Tigress Lusting For Blood

Taking a sharp breath to cool herself, Sera threatened Lucifer as though it was the most natural thing in the whole wide world. Her doe eyes gleaming with murderous intent explained why she shouldn't be taken lightly.

"Look! Lucifer.. I'm a very possessive girl when it comes to my people, and I don't like my boyfriend smiling at other girls like it's no big deal.. At all!!"

Contrary to Sera's expectations the man felt fuzzy due to her harsh words that were almost threatening yet clearly reflected Sera's jealousy.

Instead of him feeling scared, threatened or even irritated at Sera's possessiveness Lucifer was as happy as a clam, his face grew hot as he blushed pink in happiness.

The intense feeling of love and warmth grew leaps and bounds in Lucifer's chest. His heart drumming wildly against his ribcage.

"Oh! Really?"

Almost floating in the air amidst the fluffy pink clouds of love, Lucifer bit back a smile as he dawdled mischievously.

The man's seductive lips twitching to break into a wide grin.

"Uh-huh.. You don't know me, I'm really dangerous.. So, 'Do Not Provoke Me!' Alright?"

Feeling extremely smug at herself, Sera nodded her head while emphasizing each word dauntingly, so that Lucifer wouldn't dare to take herself or her words lightly. Her slender fingers tapping the mahogany desk vigorously.

Laughing lightly at Sera's effort to scare him - the king of underworld - with her words, Lucifer leaned back comfortably.

"That's fine.. Tell me one thing love. Did you like it?"

Leisurely twirling and playing with the red crystal paper weight placed on the table across him, Lucifer said in his sub-woofer like voice.

"Heh! Do you expect me to like THIS CRAP?!"

Chuckling darkly at Lucifer's words like a she-devil with her sharp horns ready to stab, Sera snapped once again making the man laugh out loud.

"Of course.. Not! I'd have loved it if you were in there with me, my love!"

Biting his lips to withhold his laughter lest he angers his girlfriend to death, Lucifer tried to appease Sera.

"Hah! I don't think so, you look really happy in this PHOTOGRAPH.."

Slamming her fair palm on the desk, Sera spat in evident anger as she stood up with a start. The girl was totally unmoved by Lucifer's honeyed words.

"Love, just admit that you don't like it.. It's as simple as that!"

Shaking his head at her obstinacy, Lucifer laughed softly as he teased Sera.

"Yeah I don't.. I really hate this, whatever you're doing with her.. In this.."

Pouting like a three year old Sera finally conceded as she mumbled softly with a frown, evidently displeased.

"Photograph?.. Anyway, I assure you that It's nothing to worry about. So don't go misunderstanding anything.."

With a serious expression plastered on his face, Lucifer interrupted Sera as his low tone grew heavy. His hand placed back the paper weight on the table.

"What do you mean?!"

A strange ominous feeling rose in Sera the moment Lucifer's words fell, she couldn't help but voice out her doubts appearing flustered.

The man's expression hardened at once as he heard Sera's question.

Naturally, Lucifer wouldn't want to involve Sera in his matters that are perilous to her. His gray irises hid the coldness that could freeze an entire lake to blue glaciers of the Antarctic.

"You don't have to know that.. Just keep in mind that I'll never betray you, all of this.. It will be over soon! I promise.."

At Lucifer's words that were sounding like vows full of warmth and unending love for her, Sera's heart ached. And she was too stumped for words.

"Also.. If I didn't send you this photograph, somebody would have.. You getting me now?"

Toning down his stern expression and the cold light in his gaze, Lucifer roughly expounded.

"Okay, I trust you.. It's just that, I don't like that girl you're with.. She's snobbish!"

Being the quick-witted girl that she was, Sera easily grasped the unsaid words that Lucifer was trying to make her understand. With a small smile she promptly changed the topic.

"Heh.. What do I do? I have to go on a date with that snobbish girl sooner or later"

Playing along with Sera as she attempted to ease the tension as well as his mood, Lucifer chuckled as he voiced out.

The man's face, his tone as well as his dark gaze softened considerably thanks to Sera.

All of a sudden, Sera's steps faltered, her eyes went wider than globes at Lucifer's words. It didn't sound like he was joking.

"Da.. Date? What date? Why.."

Stuttering in disbelief, Sera leaned against the visitors chair in front of the desk. Her hand abruptly grabbed the wide backrest for support.

"It's just a simple meal.. Don't worry, she won't bite me!"

Laughing in amusement, Lucifer vocalized in his magnetic voice making Sera's heart skip a beat.

Shivers ran through Sera's system when the man's throaty laughter caressed her ears like the cool winter's breeze. And her hold on the backrest gradually loosened.

"I'm not worried about you! I'm worried about her.."

Clearing her throat awkwardly to compose herself, Sera remarked in a soft voice that was barely audible.

She appeared unperturbed by Lucifer's initial statement yet Sera's face flushed a beautiful pink color.

"Cheeky! Love you.. I'll see you soon!"

Chortling merrily, Lucifer vocalized as he appeared in a rather good mood. Even his gaze was all sparkly like a pair of polished diamonds.

"Umm.. Bye!"

Smiling gently at Lucifer's profession of his love, Sera briefly responded with a hum of tune before hanging up.

As soon as the call was terminated, Sera's gaze drew to a blinking notification on the screen. She swiftly clicked it open to show a photograph.

"Lucifer was right after all.."

Shaking her head, Sera mumbled to herself as her disinterested gaze held the picture of Lucifer and Zhang Lili. It was sent by an unknown number.

"The angle is so good, that it's making me nauseous!.."

Scrutinizing the blinding faces displayed on the screen, Sera scrunched her small face appearing like a child drooling over a piece of candy that couldn't be obtained.

"..I wish I could rip that photographer's face who clicked this picture.. How dare he make my man look good with some girl other than me!!!"

Huffing and puffing, Sera almost slammed the mobile on the desk as she growled like a tigress lusting for blood.