Being A Brother

While Sera's parents were greeting the guests while chatting cordially, Sera too engaged in the formality with a smile on her gorgeous face.

Standing amidst the group, Sera looked like an angel, an immortal descended from the heavens and the skies into the mortal world. Everyone around her felt so inferior, so lacking. It was intangible.

The enthusiastic guests showered her with all kinds of compliments and praises. Their eyes sparkling at a mere glance from her.

Excusing herself, Sera went to fetch a glass of water as she was feeling a little thirsty from all the talking when Xav appeared.

The man had his signature smile plastered across his handsome face that showed his perfectly even white teeth.

"Hey, Xav! Where's Maya?"

Breaking away from their big, warm hug, Sera quizzed with a hint of longing in her pair of gleaming eyes. She missed Maya, her bestfriend.

"Sera! You're looking so, so pretty.. I've never seen you dressed like this.. God! It's so beautiful! You.. Look so beautiful!!.."

As if he didn't hear Sera's question at all, Xav exclaimed in sheer excitement holding onto her frail shoulders. His hazel brown eyes roaming on her petite frame freely while his lips sang praises of her unrivalled beauty and elegance.

"Um.. Xav? I asked you about Maya?"

Feeling a little awkward under Xav's scrutiny that gave her strange tingles, Sera reiterated. Her small face blushing pink.

Taking his hands off Sera's shoulders, Xav hurriedly stepped back as if he'd touched hot iron instead of her soft and fragrant body.

"Oh! Yea, I forgot. My bad.. She's, she was here only.."

Looking away from Sera's inquisitive gaze, Xav stuttered uncomfortably much to her amusement. She bit back a mirthful smile looking at his listless self.

Well, he was always a weird one!

"Don't tell me she's going to cause trouble again?"

Recalling Maya and her affinity to cause trouble every now and then, Sera couldn't help but jest to lighten the awkwardness in the air.

She didn't like to see Xav acting all reserved and mute. After all the man was better at being a chatterbox!

Second to Maya, of course!

"She better not! I can't keep hiding away every two months and meet losses in business due to her recklessness.. She's always so impulsive!"

Agreeing with Sera's earlier comment about Maya that was mostly true, Xav nodded his head helplessly. He continued to rant how tired he was of his sister's unexpected encounters with danger every other day.

Though, half of Maya's troubles are due to Xav's own luck in business and the other half due to her own foolishness. Nonetheless, he is always the one constant winner who gains the benefits in all of her fights, petty or not.

Just like Xav, all of Maya's struggles are only for her brother and his own gains in life. All they did was strive for each other's wellbeing in this cruel, dog-eat-dog world.

"Woah! The businessman is tired of being a brother, I see.."

"Hey! No.. Nothing like that. I'm just saying.."

"I know! I'm just kidding.."

The duo of bestfriends were engaged in a fun conversation, laughing and cracking jokes when two figures approached them.

"That was an amazing performance there.. Sera!"

Holding onto Ethan Lee's arm, Xia Ruo Lan strode through the crowd and held Sera's hand intimately, just like true sisters. Her bright eyes were a glistening river of black.

"Xia Ruo Lan! Thank you so much.."

Smiling gleefully at Xia Ruo Lan's ecstatic self and Ethan Lee's disturbed expression as he stared at Xav's face, Sera expressed in her mellifluous voice.

Her gaze hiding something unfathomable as she held Xav and Ethan's behavior towards each other.

Xav was getting fidgety after seeing Ethan Lee with Sera. He promptly recalled the last time they met at H City's auction in Lucifer's presence, and felt ants crawl over his body. His face turning oddly pale.

"Um.. I'll see you later"

Smiling stiffly, Xav shot Sera a meaningful glance and scurried away, vanishing into the throng of guests.

Deeply regarding the hints of discomfiture displayed by Xav with his keen gaze, Ethan Lee instantly sensed something amiss in his disposition. Especially after finding the man familiar.

"He.. Is that your friend?"

After giving it some thought, Ethan Lee decided to ask Sera directly instead of dawdling. His gaze sharply locked in the direction where Xav had disappeared.

Noticing the unusual aura emanating from Ethan Lee the moment he came in contact with Xav, Sera felt apprehensive.


In response to Ethan Lee's inquiry about Xav, an ominous feeling rose from the depths of Sera's insides and she blurted out.

Her on the mark instincts screamed as loud as a banshee inside her head, telling her to hide whatever information she had about Xav and Maya.

"I feel like I have seen him.. Somewhere"

Turning around to gaze at Sera who was smiling oh-so-naturally at him, Ethan Lee's expression eased as he said. His tone and expression unreadable.

"Ethan! I mean, yeah maybe.. You're from the business circle and he is my brother's friend so.."

Nodding her head at Ethan Lee's remark, Sera expeditiously cooked up a story to feed his curious brain.

"Anyway, where did Lucifer go? Sera? He was with you right?"

Feeling out of place in their conversation, Xia Ruo Lan interjected with unfeigned interest.

At Xia Ruo Lan's prodding, flashes of what occurred earlier surfaced rendering Sera shocked. Clenching her fists, she quickly regained herself and turned to reply her.

"I.. Yeah, he said.. He said that he'll be back soon.. I don't know where he is.."

Deep down, Sera was also worried about Lucifer. She couldn't find words to describe her feelings, and ended up stammering in a guilty manner that came as a surprise to both Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan.

Taking in Sera's quick change in demeanor after Lucifer was mentioned, Ethan Lee was sure that she knew something about today's assassination. Sighing inwardly, he came to her rescue.

"It's okay, he's probably hanging around somewhere.."

As he spoke, Ethan's voice resounded the firm determination and faith he had in Lucifer and his abilities. It instantly put Sera's heart at ease.

Understanding his intention behind those two simple words 'it's okay' that meant everything for her, Sera blinked gratefully at him with a smile. This small exchange between them didn't go unnoticed from Xia Ruo Lan who had a disconcerting look on her face.