Their Subtle Flirtations

A sullen expression colored Xia Ruo Lan's face, her black eyes lost their sparkle as feelings of deep discontentment brewed inside her.

She wordlessly stared at Ethan Lee and Sera as they smiled at each other resembling an ideal pair of lovers that girls normally envied.

Their expressive gaze speaking volumes.

Aggrieved, Xia Ruo Lan bit her lower lip and lowered her head to avoid showing herself like this. Especially to Sera and Ethan Lee.

"Who are you guys talking about?"

Just as Xia Ruo Lan was berating herself in her head, a sub-woofer voice reverberated startling the trio.

They turned to find a striking gentleman with his gray orbs gazing at them and a devilish smile playing about his seductive lips.

Lucifer looked as handsome as ever even in the disheveled state that he was in. Still wearing the same black suit minus the tie, and the ruby rose lapel pin, his shirt's top two buttons were undone.

The man's hair was a mess compared to the prim and proper style he was sporting earlier. The few creases on his outfit only added a rugged charm to his extraordinary good looks.

The very moment Lucifer's well recognized and adored vibrato graced Sera, her senses automatically heightened. Her initially throbbing mess of a heart instantly melted into a puddle of pink glittery mush. Her slender body relaxed on it's own, making her feel at home.

At this instant, Sera just wanted to dash into Lucifer's sturdy arms, and bask in his familiar warmth that never ceased to put her heart and soul at ease.

After experiencing the man's deliberate teasing from earlier, Sera could still feel the lingering heat of his touch on her skin that was enough to drive her crazy. Her face turning unnaturally hot just at the memory.

Petrified by these streams of foreign yet familiar sensations slowly conquering her body and mind, Sera remained mum whilst blushing profusely. She didn't dare speak a word in front of Lucifer in fear of exposing her lascivious thoughts.

"Oh! Lucifer.. We, we're talking about you!"

It was Xia Ruo Lan who spoke first to mask her own agitation, her voice wavering as she glanced at Ethan Lee.

"Really? You were really talking about me?"

Raising his brow in a provocative manner, Lucifer eyed Sera who looked like a little lamb in front of him, ready to be slaughtered at anytime. His magnetic tone low and throaty.

Withholding the urge to pounce into the man's soothing embrace, Sera dipped her head lower and snuck glances at his face that could leave a million hearts pounding and pining for him.

Feeling her intense pair of beautiful eyes locked on his countenance, Lucifer smiled teasingly making her trembling heart race at an impalpable speed. She really wanted to smack those seductively smirking lips of his.

Their subtle flirtations that were as clear as the day piqued the interest of Ethan Lee as well as Xia Ruo Lan. The pair eyed them with a rising suspicion that screamed at the back of their heads.

*ring* *ring*

The loud ringing of Sera's mobile phone came to her aid just in time, before Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan could grill her with all sorts of questions.

"He.. Hello?"

Turning to the side, Sera answered the call in a soft voice that was barely audible to Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan.

"Oh! I was waiting for you Yinyin.."

Letting her initial trepidatious feelings of being exposed dissipate in thin air, Sera returned back to herself as she exclaimed in a dejected manner. She was just like a petulant child.

"It's okay, I can understand.. Uncle Su has left already. Hmm.. You take care too.."

Nodding her head in consideration to Su Yin's circumstances, Sera smiled with a hint of adoration in her eyes. Her eyes gleamed with a mysterious glint.

Deep down, Sera was well aware that Su Yin was lying and the reason she couldn't attend the celebration party is actually Adrian!

"I'll see you tomorrow.. Promise!"

Instead of unveiling the thin black cloth covering Su Yin's fragile crystal of a lie, Sera decided to play along with her. Her smile so bright as she thought to herself.

Disconnecting the call, Sera stared at her dark phone screen for a while with a big smile and giggled. Her actions surprising everyone but Lucifer who understood her heart.

In fact, it was Lucifer who asked Adrian to leave early with Su Yin after taking care of things at the hotel. He was trying to be considerate of his elder brother's feelings!

Lucifer chuckled with a million stars dancing in his enigmatic gaze.

Smiling to himself, he shook his head at her indescribable cuteness that always managed to tickle his heart pink with overflowing love.

"It's Yinyin.. Something happened so she couldn't attend the party, and it's also getting late.."

Facing Ethan and Ruo Lan's questioning gazes, Sera expounded with a half smile. She felt sorry for lying on Su Yin's behalf.

"Oh! I didn't get to see her as well.. Let's all gather around for a hearty brunch this weekend?"

Seemingly dissatisfied by the news, Xia Ruo Lan sighed in regret before perking up with a newfound energy as she thought of a new plan. Like a eager child, she hastily turned to gain approval from Ethan Lee and Sera with a hopeful gaze.

"Sure! I'll invite Adrian.."

Instead of Ethan Lee or Sera, it was the great Mr Lucifer who readily agreed to Xia Ruo Lan's suggestion. An unfathomable smile danced on his lips that rendered them speechless.

The unusual enthusiasm reflected by his entire being was as dazzling as the bright sun, blinding both Ethan Lee and Xia Ruo Lan. It was the first time they were seeing him so eager to join a gathering apart from the infrequent boys-only drinking parties.

Glaring at their faces streaked with sheer bewilderment, Sera couldn't help but let out a suppressed laugh. She pursed her red lips gazing into his gray eyes flickering with light.

"Okay. Even I'll make sometime then.."

Snapping out of his daze after Sera's bell like laughter echoed in his ears, Ethan Lee gave a brief nod with a big smile. His tone that of jubilation after finally clinching a million dollar deal.