Sniffled Like A Child

"Mr Liu.. We are very sorry! It's true that we didn't think that Mr Lucifer would accept our humble invitation.. We're really sorry for the inconvenience!"

Listening to Liu Chenmin's words, Mr Zhou was flustered as he rushed to clarify. He had an awkward expression on his aged face as he said hoarsely.

"It's okay.. Zhang Lili was really shy and it was I who dragged her here.. So, it's okay!"

Nodding his head, Liu Chenmin cast a soft look at Zhang Lili who had her gaze fixed on Lucifer. From the looks he appeared to be a truly concerned father to Zhang Lili.

"If.. If Mr Lucifer doesn't mind, then.. Then we can have both Mr Lucifer and Ms Zhang cut the ribbon, together?!"

As soon as Liu Chenmin finished, he cast a meaningful glance at Mr Zhou who perked up immediately. Mr Zhou hesitantly turned to Lucifer as he suggested apprehensively.

"Oh! That.. It's, it's okay.. I can't.."

As though greatly flustered by Mr Zhou's suggestion, Zhang Lili hurriedly negated with a shy smile that looked beautiful on her. Her impeccable acting skills caught Lucifer's eyes.

Impressed, the man's gray irises flashed with a faint light of appreciation.

"I have no problem!"

While everyone were intently focused on Zhang Lili's acting, Lucifer's crisp words fell rendering them speechless. His face unreadable.

"Lucifer?! Really..!"

Stunned speechless by Lucifer's sudden willingness, Liu Chenmin turned to glimpse at his cold face which didn't give out any of his feelings. His gaze darkened.

"Gr.. Great..! Thank you once again Mr Lucifer.."

With a stiff smile, Mr Zhou bowed his head humbly in front of Lucifer.

The old man was secretly glad to have survived this entire ordeal without having to lose his head. And a great sense of relief washed over him.

"Tha.. Thank you for the honor Mr Lucifer.."

Pleasantly shocked, Zhang Lili gazed at the brilliant man with an equally brilliant smile on her face. However, inwardly Zhang Lili was shaking with fear.

"It's my pleasure Ms Zhang.."

To everyone's surprise, Lucifer replied to Zhang Lili with a rare smile that made people lose their mind.

Shortly after, Zhang Lili and Lucifer both of them held the golden scissors as they cut through the red ribbon, together. It was a picture perfect moment. Very harmonious.

Naturally, the rare moment was going to be captured by the leading media personnel who were going to publish it on their sites and newspapers.

Thanks to this news, Liu Chenmin was practically flying with happiness as he peered at Lucifer and Zhang Lili. His gaze flickering menacingly.

According to the man, all of his plans were running smoothly like butter. There was no hitch, no miscalculations. Even Lucifer, his enemy was unintentionally helping him. Liu Chenmin was ecstatic.

- - -

Perched atop her chair that overlooked the Su Constructions employees at the other side of the glass separation as well as her cluttered desk, Su Yin sighed deeply.

On the bridge of Su Yin's nose sat a pair of rimmed spectacles making her look quite sexy. Busy checking the heaps of files on her desk, Su Yin continued browsing thru each page with great scrutiny.

*ring* *ring*

Abstractedly, Su Yin picked up the phone on her desk without glancing at the caller id. Her distracted voice resounded as she answered the call.


On the other side, Su Yishen's energetic voice was heard making Su Yin drop the file and sit up straight.

"Sis! It's me, Yishen.."

Glancing at her wrist, Su Yin quizzed with her sculpted brows pushed up. It was time for Su Yishen's school.

"Yishen, why are you calling now? Didn't you go to school?"

Laughing gleefully, Su Yin announced over the phone. His young but handsome face almost split into two as he smiled happily.

"Sis, school is over! I passed my exams.."

Su Yin's face brightened up at Su Yishen's words and she almost tried to clap her hands in exhilaration. Her black eyes were sparkling brightly.

"Oh! That's great news.. Then you'd be able to come back soon!"

Hesitating, Su Yishen scratched his neck awkwardly as he said in a low voice. His tone devoid of any enthusiasm that was displayed earlier.

"About that.. Sis, I don't think I can come back this month.."

Stumped, Su Yin almost pushed up her feet to rush out as she inquired worriedly. Her brows knit together in concern.

"What? What happened Yishen? Are you alright?"

Chuckling mirthlessly, Su Yishen tried to expound without causing any fright to Su Yin, yet failed miserably.

"Yes, I'm as fit as a fiddle.. It's just that there has been a recent outrage. A terrorist attack.."

Stuttering in shock, Su Yin stood up with a start as her mind registered Su Yishen's words. Her heart racing like crazy. Her ears ringing. Su Yin was on the verge of tears.

Scared out of her wits, Su Yin started to pack her stuff strewn on the desk to leave the office.

"Terr... Terrorist attack?! Yishen.. You're, where are you? Sister will come get you back.. Wait for me.."

Just as Su Yin was about to lose it and collapse, Su Yishen's calm and unhurried voice came into her ears.

"Sis! I'm alright. There's heavy security arranged by brother Ad around me.. And the attacks are at the bordering cities not in our school's premises. Don't worry! I called you because.."

Abruptly halting in her actions, Su Yin felt her small hands trembling in fright. The familiar name 'Adrian' gave Su Yin's wobbly knees the much needed strength to stand straight. She silently heaved a sigh in relief.

"I won't be able to come back anytime soon because of the attacks. Even the school has forbidden students to go out due to security reasons and there are no flights as well.. Also, I can't travel alone since I'm a minor.."

Listening to Su Yishen's reasoning Su Yin's heart which was beating at the pace of a jet ski finally calmed down. She slumped in her chair, apparently exhausted. Her tone was a lot calmer than before.

"That's good.. Stay there, sister will come get you back if you're missing dad and me.."

After assuring his sister, Su Yishen felt a lot better. The heavy burden on his chest was finally uplifted by this phonecall.

"I know.. But sis, I don't want to come back like this.. I'll be there with the school's permission. I promise!"

With unshed tears in her eyes, Su Yin sniffled like a child. Her red lips curled into a subtle smile at Su Yishen's responsible words of promise.

"Aww.. My good boy Yishen! Sister loves you.."

At his sister's emotional voice, Su Yishen could picture her face as she said those words. Feeling equally touched by her sister, Su Yishen responded with a child like laugh.

"I know, I love sister too.."

Casting a look at the mountains of work on her desk, Su Yin said with lack of energy making Su Yishen laugh.

"Take care! I'll call you later.."

Nodding his head, Su Yishen chuckled as he said. His face glowing brightly.

"Bye, I'll give brother Ad a call now.."

Feeling warmth pool in her chest, Su Yin teased Su Yishen feigning hurt.

"Hmm.. You call him more than your own sister!"

Chortling at her prank, Su Yishen remarked with a naughty grin as he emphasized each word for Su Yin to hear.

"Don't be jealous sis! I still love you the most.. In the world!"

Shaking her head, Su Yin wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes as she mumbled before hanging up.

"Cheeky brat!"