His Mind, Heart and Body

The impeccably dressed young woman evinced an indescribable elegance drawing attention to the simplest of her movements.

As graceful as a pristine queen of swans amidst the conspiracy of cunning ravens and a paddling of ugly ducklings.

"Oh My God! Is that a goddess I'm seeing?!"

"What about the man? I say, he is no lesser than the God of handsomeness!!"

"Bless my eyes! They look stunning, both of them.. Are they celebrities?"

"Maybe! But why their faces.."

"Sshhh.. She, she smiled! Damn, my poor heart.."

The goddess flicked her gaze to the young man dressed in an equally fitting manner, an enigmatic smile dancing about her wine colored lips. He returned her gaze, his thin lips curled faintly revealing a smile so rare to be witnessed.

Subsequent murmurs and susurrus rose largely as all eyes were glued on the pair under limelight. After a beat, the lights were flickered on adding a dim starlight to the dead dark night.

The effect filled the dimly lit great hall with endless romance. It looked really romantic.

"Are we by chance in a movie set? This is too real to believe.. I don't understand what's happening yet I'm enjoying every bit of it.."

"You bet! I'm as confused as a newborn chick.. If this is a dream then I don't want this dream to end!!"

"What goddess, what beauty? And what sh*tty celebrities are they?! Nonsense.."

"Yeah right! Who gave them the right to call themselves as celebrities..? And how did they enter inside as though they own this place.."

"Yes, security.. Call the security and throw this trash out!!"

Intrigued by the sudden appearance of rather glamorous intruders people went berserk. Some were singing praises like enthusiastic fangirls and fanboys with a century old love for their idols while others, who are jealous and spiteful were spouting nothing but hateful words.

Unpeeturbed by the rising animosity as well as the intense fandom the mystifying duo stood tall and proud. Their faces had the same blissful smile that added an insouciant charm to their overall appearance.

Extending his large palm amidst all the susurration, the man gestured the young woman to follow his lead and she gladly obliged. The young woman's celestial eyes shone behind the mask as she placed her delicate hand in his. Her small hand easily slipped into his, as though it was made to be held by him.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat just with this small act, tickling their hearts a glittery pink.

At this juncture, the previously absent Lu Jinan who had followed out a familiar looking figure came back. After recieving more than six missed calls from his father.

With all the commotion inside the hall and his father's incessant phone calls, Lu Jinan finally found the crux of the issue. His inky gaze transfixed on the couple occupying the centre of the dancefloor. It was clear that they were going to dance from their stance.

The young man with his rough diamonds like gaze placed his hand on her waist and whisked her onto the dancefloor and they turned and twirled as if they were professionals.

"What the fuck..!"

Bamboozled beyond any words of logic, Lu Jinan cursed out loud not in the least bit able to comprehend the unfolding events. The shock so hard, one could see his eyes almost popping out of his skull.

They twirled and twisted, matching their steps in complete synchronization looking as pretty as a picture that had come to life.

In awe of their mind-blowing performance, the murmurs of the crowd quieted down to a great extent. There was pin drop silence with the only soothing sound of the music that was playing.

It was pleasant to one's ears as well as eyes.

On the dancefloor, the low sounding vibrato along with the pleasing musical notes was everything orgasmic. So deadly, it could make one forget their own identity feeling gratified. The rarest of smiles, more than the coveted jewels in the whole wide world was on display but only for a certain pair of eyes.

"I never expected to see you dressed like this.. I'm immensely glad to have the privilege of gracing my eyes with your celestial beauty"

Widening the engaging smile on her ruby red lips, the voice carrying jubilation came into ears. However, halfway through the words came to an abrupt halt making it quite awkward.

"Really? I'm glad too. After all my efforts have been paid well. I did all of this just for you! I wanted to show you.."

What couldn't be said out loud to the world was repeated inside the closed doors of one's head with proper enunciation, as well as sound effect!

'That I look better than Xia Ruo Lan.. Hmphhh!!'

With that pause came a frown coloring the lady's bright face and arousing the man's inquisitiveness. His dark brow raised in concert with his drawdled out question as he hummed a tune.

"Hmm? Show me..?"

Faced with that dark gaze of the man, the gears in her muddled up brain were racing nonstop.

An instant excuse was cooked up by the genius brain just like the not-so-tasty and appetizing, yet fulfilling instant noodles. The tone and demeanor not once betraying the confidence as she raised her chin in faux arrogance looking as cute as a fierce tigress' cub.

"Show.. You.. How I look stunning in all kinds of different attire. Traditional or modern!"

Surprisingly, Sera actually wore a midnight black qipao instead of a flowy off-shoulder gown, like always.

The design of the qipao was a bit on the modern side in style. It had a beautiful design of 3-D butterflies in black and white around her neckline, bust and waist in asymmetrical pattern, along with red roses encrusted with rubies, adding a delicate charm. The butterflies were adorned with black and white pearls as well as tiny sparkling diamonds.

The qipao was adhering to every single one of Sera's curves intimately, showing off every single sexy nook and cranny of her curvaceous body.

The man - who was none other than the legendary devil of all devils - Lucifer wore an elegant black suit.

The suit tailored fit to hug Lucifer's oh-so-yummy and toned body. A bedazzling rose patterned lapel pin in ruby red stuck to the man's black coat. His long legs adorned a polished pair of italian handmade leather shoes. No matter how much his accessories sparkled, they could not hide the man's natural air of royalty and his handsomeness.

"And, that you can dance with me without taking account of the prying eyes of this cruel world?"

A sense of familiarity engulfed Sera filling her with immense joy and satisfaction as slowly she raised her head to glance at the chiseled chin and jawline. Her quivering heart jumped in anticipation as she braved herself to meet the steely gray orbs gazing passionately at her.

She was on cloud nine!

"That's right! I want to let everyone know how lucky I am to have met you, and to be loved by you.."

Nobody knew the restraint that Lucifer had to posses so as to stop himself from devouring Sera in front of hundreds of people, including her family and friends. Not even Sera was aware of the tussle that the man was engaged with himself, in his head. Between his mind, heart and body.