Where's Lucifer?!

When Sera was rumored to be missing, Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan actively went on the lookout for her. They searched every high and low of the grand hotel but couldn't track her whereabouts.

Unfortunately, they didn't check the rooftop as it's not accessible to everyone. So, they didn't think that Sera would be able to get through the security.

Dejected, the pair were making their way back to the great hall, to inform Su Yin, Lu Jinan and the others about their failure when Ethan Lee spotted Adrian.

The blue eyed hunk was engaged in a neck-to-neck tussle with a man dressed in a similar all black outfit. With his jaw clenched, face laced with beads of sweat and lips pursed tightly he continued to fight the man with all his might.

Xia Ruo Lan strode ahead of Ethan Lee, her eyes darting around in expectation. She was constantly looking at her watch on her wrist.

Glancing at Xia Ruo Lan who was unaware of Adrian's presence, Ethan Lee warily took out the small silver gun from his coat's concealed pocket. Holding the gun in his hand, he stole another quick glance at the oblivious woman and inwardly sighed in relief.

"Xia Ruo Lan! I think we should look again on this floor. You go that side as it is safe and I'll go this side. This side of the corridor is nearer to me.."

Not minding Ethan Lee's obvious excuse, Xia Ruo Lan agreed with a shrug of her shoulders. Soon she disappeared out of sight.

After asking Xia Ruo Lan to look for Sera on the other side, Ethan Lee took aim and shot the man in his knee. Within seconds, Adrian subdued him, holding him captive he began his interrogation and obtained vital information about his other comrades.

Dashing towards Adrian who had the man dressed in a black uniform under his knee in a tight grip, Ethan Lee called out raspily. He was lightly panting.


Raising his gaze to meet Ethan's, Adrian smiled subtly with a hint of gratitude in his tone.

"Ethan, thank you.."

Shaking his head in response, Ethan Lee's cold gaze swept past the two men, one dead while the other was on the brink of death.

"Not a problem! Who are these people? And why are they here..?"

Pulling onto the half dead man's hair harshly that it earned a muffled groan, Adrian expounded whatever information he'd gathered.

"All these men are sent by Liu Chenmin to sabotage Miss Lu's celebration and harm the guests after finding out that Boss will be attending the party.."

Kicking the battered man's chin ruthlessly, Ethan Lee vented his frustration that couldn't be curbed with cuss words alone.

"Damn! That evil old bastard..!"

Chuckling darkly, Adrian nodded his head as he concurred Ethan Lee's words and thoughts. He was also boiling with anger.

Recomposing himself, Adrian further added with a small smile at the end, expressing his thanks to Ethan Lee for his help.

"Yeah.. I've informed boss, he's here as well. You can carry on, I'll look after the rest of the things.. Thanks again!"

Straightening his suit, Ethan Lee gave a curt nod and walked away leaving only two sentences behind.

"You take care! Call me if you need anything.."

As the man was passing by the elevators, the door opened and Xia Ruo Lan emerged startling him greatly. She beamed at him with a sweet smile that robbed him off speech.

"Oh! Ethan, you're here.."

At the drop of a hat, Xia Ruo Lan's frail looking hand pulled Ethan Lee inside with her. Her urgency was something he was unable to digest. His dark brows shot up questioningly.

"What happened?"

Visibly excited, Xia Ruo Lan divulged as she continued pulling Ethan Lee's arm. He simply shook his head smilingly, and followed her out.

"Let's go, Sera is already at the venue. I got a call from Mr Lu.."

By the time Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee stepped inside the great hall, Sera's dance performance was halfway through and the crowd was going crazy. Several others also joined Sera onto the dancefloor.

Laughing, and chatting merrily Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee occupied a quiet space next to an older couple. The suave looking dance partner twirling and twisting Sera's petite self was oddly familiar to both of them.


Discombobulated by the turn of events, the duo traded surprised glances as they cried out in unison. Stunned speechless, they continued watching the performance in complete silence as well as a confused mind.

'Hmm.. Maybe, because of Liu Chenmin's assassination attack Lucifer had to conceal his identity..'

After much contemplation, Ethan Lee finally arrived at a conclusion in his head as he believed that Lucifer was simply hiding himself in guise, as usual.

After all, Lucifer has always been matching his outfits with Ethan Lee's to protect his special identity. Although thus time he has opted a different method. It was plausible.

'Lucifer's relationship with Sera is definitely not simple.. Does Ethan know about this?'

With a doubt of her own, Xia Ruo Lan cast a dubious glance at the dancing couple and moved to Ethan Lee, who was lost in his thoughts.

'Last time, Lucifer even looked after Sera in the hospital when she collapsed..'

Shaking her head to refrain herself from thinking too much, Xia Ruo Lan turned her attention back to Sera on the dancefloor when the lights went off.

"Huh? Why is it suddenly dark.."

Panicked, Xia Ruo Lan groped around and held onto Ethan Lee's hand tightly in the dark when the lights were abruptly switched off.

The entire great hall was engulfed in darkness.

"It alright.. I'm here Ruo Lan"

Clasping their hands together, Ethan Lee softly coaxed Xia Ruo Lan who is afraid of dark. She tiredly slumped on his shoulder, her palms sweaty.

She closed her eyes to get ahold of herself when Ethan Lee's unique scent wafting through her nose acted as a calming agent. Soon, she started feeling hot and bothered by his presence as well as their close proximity.

When the dim lights of the stage were flicked on, Xia Ruo Lan was still clinging onto Ethan Lee's shoulder.

"The.. The lights are back!", Ethan Lee announced.

On the edge, Xia Ruo Lan could feel her heart almost ready to jump out of her chest. It was beating so fast and loud, even Ethan Lee could hear it's sound clearly.

Leaning back from Ethan Lee's embrace, Xia Ruo Lan lowered her head as she could feel her face flushed hot. Taking a deep breath, she raised her gaze, stopping it on Ethan's. She thanked him and was instantly astonished to find Lucifer missing on the stage.

"Thank you.. Huh? Where's Lucifer?!"

Not able to understand the situation, Xia Ruo Lan quizzed with a worried expression much to Ethan Lee's chagrin and also his concern for his bestfriend. He turned to look at the direction where she was staring.

The stage was accommodated by the emcee and Sera, there was no sign of their friend, Lucifer.