Ethan Lee, You Idiot!

Positioning himself, Ethan Lee gazed down at Xia Ruo Lan's flushed face covered with large beads of sweat, her body had turned a delectable shade of pink as she blushed profusely. Her misty orbs glaring straight into his dark pools carried the content she was feeling as they smiled at the man on top, making him feel great pressure and he pressed a feather-lite kiss on her forehead.

"Xia Ruo Lan..", his tone huskier, adding a hint of longing that was incredibly odd to the man himself. His eyes momentarily clouded with wetness.

In a swift motion, Ethan Lee thrust himself inside Xia Ruo Lan deeply, her feminine folds wrapping him snugly as she gasped for air. The gratification he felt was clear in the throaty low growl he'd let out, gritting his teeth.

Meanwhile Xia Ruo Lan's complexion was an unnatural shade of red, tears trickled down the sides of her face as she cried from the piercing pain with her mouth hanging open. Her nails digging into Ethan Lee's bare back.

"Et.. Ethan.. Ethan..", returning his embrace, Xia Ruo Lan tugged him in, answering each of his thrust hoarsely.

Groaning, and crying the couple drowned in the heavenly sensations that were coursing through their bodies, writhing and dancing in pure carnal pleasure like a pair of snakes entangled.

Minds numb, heartbeats ricocheting and mouths engrossed in a tonguing battle as they trembled.

In the midst of their intense love making, Xia Ruo Lan reluctantly removed herself from Ethan Lee's thin lips while frailly lying under his sweltering body that was damp by the mix of their sweat. Her eyes leisurely fluttered open, eyelids relaxed as she slowly sucked in the cool air.

Enamored, Ethan Lee stared back at Xia Ruo Lan's weak state, his gaze calm yet hiding a great storm within as he continued to move slowly in an irregular rhythm.

Panting, Xia Ruo Lan rested her forehead upon Ethan Lee's as she hugged his waist closely, pulling him deeper and feeling him in her depths. Her breath was slow, erratic almost and she quietly murmured, barely audible through her hushed broken breath.

"I love you Lee.."

Shocked out of his senses, Ethan Lee's slow movements transitioned as he caught pace. Before he could track back on Xia Ruo Lan's whispers their lips joined in an all too familiar dance making his brain explode.

After the deed was done, Ethan Lee hastily strode into the bathroom to clean himself, while Xia Ruo Lan lay spent on the large bed under the blankets, her eyes feebly closed.

When he returned, Ethan Lee was already dressed up, and his gaze flicked to Xia Ruo Lan's pink face.

'Did I hear wrong?'

The image of Xia Ruo Lan's wresting under him with a painful expression crossing with pleasure and contentment flashed past his mind, repeatedly. Her smile, her cries, the crystal like tears at the corner of her eyes, the rosy glow on her oval face, her lips that resembled a sliced open fig, ripe and sweet to devour. Also her voluptuous body as she slithered with their union, the intimacy, the moment. Everything.

After a long while, the man took back his gaze and leisurely walked to her side. His gait unhurried, poised and overbearing all at the same time. His tone steadfast, no signs of doubt or deception. As though he already knew the answer to his question.

"That man.. The one you love, it's me right?"

The originally relaxed Xia Ruo Lan's eyes flew open, and her expression changed to that of panic. Even her complexion turned as pale as a sheet of white paper.

"You love me Xia Ruo Lan!"

Intently regarding each slight change in Xia Ruo Lan's expression with his hawk like gaze, Ethan Lee vocalized. His eyes never leaving her pallid countenance filled with horror.

"Wha.. What are you saying?"

Horrified by his statement, Xia Ruo Lan sat up with a start kicking the blanket away. A sharp pain shot through her ankle as she tried to stand up.

"Don't.. Don't you dare lie to me! I thought we were friends, and you betrayed me, you even betrayed Lucifer and our trust in you!"

Instead of helping her up, Ethan Lee blew his top after seeing Xia Ruo Lan struggle by herself, his frustration got the better of him. His jaw clenched tightly. He was red with fury.

"Wait.. Wait, Ethan, listen to me.. Hear me out, please.. Please"

Rising up on her feet with much difficulty due to their intense workout moments ago, Xia Ruo Lan raspily cried out as her gaze fixated on him turned misty.

"I need some time.."

Turning back on his heel to avoid watching Xia Ruo Lan cry Ethan Lee rushed to the exit. Her weak and vulnerable front was akin to a thorn in his long dead heart that was suddenly revived by Sera, or so he thought.

Agitated beyond words, Ethan Lee hastened his steps and reached the locked door. In a flash, he was out of her sight like he was never there before.

"Ethan!! Ethan! Wait.. Wait.."

Stumbling back on the bed, Xia Ruo Lan broke down as tears tumbled down her plump cheeks like a string of broken pearls.

"It's all over! All over.. I should've paid heed to Lucifer's words, I've been too hasty and blinded.. Lucifer, he told me to wait.."

Going hysteric, Xia Ruo Lan clutched her head with her messy hair strewn all over her face as she kept mumbling to herself. Choking on her tears, she cried and wiped the saltiness with her palms, continuously.

"Heh!! Wait! Isn't that what I've been doing from years now..? I've been waiting, and waiting and waiting.."

Laughing mirthlessly with a flicker of agony, Xia Ruo Lan stared at the direction where Ethan Lee left earlier. Her low tone hoarse, her parched throat hurting awfully.

"All my life, you're the only person I've been waiting for, pinning all my hopes on you, my hopeless heart craving for your love, my eager gaze following no one but you.. Ethan Lee, you idiot! Why can't you see..!"