Not A Pervert

The big, wide smiles on everyone's faces reflected the satisfaction they were feeling in that moment as they watched their partner's blissful countenance. It was warm and cozy.

Soon, darkness engulfed the entire great hall.

Unmoving, the guests stood in their places while holding onto their companions and waiting for the lights to switch on instead of panicking. Totally unlike what happened the last time.

Suddenly, the dim lights of the stage were flicked on.

A dead silence ensued in the air followed by a wave of astonishment in the eyes of all the people. Except the assassins who lay motionless behind the bushes of the hall's emergency exit.

"1, 2, 3.. 1, 2.."

The emcee in an elegant looking white suit appeared on the platform with a microphone in his hand.

Beside the unfamiliar man stood a very familiar as well as beautiful lady in a black lace mask donning a qipao dress. Their hearts thumping loudly in anticipation of what's going to come next.

This evening had been nothing less than a thrilling rollercoaster ride not only for Sera and Lucifer, but also for the guests that were invited to the party. They all wanted to know the identity of this alluring and mysterious woman who had subconsciously stolen their hearts, without even showing her face.

Many were smitten by her charming smile while others were envious of her effortless beauty.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you're having a great time. Especially after the enthralling performance by our very own host for the party tonight.. Ms Seraphina Lu!"

In front of hundred pairs of shocked eyes and paled faces, the emcee stopped his gaze on the lady beside him after declaring her as the Lu family's princess, Seraphina Lu!

"Let's give Ms Seraphina Lu and her partner for their incredible moves a big, big round of applause, ladies and gentlemen!!"

Smiling calmly, the emcee raised his hand to invite Sera forward and address the assemblage.

Taking graceful steps amidst the glaring attention and thunderous applauds, Sera smiled at the emcee and recieved the microphone from him.

When Sera turned around the spotlight hit her directly. Her even white teeth against those soft and plump lips of hers made heads turn and hearts race. While those glittering black eyes of hers beheld all the stars in the night sky. Many men could feel their faces turn hot as well as red in embarrassment.

"Good Evening everyone.. I'm really glad and happy to see you enjoying your time here at the party..."

The goddess like woman's well defined curves, and flawless looks were absolutely show stopping under the spot light. Her black qipao was the embodiment of the gentleness as well as the mysteriousness of olden day beauties. However, it also held the sexiness and sultriness of today's modern women.

"Our daughter.. She's grown up to become a very graceful lady"

Wiping the tears at the corner of her eyes, Lu Shanshan leaned against Francis Lu's sturdy frame with a faint smile. Her gaze transfixed on Sera who stood proudly on the stage.

"And independent.."

Smiling gently at his wife's words, Francis Lu concurred, adding with a prideful glint in his eyes. His tone extremely clear without any doubt.

"Yes.. Independent!"

Realizing the way in which her words were interpreted, Lu Shanshan nodded while reiterating her husband's words. Her hand around his waist tightened into a firm hug.

On the sidelines, Anna Lu gazed at her son and his wife with smiles that reached her ears. Eventually, she flicked her gaze to Sera, her entire self oozing with motherly warmth.

Meanwhile, at a secluded and dim corner of the hotel were a couple of burly men lying motionless on the ground. Battered and bruised.

Faint silhouettes of a tall man and woman could be seen on the walls. They stood silently in the dark with an awkward air around them.

"What the hell?!"

Holding her glamorous looking gown's lower half in her hand, Su Yin yelled in disbelief. Her eyes staring widely at the man in front of her.

"Quite down. I was trying to help you.."

A helpless look formed on Adrian's face as he said in a low voice. The man's blue eyes darting at the exit, with vigil. He extended his hands to grab her frail shoulders.

"Help my foot! Can't you see that you've ripped my dress.."

Swatting away Adrian's arm harshly, Su Yin glared at him with red flames in her eyes as she slightly raised the hem of her dress. Her perfectly styled hairdo was disheveled.

The originally flowy trail of the gorgeous teal colored gown of Su Yin no longer existed. It was ripped to shreds by Adrian after it was stuck in between metal bars while running. Now, it fell at her fair calves as it's length was reduced.

"Sshh.. Don't shout! They might hear you.."

Exasperated by Su Yin's incessant nagging and the situation at hand, Adrian shushed her. He pulled her behind a fake partition.

"Who are these guys? And why are they trying to harm you.."

Making a face, Su Yin followed Adrian as she mumbled with disgruntlement in her tone.

"Not me.. They're trying to harm my boss.."

Absentmindedly Adrian replied to Su Yin's question while his eyes were fixed on the doors.

"Oh! That perverted boss of yours who asks you to bring spare clothes for his girlfriends?"

Making a 'O' shape with her supple lips, Su Yin nodded her head after comprehending Adrian's words. She leaned forward, asking in a soft voice that betrayed to hide her displeasure.

"Girlfriend! Yes, but he's not a pervert and stop disrespecting my bro.."

Shaking his head, Adrian corrected Su Yin with a slight frown coloring his face. He went on to add, explaining his actual relationship with Lucifer when the sound of light footsteps was heard alerting the man.


Adrian said in a raspy voice, he pulled Su Yin closer to the wall and stood facing her, in a bid to hide her from those men.

Gulping a mouthful of her saliva, Su Yin stared unblinkingly at Adrian's magnified face. She could feel her heartrate ricochet due to their close proximity, especially in such a narrow space.

As Adrian's familiar scent flooded Su Yin's senses, she suddenly lowered her head feeling embarrassed. Her heart skipped a beat when his exposed chest came into her view. Her plump face turned crimson.

The voices were getting increasingly close to them and Adrian stood their like a rock, his senses wide awake. He was very alert.

"Ad.. Adrian.."

Clearing her throat lightly to find her voice, Su Yin softly called attracting his attention. Her face flushed hot.

"Ssh.. Yinyin don't make.."

Somewhat distracted, Adrian impatiently flicked his gaze to Su Yin before abruptly halting midsentence as though he'd bitten his tongue. His oceanic blue eyes stopped on her flushed face for a while, then to her glistening eyes and her rosy lips trembling ever so lightly.

As though in a trance, Adrian's calloused fingers naturally inched to caress her pink cheeks, and tucking away the strands of her hair.