A Canvas Of White

Lu clan's main office.

Perched on the customized black chair in the middle of the large uncluttered desk was a dark faced Lu Jinan.

"The heck Frank.. I can't understand why this is happening? Why now?.."

"..Didn't you say that Sera wouldn't be able to remember anything.. Then why is she asking me questions about the fire.. It's been years!"

Trying his best to sound calm Lu Jinan hissed at the screen, his jaw clenching tightly. His dark gaze akin to bottomless pits was fixed on the caucasian man at the other side, donning a pristine white coat and framed spectacles.

The man was face timing a specialist doctor from A Country, Dr Frank Augustine who also happened to be his good friend.

"Jinan, relax!! I understand your concerns.. It's not entirely a bad thing that your sister is seeing flashes of her past. It'll help her.."

Witnessing the transition of emotions on Lu Jinan's handsome face Dr Frank gulped, swallowing the words he was about to say, and started calmly.

"..Okay, I know what you're worried about.. And I recommend that you get Sera here asap. We'll run a few tests and then.."

From the perspective of a doctor, Dr Frank knew that Sera's condition was progressive and definitely healthy. The fact that she's able to recall incidents that have occurred more than four years ago was a miracle in itself. Especially after going through the treatment to involuntarily forget the past.

However, Dr Frank also understood where Lu Jinan was coming from. He knew that the worse time of Lu Jinan's life was that year when Sera was admitted in Dr Frank's hospital at A Country. He's seen his good friend toil incessantly, looking weaker and haggard without eating or sleeping for days.

Those were the most dreaded days of Lu Jinan's life.

Nodding in understanding, Lu Jinan raked his fingers through his short messy hair as he said. His raspy tone held the burden he was holding in his chest.

"Hm.. It's not impossible, but I'll try.. You know how stubborn she is, I'm afraid.."

Intercepting with a distant memory in his gaze, Frank smiled helplessly as he stated.

"I know.. It was never easy for you. Take care, I'll call you later after making all the necessary arrangements here.."

Without another word, Lu Jinan nodded his head with a low hum and the screen went black.


Slamming the laptop shut, Lu Jinan sighed in exasperation as his baby sister's feeble face with her eyes squeezed tight from before surfaced. His brows knit together in a frown that didn't hide the displeasure Lu Jinan was experiencing.

'Help me!! Brother.. No! No.. Help me.. Please, it's so dark in here.. Open the door please!! I beg you.. Help me!!!'

'Brother.. Mom! Dad!! Help me.. Please, open the door please..!!'

'Aaah!! No... Aaahhh!.. Please, help me! Nooo..'

Perturbed by the voices in his head, Lu Jinan sweeped the stack of files and other important things off his desk onto the floor.


The crystal photo frame with Sera, Lu Jinan and their parents fell with a loud crash.

- - -

After hanging up, Sera turned to glance at the slowly setting golden sun in the horizon with a bleak look in her eyes.

Contrary to the cheerfulness that she was displaying earlier on the call with Xia Ruo Lan, Sera had a complicated expression plastered across her face. She was lost deep in thought.

'When I woke up..'

Following the fainting incident by the lake, Sera had absolutely no recollection of the things that occurred prior to it. Her head was blank akin to a canvas of white with no memories of the day. She couldn't even recall the conversation with Lu Jinan nor the strange dream from last night.

The moment Sera aroused from her deep slumber, she was as clueless as a newborn baby. Assuming that she'd overslept, Sera frantically rushed downstairs after washing up and changing her outfit. As usual Aunt Zhou treated her kindly, with no questions the old lady served Sera a filling breakfast which she relished with a smile.

Worried sick, Lu Jinan hastily carried his baby sister to her bedroom like a lunatic. After tucking his sister in her bed, Lu Jinan advised Aunt Zhou to take care of Sera. He also told her to not divulge a thing about Sera suddenly fainting in the garden. Thus, Sera's obliviousness to the whole situation.

Although Sera had no idea, a restlessness still rose in her chest making it unable for her to breathe.

An incessant but faint voice at the back of Sera's head was nagging her, telling her that something was wrong. Very very wrong.

"..Why do I feel that.. I'm.. I'm forgetting something.."

Tapping her fingers on the mahogany desk, Sera mumbled while she vacantly gazed at the orange hued sky, outside.


An abrupt chime echoed in the quietude snapping Sera out of her trance, and she cast a sweeping look at her phone. Picking it up, Sera opened the multimedia message that she'd received. Her eyes went round in disbelief.

"What the hell?!!"

Yelling at the top of her lungs, Sera shot right up from her seat while clutching her phone tightly.

On the screen was a very loving couple attired in all black. A beautiful woman with a tall and handsome man, they were both smiling lovingly while their gazes were locked onto each other's faces. It looked really dreamy.

*ring* *ring*

The mobile phone's screen changed in a flash with the notification of an incoming call, and Sera's expression changed to that of frustration. Hastily swiping the answer option she placed it on her ear with a red face. She was fuming!

"What the HELL is this?"

In response to Sera's hollering came a low voice that was calm, and held a hint of teasing to it.

"It's a.. Photograph!"

At the uber cool attitude displayed by the other party, Sera growled dangerously.

"I KNOW WHAT IT IS!! But why did you sent this 'PHOTOGRAPH' to me.."

"More importantly.. WHY ARE YOU IN THIS? And that too WITH HER?!"

The man leaning against the comfy couch at his penthouse sat up abruptly, shocked by Sera's words. With his brow pushed up, Lucifer asked quizzically.

"You know her?"

Brushing off his question, Sera snapped in annoyance as she quizzed.

"That's not important.. Tell me what are you doing?!"

Sensing the jealousy in Sera's tone, Lucifer quirked his brow as he said with a hint of teasing. His gray irises sparkling with an impish glint.

"What do you think?"