Baby Isn't So Cruel

Suddenly, Xia Ruo Lan felt the man's body pressing against hers on the comfortable and large bed. Her body soft, and inviting under his weight felt like heaven, and he sighed in pleasure.

Their lips continued dancing in a perfect sync, and their kisses became more and more passionate, moving downwards to her swan like neck, delicate clavicle and ample cleavage before claiming her juicy lips again.

He was getting addicted to her saccharine taste, giving him a fuzzy feeling as his warm and moist tongue invaded her with hungry passion.

In their delirious state that involved pure lust, pleasure and passion, Xia Ruo Lan's right paw groped Ethan Lee's bare skin as her left paw greedily undid the buttons of his shirt, fumbling in the process.

He was topless with only his black pants wrapped around his long legs as he lay on top of a gasping Xia Ruo Lan, her beautiful eyes were glassed over and lips swollen red.

'This is wrong.. Wrong! Wrong..!'

'But damn! It feels so, so good.. And I didn't force her, fuck! Why am I getting so worked up! Am I really the same Ethan Lee?!'

'Shit!! Why am I doubting my own identity now.. Something's really wrong with me!..'

A low raspy moan that was everything euphonious escaped Xia Ruo Lan's honey mouth, disrupting Ethan Lee's chain of thoughts.

The pair's lips parted for a split second and clasped onto one another once again with more fervour than ever.

Sliding his hand roughly onto the silky soft skin of Xia Ruo Lan's slender arm, Ethan Lee pinned it above her head as his kisses grew more greedy and demanding.

The heat flowing throughout Xia Ruo Lan's body began to thrive within her as she felt Ethan Lee's other hand glide through her cleavage and pull down the zipper of her dress on the side. Yanking down the front covering her bosom he unceremoniously dipped his face to suckle onto her fleshy orbs.

'Ah.. Aah.. I'm dying with pleasure.. Am I in heaven? Is this a dream?!'

Sucking in a sharp breath, Xia Ruo Lan pushed back her neck back in euphoria as low broken moans filled the air. Her fingers wringing his black hair messily, the twinge making him suck harder and harder. His teeth leaving glaring crimson marks on her jade like translucent skin.

Shortly after, Xia Ruo Lan and Ethan Lee were free from the smothering garments covering their tempting bodies as they explored every nook and cranny delightedly.

Panting and gasping like a pair of genuine lovers, they couldn't get enough of each other!

- - -

Su Yin's apartment.

"Yinyin.. Let me inside! I promise you that I'll buy you another gown, please.."

Standing outside Su Yin's bedroom with a helpless look on his face as he pounded his fist on the closed door, Adrian said coaxingly.

"No! You are to sleep on the couch tonight, and it's final.."

Putting on the pink knitted sweater with a big lazy cat on it, Su Yin screamed at the locked door. Her face was colored with a frown.

"But baby, I can't sleep peacefully without you by my side, and the couch is too small.."

Shaking his head, Adrian protested with a tender smile, his blue eyes twinkling as he thought of them snuggling atop Su Yin's single bed.

"Fine! You sleep on the bed then, I'll sleep on the couch.."

The door opened, Su Yin walked in while brushing her hair with her fingers before pulling them into a loose bun, exposing her bare face. Like a loyal pet excitedly waiting for it's master's return, Adrian stared at her with puppy eyes. She plopped herself onto the couch, arranging the cushions as well as the pillows on it.

"My baby, Yinyin.. It's cold at night, you'll freeze to death. Let me warm you.."

Settling himself beside busy Su Yin who was busy tidying up, Adrian shamelessly raised his arms, inviting her.

"Oh, shut up.. Adrian!"

Throwing a cushion on his face, Su Yin intercepted with an annoyed expression. Her small ears pink.

"Fine! Let's cuddle on the couch, it'll be cosier that way and you wouldn't fee cold.."

Adrian placed the cushion away as he tried to grab Su Yin. His flickering gaze revealed his obvious intentions.

"Do you think I wouldn't kick you out of my house?"

Shoving his face to the side, Su Yin weakly struggled out of his arms. Her tone ice cold as she glared at him warningly.

"Aye! My baby isn't so cruel.. Come here, let me kiss you!"

Not giving in to her threats, Adrian flashed his brightest smile and inched closer to Su Yin's face.

"Kiss my ass! Move from here.. Go sleep on the bed!"

Just as Adrian's lips were about to land on hers, Su Yin smacked his mouth harshly as she bellowed. She then threw his arm off her, and kicked him from the comfy couch.

"Nah! I'm not gonna leave until I kiss you good, you know how much I miss you.."

Instead of detaching, Adrian clung firmly onto Su Yin's and buried his face into her well endowed bosom that drove him crazy every time she moves. His other sneaky hand trailed downhill to knead her bouncy derrière. Her white shorts were unable to hide her assets from his keen gaze and skillful claws.

"Ad! Behave!!"

Infuriated by his roguish behavior, Su Yin screamed out loud. Her face turned hot and beet red.

"Okay, okay.. Just a hug?"

Observing the panick in her voice, Adrian smiled triumphantly and smiled pleasingly. His oceanic blue eyes darkened with lust for Su Yin's perfectly luscious body.

Suppressing her voice, Su Yin didn't say anything in reply but nodded her head as Adrian's wild claws and mouth wrecked havoc. She closed her eyes, and pulled him for a torrid kiss, all while mumbling curses.

"Ah..! I Love you, my baby! My Yinyin..", Adrian laughed when Su Yin ruthlessly bit his tongue tasting blood.

The next second Su Yin's pink sweater was strewn on the floor along with Adrian's blue pullover while his towering self covered her completely.

In the end, not only the exhausted Su Yin ended up sleeping with Adrian on the same bed but also had to fight him vigorously in the intense exercise. She closed her eyes in pain, muttering curses as her muscles were sore.