down and he had only comforted her. Like a friend.

However, she realized that an apology is redundant to express the gratification she was feeling after experiencing this momentary fondness.

The warm touch of his moist lips, soft and tender. His strong embrace, sturdy arms holding her securely, with his unique and cold scent lingering in between them. Her and Ethan.

Each caress, each touch, even though fleeting, it was most precious and heartwarming.

It was special, for her at least.

As Xia Ruo Lan's words fell on Ethan Lee's ears, his head was in a state of disarray. It was total chaos.

Thousands of thoughts rushed through his head but not one coinciding with her exact words.

She was smiling.


Smiling at him!

And no! It was not a friendly smile, or another I'm-smitten-with-you smile, it wasn't a fake smile as well. It was strangely unfamiliar.

The smile on her now cherry red lips was neutral, almost imperceptible. Making it difficult for one to read what's on her mind.

It was unreadable.

'She' was unreadable!

Her reaction to his transient stupidity, his on the whim 'kiss' was against the grain, it was completely unexpected by the man.

He was expecting fireworks! But there wasn't even a spark, much less the explosion he was waiting for with bated breath!

Opening his mouth to reply, Ethan Lee had no words to say as he stood gaping at Xia Ruo Lan. She was as calm as a cucumber while his insides were burning with guilt, shame, remorse, and whatnot.

"Uh.. I.. "

The poor man was too stumped for proper words to tumble out of his hung open mouth. He was sweating buckets. His forehead glistening with moisture.

*ring* *ring*

As the luck would have it, a loud ringing broke the super awkward air in the room. Or maybe, just maybe the heavens were siding with the half scarlet and half ashen faced man.

Ethan inwardly blew a sigh in relief while Xia Ruo Lan rummaged through her hand bag.

She was acting very normal.

Actually, she was acting more than normal, like really disturbingly normal and it was troubling.

The one-sided guilt, and the heavy burden associated with it was eating the man raw.

He was on fire!

His insides burning to coal. The flames engulfing his entire being. His stomach was squeasy to the pit. His palpitating chest was itching with the same burning sensation that he felt his heart clenching. It was tight. He couldn't breathe.

"I have to take this.. Sorry!"

Flicking her gaze towards the man, Xia Ruo Lan mumbled before turning back to her mobile phone.

"Uhm.. It's, it's okay.."

Disconcerted beyond words, Ethan Lee could only nod his head awkwardly, appearing ill at ease.

Her reaction was way too normal, it was creepy!

For the first time in history, the unfathomable Mr Ethan Lee, the CEO of Lee Holdings was easy to read. His facial expressions as clear as the water from fresh pond.


Turning her back to Ethan Lee, Xia Ruo Lan strutted away from him. Her expression hidden from his view.

Staring at Xia Ruo Lan's retreating back, Ethan Lee almost smacked his head as he went on to ramble about his stupidity, in his head. Of course!

'What the fuck is wrong with me?! How.. How can I kiss Xia Ruo Lan? It's Ruo Lan! Ruo Lan for God's sake!'

'I'm a sick bastard! I had wrong ideas about Sera first, and now it's Xia Ruo Lan! Am I pent up after all these years.. Is it that serious?! Am I sick!'

Making a weirdly funny face, Ethan Lee was seriously giving his future and present life a mental once-over when Xia Ruo Lan called out to him. Her expression slightly confused.


Snapping out, Ethan Lee raised his brows appearing surprised by her presence before realizing. He really wanted to smack himself at that moment.

"Uh!! Oh, Ruo Lan.. Yes?"

Seemingly unperturbed by Ethan's odd behavior, Xia Ruo Lan said in an impassive manner. She was clearly ready to rush out of the place, away from him.

"I have to go.. I'll see you on the launch, bye!"

At her words, Ethan Lee's face fell momentarily before he replied with an unenthusiastic smile. It was the most fake smile of his entire lifetime. He could bet on that.

"Yeah, bye.."

Just as Xia Ruo Lan was about to turn, Ethan's hesitant voice rang out almost inaudibly.

"Take.. Take care"

This time, a genuine smile crept up Xia Ruo Lan's face as she gave a small nod.

"Thanks, I will.."