Just A Woman

Time seemed to stop for Adrian in that moment as he caressed Su Yin's soft and supple skin affectionately. He truly wished for this moment to freeze in time so that he'd be able to rejoice it to his heart's content.

It's very rare to see a meek Su Yin for she's known to be a bomb of energy!

The girl's reddened face reflected in the depths of Adrian's oceanic blue eyes as he took in her appearance, her shy expression and the light movement of her quivering eyelashes. He could feel his heart trying to jump directly through his ribcage, tearing apart his flesh and skin.

The feeling was intense, it came with the thrill of the danger that they were in. It was oddly exhilarating.

Feeling the heat permeating through the man's calloused fingers to her skin, Su Yin sucked in breathe as a prickly sensation stirred her heart. She was a mess. His hot breathe brushing past her neck gave rise to a familiar tingling that made her crave for more.

She was getting greedier, and it was bad.

She knew it.

Her heart knew it.

Even her body was aware of it.

"Ad.. Adrian.."

Biting the inside of her lower lip to keep herself awake, Su Yin again called out in a low tone to stop things from escalating. She was afraid of alerting the men who were lurking outside, and was constantly on the lookout.


Having momentarily forgotten about the assassins on the hunt for him and Lucifer, Adrian hummed an indifferent tune. His face slowly inched closer to Su Yin's as though he's about to kiss her rosy lips. Her hands on the sides were clutching his thin black shirt tightly.

"Co.. Cock.."

Shifting uncomfortably to avoid him, Su Yin turned her face to the side as she stuttered incoherently. Her face turning pale by the second.

Leaning back, a frowning Adrian glanced at Su Yin's pale face in confusion. This time, he tried to listen clearly.

"Cock.. Cockroach.."

Pulling onto Adrian's sleeve in frustration, Su Yin almost ripped it apart from his shirt while her words caught him off-guard. He almost shrieked out loud when her palm slapped against his mouth, shutting him up in time.

"Don't! They'll hear you.."

Widening her jade like eyes, Su Yin shook her head as she said ib hushed tone before uncovering Adrian's mouth.

"Let's get out of here first.."

Seemingly fidgety due to the presence of a tiny insect behind his towering self, Adrian remarked.

"What about.."

Understanding the man's predicament, Su Yin's gaze shifted to the other side as she quizzed.

"I'll handle them.. You don't worry!"

Stimulated rightly by Su Yin's concern for him, Adrian unhurriedly interrupted her with a faint smile playing about his thin lips.

The smile was gentle and reassuring yet the unease on her face was as clear as the day.

'How can I not worry you!', was what Su Yin wanted to say, she wanted to shout at him but her voice didn't come out.

Staring at Adrian's smiling face with an aggrieved expression, Su Yin bit her lips and remained silent instead of speaking her thoughts.

Even without having to say anything Adrian clearly understood Su Yin's sentiments and her turmoil. Her black eyes glaring at him emoted the unsaid words that her insides wanted to scream out loud.

The man sighed, dipped his neck and stole a quick kiss.

"Ah~ Fuck it..!"

Just as Adrian's figure disappeared in the dark, Su Yin cast a glance at the tattered ends of her dress and sighed appearing helpless.

After leaving Su Yin in the narrow space of the faux partition wall, Adrian saw a short chain of beefed up guys in black with guns.

'Not bad, it's show time!'

Smirking at the development, Adrian pulled out his gun and took aim, an evil glint in his eyes.

*bang* *bang*

Two shot down, their bodies falling hardly on the concrete ground created a thudding sound.

The others who stood shocked by the man's agility wanted to charge at Adrian when a sparkling heel came flying at their way. It slammed right on of the men's face creating a big red bruise oozing with fresh blood.


Before the injured man could react, another heel struck the other man while our blue eyed boy pulled the trigger at their sorry figures. Groaning and grunting, the other three too fell to their deaths, their bodies lying in a pool of blood.

"Dammit! Get them..!!!"

Shouted the man in black with a beard as he glared at Adrian with his bloodshot eyes.

Witnessing their teammates fall, the few remaining men tried to make things hard for Adrian when Su Yin emerged.

From the looks of her attire Su Yin looked ready for a real fight. She had tore apart the tattered ends of her dress and it now reached above her knees. Her hair were tied into a bun. All the accessories that she had worn were removed and her face was damp with beads of sweat.

However, the determination in Su Yin's eyes was something Adrian had never seen before. His thin lips stretched into a devilish smile, while the men were aghast. They were dumbfounded by her intrusion as they quietly traded glances with their partners.

"She's just a woman! Get him first.."

Said a burly man with beard to his partner with a slightly short stature but well-built who immediately acted on his orders.

The large diamond ring on Su Yin's finger was as hard as a mountain rock, noses were broken the moment she packed a blow catching them off-guard. Just like Adrian had taught her. Her movements extremely nimble.

Rushing forward, Adrian supported Su Yin with one hand around her waist to hoist her up in the air as she raised her leg to land a kick. His other hand holding a gun knocked him on his head and moved to his other target.

Adrian's bullet zoomed forward instantly tearing through the man's flesh, and he coughed blood. The red liquid streaming down his slightly parted mouth.

In just few minutes Adrian and Su Yin had easily taken the men sent my Liu Chenmin down.

Shortly after, Adrian's men arrived at the spot to find him and Su Yin in an awkward position amidst the dead bodies. Their faces turned into an unnatural expression as they took in the unusual sight in front of them.

"Leave me now.."

Adrian had held Su Yin by the waist, she was seen standing in front of him with her head lowered to hide her face, and it looked really suggestive from the man's amused smiling face.

"Bo.. Boss!!"

Clearing their throats awkwardly, Adrian's subordinates called out in a voice that was neither firm nor wavering.

"Mad.. Madam?!"

Among everyone there was only one man, Xiao Bo who instantly recognized Su Yin and greeted her. His words brought a wave of shock in the group, they stood gaping at Su Yin's face, Adrian and Xiao Bo who was all smiles.

Pushing away Adrian's hand Su Yin cast a doubtful glance at Xiao Bo, her black eyes sparkled in recognition. He snaked his arm around her waist looking like a jealous wife.

"Ah~ I remember you.. Xia.."

Listening to Su Yin's words, one man was blushing while the other was frowning in displeasure of being pushed away again.

"Xiao Bo!"

As happy as a clam, Xiao Bo beamed at Su Yin as he nodded his head vehemently.

"Yes, Xiao Bo! How are you doing? Is he feeding you well?"

Slowly nodding her head, Su Yin asked with a subtle smile as she raised her gaze to Adrian's grumpy self.

Feeling his boss's ice-cold glare on him, Xiao Bo chuckled mirthlessly to hide the pressure he was feeling.

"Hehe.. Madam, I really miss your strawberry cupcakes!"

Salivating at the memory of Su Yin's home-made cupcakes the man blurted out shamelessly.

*ahem* *ahem*

Just as Su Yin was about to say something in response to Xiao Bo, a series of loud and deliberate coughs intercepted her.

"Yes! Boss.. We've cleared the floor, these men will be cleared in five. Also, Big Boss, he his nowhere.."

Reading the disadvantageous situation that Xiao Bo had accidentally landed himself in, thanks to his gluttonous nature, his partner stepped forward to save him. He reported the substance of their task to Adrian earning a nod as well as a grateful glance.

Before the man could complete, Adrian's personal phone rang interrupting their conversation.

*ring* *ring*

Only Su Yin and Lucifer had this number.

Su Yin was here with Adrian, so, it could be Lucifer who is calling him now!

Raising his hand, Adrian stopped him and glanced at Su Yin before picking up the call.


Answering the call, Adrian's lips hastily moved as he addressed Lucifer at once, even before the other side could say anything. He was impatient.

"Thank God! Hmm.. You take care, I'll oversee everything over here.. Don't worry, have a good time!"

Heaving a sigh, Adrian exclaimed softly and continued with the call, replying to Lucifer on the other side.

"Haha.. I'll see you"

Laughing, Adrian hung up on the call and turned to look at the confused faces of his subordinates.

"You can clear up the rest of the things.. Boss is alright! Inform me if anything unusual happens.."

After giving out the required instructions, Adrian turned to grab Su Yin and walked out. He didn't forget to glare daggers at Xiao Bo who felt a chill crawl on his spine.