Guest Of Honor

Lee Mansion.

Inside Ethan Lee's study.

The man was dressed in a set of warm loungewear yet his heart was a numbing cold, the coldness seeping down to his bones.

His dark gaze akin to that of bottomless pits locked onto the pink diamond studs in his hand that were sparkling in the dimly lit room.

They belonged to Sera.

The glittering stones reminding Ethan Lee of Sera's smile as innocent as the freshly bud beautiful flower. Her clear eyes, her ruby lips that smiled brightly at him as well as her face that glowed like the golden sun. He couldn't help but smile bitterly at the memory.

'Why is it that I still cannot believe that my brother, Lucifer.. He, he is in love with Sera and Sera loves Lucifer too..'

'..Why?! Why is it that I'm more troubled by my ignorance rather than this prickling in my chest.. And Xia Ruo Lan! I.. I have hurt her big time..'

'..My selfishness has ruined our friendship, and I, Ethan Lee, I truly regret my actions.. If only I could turn back time!'

Placing them back into the drawer, Ethan Lee raised his gaze at the dark night sky. He could hear the faint beat of rain against the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking out through the curtain of water, Ethan Lee could see the dimmed lights of the sprawling city.

On any clear night this kind of a view was definitely an awe-inspiring one, but tonight Ethan Lee's only thought was that it was cold, very cold. Ethan Lee just wished to return back to the warmth and comfort of his room, but his body and mind was tired. Very tired.

For starters, Ethan Lee's mind was plagued with Xia Ruo Lan, her thoughts, her pretty face, her mesmerizing smile, her beautiful eyes, her rosy lips soft to his touch, and her euphonious moans. The man was restless to the point he couldn't function in a proper way.

The dismayed Ethan Lee was hogged by the ecstatic expression of utmost pleasure across Xia Ruo Lan's face, squirming under him like a fish out of waters.

Troubled by the whirlwind of numerous thoughts buzzing in his head, Ethan Lee couldn't think straight nor work to his full potential all day. The man's been having a lousy day ever since his steamy encounter with Xia Ruo Lan at her office the other night.

Pulling out a thin cigarette out of the case, Ethan Lee pinched it between his lips and lit it with a lighter. The flames engulfed the end completely, he took a leisurely long puff before releasing the dark wisps of smoke.

'I know.. My love might seem fickle and it'll be difficult for Xia Ruo Lan to believe me.. But the truth is that.. I love her!'

'I.. Ethan Lee, am in love with my childhood friend, Xia Ruo Lan.. I love Xia Ruo Lan..!!'

Taking another small puff Ethan Lee slowly blew the grayish smoke, and his dark gaze abruptly softened.

- - -

Next Day.

At M Mall.

The dark silhouette of a man could be seen surrounded by a crowd of men, fawning over him, boot licking with big fake smiles plastered across their faces. He exuded power, his aura, his charisma magnetic and impeccably extraordinary.

"Mr Lucifer, thank you for accepting our invitation. We are very glad to have you here.."

A certain Mr Zhou bowed humbly in front of the man, his smile splitting his face into two as he said. His bald head with no hair was on display as the short man passed the golden scissors to cut the red ribbon.

It was the opening of a new luxury brand store in the mall, and Lucifer was invited as the guest of honor since he's the owner of the 'M Mall'.

Just as Lucifer's hand was about to reach the scissors from Mr Zhou, a sickly sweet voice fell making him stop. His expression unreadable as he turned towards around.

"Lucifer.. I didn't know that you'll be here!"

Standing before the man was none other than Liu Chenmin with a wide smile across his face along with a prettily smiling Zhang Lili.

Attired in a dark blue suit the shrewd Liu Chenmin looked prim and proper while Zhang Lili wore a modest purple dress that enhanced her curves. Her oval face was immaculately made up to make Zhang Lili look delicate and pretty like the rarest of pearls. She really stood out.



Appearing stunned, Lucifer and Zhang Lili both called out in surprise that was evident from their expressions. Their eyes wide, and lips parted slightly as they stared at each other.

"Oh, have you met already?"

For a second, a sly gleam flashed past Liu Chenmin's aged pair of eyes as he inquired appearing curious. His gaze darting to Zhang Lili and Lucifer like a ping pong ball.

As usual Lucifer didn't bat an eyelid at Liu Chenmin's question. He was completely indifferent the man and decided to keep his silence. His gray orbs glistened as he waited to watch the grand show being put on by this pair of father-daughter.

Whereas Zhang Lili shyly nodded her head before shaking it like a confused little deer caught at the headlights. And Liu Chenmin couldn't help but chuckle lightly.

In the eyes of the strangers, Zhang Lili was a really docile and meek lady who was also very attractive. Many men could feel their throats ran dry as they watched her blush red like a tomato.

"Ah~ Let me introduce you guys. This is my daughter.. Zhang Lili"

Content with the reaction that Liu Chenmin wanted, the shrewd man turned to Lucifer as he said looking like a proud father.

In turn, Zhang Lili bashfully fluttered her long eyelashes as she sneaked glances at Lucifer like lovestruck young maiden.

"Lili, this is Lucifer.. He's the young master of Chang Holdings and my good friend Alex Chung's son!"

As if on cue, Zhang Lili offered her hand that was trembling to Lucifer as she said in a soft voice. A pretty smile on her petal like lips.

"Pleased to meet you.. Mr Lucifer!"

Taking Zhang Lili's small hand in his big one, Lucifer returned her smile like a true gentleman.

"Same here.. Ms Zhang!"

The man held Zhang Lili's gaze for a moment that could be deemed as longer than necessary which pleased Liu Chenmin greatly.

"..Thanks to the shares I own these people ignorantly went ahead and invited me as the guest of honor without confirming with you.. So, I brought Lili along!"

Suddenly, Liu Chenmin's voice resounded startling Lucifer who immediately retracted his hand from Zhang Lili's, breaking their stare.