Big Bad Eagle

Tripping the lights fantastic under the lit up golden chandeliers, the enigmatic couple moved like a stream of magic on the large dancefloor.

Slack-jawed by the amazing sight before their very eyes, awes and gasps were heard before many from the crowd of onlookers joined them on the dancefloor. Giving into the rising itch to move to the music that was being played, bodies swayed and feet shuffled in a practiced rythm joining in the fun.

Standing at the side, and facing the now crowded dancefloor with his grandmother, Lu Jinan was aghast. With sensations so foreign swallowing up his trembling heart as he felt Anna Lu's dubious gaze on him.

"Lu Jinan? Who.. Who is that man Sera is dancing with? Why is Sera dancing with an unknown man??!"

Utterly helpless, Lu Jinan thought inwardly as he almost cried without tears.

'Fuck! Why am I the one being questioned here?! Even I don't know what's happening!'

Lu Jinan's instinctive reply to Anna Lu's interrogation was 'I don't know'. However, after considering Sera's feelings, and his responsibility as a brother to her, the man decided to save her this time.

Whipping up a story, Lu Jinan tried to put his grandmother's mind at ease.

"I.. I have no idea! Aah~ I remember now, he.. He is one of the performers, Sera wanted to do a special performance and, and he.. He's her, her partner for the dance performance!"

'I can't back out now! Whatever the truth is, it can wait for now because I don't want to die early! Let's stick to the lies I've spun to protect myself.. And Sera!'

Like a good comrade in life and death, Lu Jinan wasn't going to surrender, yet!

Bobbing his head vehemently, the sweating Lu Jinan tried to sound as convincing as he could. Nobody knew if the man was convincing his grandmother or himself!

"Yes! Yes, that's.. That's how it is.."

With bated breath, Lu Jinan held Anna Lu's shrewd and penetrating gave that didn't hide her doubts. He gulped a mouthful as his long fingers were crossed at the back.

"Are you sure.. You aren't lying to me?"

'Darn! Sera.. You better compensate me well for taking a bullet for you this time, or else..'

Almost blurting curses out loud in his state of desperation, Lu Jinan clenched his jaw as he chuckled, his handsome face strained tight.

"Hehe.. Why will I be lying to you?"

Attempting to flee away from Anna Lu's wrath, Lu Jinan quizzed. His feet moved even before he could finish his sentence.

"Grandmother, aren't you feeling thirsty? I'll get you something to drink.."

Frowning, Anna Lu snapped at Lu Jinan's back, glaring daggers at him as he scurried away.

"Oi, you brat! Come back here.. I'm not so scary as you make out to be! Lu Jinan!!"

While Anna Lu was fuming mad, Francis Lu and his wife, Lu Shanshan were having the time of their life dancing.

On the dancefloor.

"Are you seducing me on purpose?"

As Sera's mellifluous voice fell, Lucifer's eyebrows shot up questioningly while he asked teasingly. Those gray eyes of his held a mischievous glint making him look as handsome as ever.

His deep vibrato mixed with the melodious notes of music sounded sensual to her ears. Her heartbeat racing at an incredible pace.

The small face of the woman in Lucifer's arms reddened immediately. Amused, he bit back a smile waiting for her reply.

"Sed.. Seduce? Wha.. What are you saying?"

With an incredulous expression plastered across her face, Sera glowered at Lucifer as her words came out in a stammer. Her big black eyes staring wide-eyed in shock.

Well, it's true that Sera wasn't an open person when it came to showing affection towards Lucifer or showering him with all kinds of sweet words of confession! She's most likely to either say 'I love you' or 'I miss you'.

That being the case, the earlier comments made by Sera had a rather huge effect on Lucifer.

The man's heart was soaring high in the skies amidst the white clouds as fluffy and sweet as marshmallows. Yet, at that time, his face was composed with only a teeny-weeny hint of warmth surfacing through his gray pools.

Maybe, the immense happiness that came to Sera after achieving her long awaited dream brought forth those magical words. Lucifer had no idea, however his happiness was no lesser than hers.

In fact, his happiness was boundless.

Seeing how Sera's face was now colored a bright shade of red, Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle throatily.

"Don't laugh!"

Watching the man laughing so happily at the expense of her embarrassment, Sera bit out in annoyance. Her vibrantly painted lips pursed in a tight line.

"Then don't make such a cute face! You know, you look exactly like red from that animated movie angry birds.."

With Sera acting like a spoiled brat, Lucifer couldn't keep a straight face. Refusing to let her off without a good teasing, he remarked. Still laughing.

"No I don't! I really don't.. It's you who looks like that big bad eagle. What's it called? Haaa.. 'Mighty Eagle'!"

Fuming, and puffing her flushed cheeks out Sera intercepted. She looked like a cute little chipmunk beckoning Lucifer to pinch her face. She continued to mock him with her soft lips curled into a devilish grin.

"Don't. Look. Back!"

Instead of turning Sera around in a twirling motion, Lucifer suddenly drew her body dangerously closer to his as he whispered in a low voice. His hawk-like eyes trained on the intruder hiding behind an antique showpiece.

"Wha.. Why?!"

Sticking closer to Lucifer, a baffled Sera was slow in reacting as she inquired. She swayed about with her chin resting on his shoulder while her straight brows knitted in a knot.

"They're here.. Ask your people to turn the lights off, I'll sneak out and take care of them. Adrian must be here, somewhere.."

Moving his hand from Sera waist to the small of her back, Lucifer gently caressed her reassuringly. He tried to calm her down after sensing her body go stiff in his arms.

"Uhm.. Okay, take care"

Closing her eyes, Sera took a deep breath and her fingers holding him tightened as she mumbled. After a beat, she fluttered her eyes open.

"Don't worry, I'll see you later!"

Almost crushing Sera's petite self, Lucifer placed a chaste kiss on the side of her neck. The man's familiar scent and warm breath brushed past her skin causing tiny goosebumps to appear.

Slowly, along with the tempo of the music that went from fast to slow and mellow before coming to an unsurprising halt, Lucifer parted from Sera with a lingering kiss on her forehead.

Everyone stopped dancing.