I'll Be Waiting

Staring fixedly at the departing figure in red, Ethan Lee felt his spirits dampen like anything. The original flicker in his eyes dimmed. His lips subconsciously pursed tightly into a thin line.

There was no trace of smile, or happiness on his glum face. It was disheartening.

When Sera entered the room, the first thing she saw was a gloomy Ethan Lee with his eyes looking down.

The lonely looking man was staring at the direction of the entrance, however his gaze was slightly lowered onto the non-existent threshold.

Raising her hands and waving them in front of Ethan's face, Sera tried to grab his attention. He glanced at her through his eyelashes, they were thick and long, hiding his emotions beneath them.

"Woah! What happened? I saw Xia Ruo Lan leaving.."

Meeting his gaze, Sera felt a chill on her spine. She exclaimed in surprise before asking a bit warily.

"That.. She, she had something going on.. I think that I.. I mean, we, we should leave too"

Finally realizing that his behavior was somewhat odd, Ethan Lee cleared his throat and replied in a low voice. Still flustered.

Taking in every single detail of Ethan Lee's expression, Sera raised her brows inquisitively as the gears in her head ran on fast speed.

"Oh! Yes, one second.. Let me get my things, you can go ahead. I'll see you at the driveway"

All of a sudden, Sera thought of something and feigned shock, hitting her forehead lightly with her palm. She shot a subtle smile at Ethan, urging the man to go ahead first.

Not able to detect anything abnormal in her actions, he nodded his head and mumbled in a low tone. Ready to get out of the damn room!

"Make it fast!"

Seeing how Ethan didn't suspect anything on her, Sera was relieved. She was suddenly feeling conflicted, and low-key guilty.

"Yup! In a jiffy.."

With her beaming smile, Sera showed Ethan a thumbs up with her fist raised in midair. He shook his head with a small smile and left the room.

Turning around, Sera almost hit herself in the head as she cried out in frustration. She felt awfully mad at herself, her actions were slightly overboard. That's what she thought.

"Shit! Did I mess things up? Why do I feel a different vibe.. They're not like a couple at all..!!"

Feeling a bit generous, Sera just tried to help her friends out. Who knew it would backfire on her, she really didn't expect things to go awry between Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan.

Her head hurt just thinking about the mess she had unintentionally created.

"This is.. Not good Seraphina Lu!"

Running her fingers through her dark hair, Sera groaned, clearly frustrated with herself.

- - -


A tired voice resounded through the speakers baffling the man on the other side. His tense face was laced with concern.

"What's the matter? You sound.. Weird!"

Unable to hold onto the curiosity, he quizzed with his magnetic voice that could stir one's heart to the point of ecstasy.

"Where are you?"

Instead of answering, the female voice shot a question of her own. It only added to the man's worries.

"What's the matter? Did something happen.."

The flicker in his enigmatic eyes glowed at the inquiry. It evoked a small smile from the other person. It was barely a smile to describe.

"Nothing.. I just want to have a drink"

The words left her mouth even before she could grasp the meaning behind them, it was anything but strange. It was fascinating.

"Are you sure? The last time you drank, I almost went broke. You better not faint on me after drinking like a fish!"

Attempting to lighten the atmosphere, the man jested with a hint of nostalgia in his tone. His gaze distant, almost tracing the pages of their past with his calloused fingers, delicately.

"Umm.. My treat!"

Stifling a smile, a genuine one this time, she bribed unashamedly. Her cold face from the wind was blushing at the distant memory as she recalled her embarrassment, giddily. It felt good.


With the affirmative from the other side, she hid a smile in her bleak looking eyes and said softly. Her voice slightly raspy.

"See you at the usual place.."

After a beat, she added in the same soft voice when a low mumble was heard from the man.

"I'll be waiting.."

She hung up, her eyes lingered on the dark screen for a long time. Her heart thumping in a loud, fast pace. It was frightening.

After about 40-45 minutes.

At a small, almost dilapidated but clean bar's rooftop.

Sitting on the makeshift wooden bench, with her legs hanging down was a petite woman in a red coat, her hair were tied into a loose bun. Her face flushed red as she appeared hazy, her fingers were curled around a bottle of beer. It had a little less than half inside it.

There was a case of nearly a dozen beer bottles on the far end of the bench, with one empty bottle lying on the floor.

She was gazing at the starless evening sky, her dewy eyes were bewitching and her alluring lips moist. Her cheeks plump were dyed an attractive crimson.

In the dimly lit space, sounds of heavy footsteps reverberated piquing her attention.

"You're here..?"