My Compliment For You

"Uh-huh.. It was.. Amazing!"

Puckering her red lips, Sera nodded meekly looking like the seductress that she was, driving Lucifer crazy. She even fluttered her lashes while slowly, softly, drawing out her words as she inched closer. Her hand long out of his grasp.


Tightening his grip on Sera's waist now, Lucifer pulled her closer, their hot bodies glued together.

Not hiding away from the big bad wolf eyeing her hungrily, Sera bravely raised herself to glare into those stormy gray eyes that hid a slew of restraint. Waiting to snap.

Just like Lucifer, Sera too loved teasing him, stirring him with all these raging and uncontrollable emotions that he tries hard to control. She just loved to see the raw desire in his eyes, that lust, that love for her, and only her.

It was addictive. And Sera was addicted.

Maintaining the sizzling eye contact that was taking a toll on both of their pounding hearts as loud as the thunder. As though it was an Olympic of a staring contest, and they'd kill to win. The couple continued glaring into each other's eyes, unblinkingly. Feeling each other's hot breathe on their faces.

Suddenly, Sera's red lips curved into an impish smile. The glint in her bewitching eyes brightened. Parting her soft rose petal like lips, she brought out the tip of her pink tongue and slowly licked her lips enticingly. Moistening them.

It was tortuous for Lucifer.

The man's gaze darkened into an endless pit of black from the steely gray, his sexy Adam's apple bobbed up and down. His fingers dug into her willowy waist.

It was no joke.

She was deliberately igniting the flames inside him, they were engulfing his heart and eating out his rationale like a piece of pie. Turning him into a primitive animal living on and driven by desire.

Mumbling curses under his breathe, Lucifer dipped lower before raising Sera from her waist up, his other hand still holding onto the black beauty, the shiny Glock 19. It all happened in a flash.

Seamlessly, Sera's red lips were caught by Lucifer's own in a fiery battle, kissing, nibbling, biting and sucking her sweet suppleness.

Holding onto the man's sturdy arm, Sera closed her fluttering eyes and savored the sweet and sour passion. At a snail's pace, her fingers clutching onto his coat's sleeve slipped downwards to his palm, freeing the gun and taking it into her own small hand.

A mild frown colored Lucifer's face, with his ears perked up he was about to peel away from Sera when she bit onto his lower lip. It was a light tug, not painful at all. It instead felt a little tingly.


Simultaneously, a gunshot rang in the air followed by a groan of pain. However, the pair of lovers didn't separate and remained entangled, unperturbed by the commotion.

Behind Lucifer, a long haired man with a mole on his lip was still groaning in pain, when another shot was fired by Sera. His body shuddered. She didn't even need to see where the man was to shoot him in the gut. His pale blue shirt underneath the white waistcoat soaked in blood as he fell limp on the ground with his eyes open wide.

The sight of him was disturbing.

Panting heavily, Sera and Lucifer finally pulled away from each other. He had long loosened his grip on her waist, his fingers gently ran across her flushed cheeks akin to fresh apples. His gray orbs were hiding his fascination for this petite woman with an innocent face but spellbinding skills, in his arms, close to his heart, his body, in this lifetime.

The man felt that he was extremely lucky!

"I think there are others as well.."

Catching her breath, Sera looked straight into Lucifer's eyes as she mumbled in a low voice, almost a whisper. Yet, the man was able to hear her clearly, given their closeness.

"Wanna take care of them.. Together?!"

An indescribable surge of thrill rushed through Lucifer as he thought of watching Sera in combat mode, just like that fateful night. He wanted to stand by her as she battled and fight alongside her. His tone slightly amused, also expectant.

"Yes! Together.."

With a gleam in her black eyes akin to stars twinkling in the dark night skies, Sera agreed without any hesitation. She was more than ready.

Now, rather than whining about taking a break, Sera really wanted to break some bones!

"You keep that one.."

Pursing his lips, Lucifer squeezed Sera's palm holding the gun as his voice came into her ears. She gave a nod, returning his glance.

Just as their fleeting interaction came to an end, two other men in formal clothes emerged. Exchanging glances, Sera and Lucifer turned around to take each one down.

Noticing the gun in Sera's hands, the man standing few feet away instantly went on high alert. He tried to snatch the gadget, and ran towards her, alas, her shot was beyond his calculations. The bullet hit right the target, straight in between his brows, startling the other man who was being held down by Lucifer. His eyes went as wide as saucers.

With a crack, Lucifer effortlessly broke his neck that led to his untimely death. No regrets.

"Let's get out of here first.. If the other's notice us, it would be dangerous!"

Staring at the four dead men on the rooftop of his hotel, Lucifer said in a low voice. Nodding her head, Sera agreed to his statement.

"Did I tell you? That you're looking really, really very beautiful tonight? I'm falling in love all over again.."

Pausing in his steps, Lucifer pinched Sera's chin as his subwoofer like voice tickled her ears, making her hot and breathless. She shook her head in denial when the man crashed his mouth on her, forcefully taking away her sweet nectar.

"That's my compliment for you!"

Giving another quick peck, after a very long, deep kiss, Lucifer whispered in a dazed Sera's ears. They were tinted pink, while her lips were bitten to a swollen red.

Taking away the gun from Sera, Lucifer brought her towards the exit, holding her in his arms.

Soon, the mysteriously masked good-looking couple disappeared in thin air.