From Heaven To Hell

Like a madman, Ethan Lee flashed past the tall figure of Lucifer who was still as a rock statue. Disregarding his existence. Ethan Lee's haphazardly buttoned coat flapped like white wings with each of his hastened movements as he ran forward.

Breathing raggedly, Ethan Lee enfolded the petite Sera in his arms, saving her from getting run-over by the speeding car just in the nick of time. His broad chest plastered wholly across her dainty back scandalously close.

Ethan Lee was back-hugging Seraphina Lu. Her voluptuous body bent forward thanks to the strong force with which Ethan Lee crashed into Sera. A shrill sound of shock escaped her red lips.


The speeding black sedan intending to hit the absentminded Sera suddenly collided into a brick wall. The crash wasn't too bad for the car was a modified version with it's body rock-solid.


Before anyone could understand what was happening, the black car smoothly swerved around and zoomed away, flying fine dust behind as though nothing had occurred in the first place. It was baffling.

If not for the glaringly large crack in the white brick wall, it was easy to assume that the crash was a phantasmagoric episode, a mere delusion.

The commotion brought back Lucifer who was in a sullen mood, licking the bloodied wounds in his heart in silence, back from his daze. His momentarily stilled senses sharpened once again.


Staggered, Lucifer whipped his head to see a feeble Sera being pushed down by a tall white silhouette. His voice a notch louder than usual. His long fingers clenched the cellphone as though he was holding the man's neck.

Overcome with pure rage, Lucifer power-walked to Sera's side. Lucifer's gorgeous face darkened resembling the blood-thirsty devil from the blazing depths of hell on his way to annihilate the whole wide world. His gaze ferocious.

"Boss!! Boss?!! Can you hear me? Boss.."

Listening to the thundering sound of a car crash along with Lucifer's hollering, Xiao Bo's heartbeat quickened, his frantic voice reverberated through the speakers before fading into deadness.

"Are you okay?! Are you fine? Do you want me to call the ambulance.. No, let's go to the hospital"

Beside himself, Ethan Lee bombarded Sera with his frenzied attack of questions the moment she found her footing. The man's overly agitated state gave Sera the chills despite knowing the gravity of th situation and it's peril as well as the cause behind his worries.

Glaring at the man with widened eyes, the horrified Sera shook off his hand from her arm as she called out shakily. Her toned legs trembling.

"Ethan! ETHAN!! I'm okay, really.."

Eventually, Sera nodded her head with a weak smile on her lips reassuringly after seeing Ethan Lee's blank expression mixed with raging raw emotions? Unfathomable!

Her otherwise keen gaze couldn't exactly percieve Ethan Lee's inner thoughts, it was vexing.

With her mind in a whirl, Sera stopped as no voice came out of her now dry throat. Sera couldn't help but feel petrified as she witnessed the maniacal look on Ethan Lee. His beautiful pair of obsidian-dark eyes lifeless as they started hazily at her. In a daze. It was nerve-wracking.

Once in front of the pair on the other side of the road, Lucifer harshly pulled onto the man's shoulder to see his face. Beads of cold sweat could be seen on his forehead as well as the sides of Lucifer's flawless countenance.

"Ethan?! You?.. Thank goodness I.."

A cool sigh of relief escaped Lucifer's thin lips as a slight smile formed it's way on his earlier darkened front. His muddled mind clearing up. Slowly, his trembling fingers reached out to caress Sera's pale cheeks.

"No matter how much you love Sera. Can you protect her? Can you, Lucifer? Tell me.."

Hiding Sera's small figure behind his back, Ethan Lee roared at Lucifer, suppressing the anger in his voice tinged with never-ending pain. His outrage astounding both Lucifer and Sera.

"Lucife, the devil?! Hah.. Can you protect Sera from all those ravenous wolves that are ready to tear you down like a sorry piece of meat?!"

With a cold chuckle, Ethan Lee's full lips curled into a sneer as he lashed out at the dumbstruck man. Ethan Lee's chilly gaze was foreign to Sera, her heart jolting at his appalling words.

"Can you guarantee Sera's life? Can you, can you prevent another Mi..!"

This was the scene that greeted Xia Ruo Lan when she arrived there, her face went white as a sheet of paper hearing Ethan Lee shout Mia's name like that. She knew that Mia Chung and the gruesome incident from five years ago was Lucifer's Achilles heel, the only thorn in his heart.


With her heart racing incredibly fast, Xia Ruo Lan interrupted Ethan Lee's words in time, attracting the trio's attention to herself.

"Haha.. I'm, I'm sorry.. Sorry for getting you in trouble Sera! And, Ethan I.."

Extremely awkward, Lucifer faked a laugh while he massaged his forehead. His gaze sincere as he apologized to Sera. It would be true to say that Lucifer was benumbed to the core.

"Lucifer, you should get going now.. Sera, you forgot your phone!"

Noticing the difficulty Lucifer was having in putting himself out there in all honesty, Xia Ruo Lan stepped up to save her friend. She turned to the silent Sera with a meaningful glance, handing her the phone in her hand.

"Oh! Thanks, Xia Ruo Lan.."

Getting the hint, Sera nodded her head with a word of gratitude, and grabbed onto her man's hand. He abstractedly cast a glance at their intertwined hands, his heart aching.

Glaring at the pair's receding backs, Ethan Lee's fury rose ten folds and he clenched his fists until blood could be seen dripping down. Furious, he left without sparing Xia Ruo Lan another glance.

The sight was prickling to Xia Ruo Lan's teary eyes. The feeling of being mercilessly dumped into hell after flying high into the heavens was heart-shattering.

The distinct sound of glass breaking into pieces could be heard with each breath, with each second, it was excruciating. Xia Ruo Lan's eyes turned red, tears streaming down her pale cheeks like a broken string of crystals.

Crying soundlessly, Xia Ruo Lan ran back into the huge gates of Xia mansion.

[Ps. I don't know anything about cars so please excuse me for my mistakes, remember this is a work of fiction and my imagination..!]