A Little Sacrifice

The pair evaded all the eyes trying to find them. Shying away from the shadows they managed to sneak into Sera's hotel room.

Feeling a little thirsty, Lucifer grabbed the half empty water bottle from the cabinet and turned around only to see Sera taking off her dark colored coat.

Since it was quiet cold at the rooftop, Sera opted to wear an overcoat to keep herself warm, afraid that she'd fall I'll the next day. And it was a wise decision, cause like this she wouldn't be recognized by those thugs.

It's a win-win situation!

"Aren't you going downstairs.. The party is about to start and you're.."

When the coat was finally off Sera's slim figure, Lucifer who was uncapping the bottle gulped audibly. Having swallowed back half of the words he was about to say, the man's hand holding the water bottle almost faltered. His gaze never moving from her enticing curves as she straightened up her outfit, makeup and hair.

Taking her own sweet time, Sera was quite focused on herself, so much so that she failed to notice Lucifer gawping at her like a fat kid eyeing his favorite chocolate cake. He was drooling over her. It was comical, yet cute.

'Damn! What am I seeing?!'

Stunned speechless by the sight before his eyes, Lucifer stood still in his tracks, his feet as heavy as lead as they refused to move. Earlier, Sera was fully covered to protect herself from the cold wind. Hence, he couldn't get a clearer view of her outfit but now...

'Smoking hot!'

Lucifer's gray eyes gave the stunning lady a complete once-over as his mouth hung open. One could see the bursting surprise in them as his stare eventually stopped on her beautiful face. His thoughts written all over his stupefied face.

"Lo.. Love? Wha.. What are you wearing..?"

After what seemed like an eternity had passed, the man found his voice as he quizzed clutching the water bottle in his hand tightly. His voice sounded really hoarse.

Touching up her lipstick for the final time, Sera puckered her sweet strawberry jelly like lips and blew a quick kiss at her own reflection in the mirror. She slowly turned to face Lucifer who was waiting for her answer. Just to confirm that whatever his eyes were seeing wasn't a figment of his imagination but reality.

Well, Sera was looking so gorgeous that it was hard to believe that Lucifer wasn't dreaming!

"Oh! You like it? I dressed up personally for you.."

Quirking her straight brows, Sera inquired sounding really seductive followed by a flirty wink directed at him.

The wink was like the icing on the cake! It left Lucifer wanting for more while he felt his heart turn into a puddle of glittery pink fluff.

Not a dream!

It was all real. All of it!

"Ye.. Yeah! I.. Love it, i really love the way you're looking tonight!"

Feeling as though his soul is flying amidst the fluffy white clouds, thanks to Sera's charm, Lucifer bobbed his head like he was a broken doll.

In a flash, Lucifer's seductive lips curled up to evincing an equally seductive smile as he closed the distance between them. His mood had taken a complete 180!

*ring* *ring*

Unexpectedly, the mobile phone thrown carelessly on the bed rang, interrupting their conversation.

Bending down to retrieve the device that had disrupted their talk, Sera sweeped an uninterested glance at the caller id. It was Su Yin calling.

"Ah! Yinyin.. Yes, I'll be there in a minute"

Intently peering at Lucifer who was slowly prowling forward like a tiger out to get his prey after tasting blood, Sera fought hard to maintain her composure. Her tone and expression completely inscrutable of the things running in her blanked out head, her heart jumpy.

"Yup! I'm alright.. Don't worry, tell brother to relax. I'm coming"

While Sera was seemingly busy on the phone, Lucifer played with her ruby red earrings dangling down her small ears. Moving to her cheeks and chin, caressing her smooth skin with his calloused thumb. It was warm, the heat of his touch against her skin making her crack into a natural smile.

Repressing her giggles, Sera bit the fleshy inside of her cheek, keeping herself from cracking up.

After exchanging a couple of words with Su Yin about the party and her brother, Sera hung up under Lucifer's smotheringly dark gaze.

"Why'd you do that for? You knew I was on the phone with Su Yin.."

Acting all coy in front of Lucifer's predatory gray eyes, Sera raised her brows, frowning as she inquired in a soft voice.

Being the astute man that he was, Lucifer could sensed that something seemed to be different about Sera today, leaving him bemused. First her surprise outfit left him befuddled, on top of that she had audaciously blew a flying kiss, then that killer wink!

It was a master stroke..

Sera was really pushing Lucifer's buttons damn right making him go crazy. Tortuous. In hindsight, Sera was never this flirty and would flush beet red at even the slightest teasing. It was amazing.

Hiding a rare smile in his eyes that could exceed the bar of a man doting his beloved woman, Lucifer breathed a sigh, as though afflicted. His tone low and husky, laced with his raw emotions of love for his Sera.

Taking Sera's small hand into his, Lucifer placed her palm on the left side of his chest.

"It's your own fault for being so, so damn attractive.. I couldn't stand still just staring at you, without touching you, feeling you, it was making me restless.. You see that? My heart is beating crazily!"

"Thank you! Let's get this night rocking.."

Pulling onto Lucifer's tie forcefully with the other hand, Sera's eyes sparkled with joy as she declared like the almighty queen that she was. Chuckling mirthfully at her antics, Lucifer promptly pecked her cute nose and flashed his perfect smile making her already jubilant heart burst in happiness. He'd restrain himself until the party gets over.

A little sacrifice for Sera's happiness!