
Seated in her office was a grim faced Su Yin, her red lips pouting unwittingly as she glared at the document in hand. The luxury pen in between her soft fingers was being tapped mercilessly on the desk. It's sound clear and loud in the disquieting spacious room.

Although Su Yin looked as radiant as ever with her pink face clean and lips red like ripe strawberries, her attire today was a bit different than usual.

Dressed in a two-size large black and white checkered blazer with a white turtle-neck sweater underneath and black wide legged pants that were originally stacked deep inside her wardrobe for the waist-size, Su Yin was gloomy. Her dark tresses messily strewn on her shoulders looked more lively than her expression.

Perusing through the sheets of paper, Su Yin's jet-black eyes turned glum with the memory of the day haunting her restless.

Early in the morning, Su Yin gently shuffled her way out of the arms wound around her waist. Smiling sweetly, she turned to gaze at the sleeping man beside her, tracing his exquisite features she gave a small peck on his pursed mouth before getting out of the bed.

Singing a happy tune, Su Yin emerged out of the bathroom with a towel soft wrapped around her. Her hair dripping wet. Sensing a gaze, Su Yin turned to find Adrian staring with a hint of lust in his sparkly blue eyes.

"Good morning Ad!"

Smirking to herself, Su Yin swayed her hips as she walked to the large wardrobe in the room. Her actions deliberately slow and sensual making Adrian gulp. His throat as dry as the scorching desert.

Feeling the itch to embrace Su Yin in his arms, Adrian hurriedly tossed the fluffy blanket off himself before getting out of the bed. Just as Adrian was about to reach Su Yin, she turned around and dropped the towel much to his shock. His steps halted, even his pupils dilated.

Laughing gleefully, Su Yin didn't waste any time to dash inside the bathroom with her clothes, and the door was slammed shut. The loud sound bringing Adrian back to earth.

"Shit! Yinyin.."

Smiling to himself, Adrian shook his head while his fingers coursed through his dark messy locks.


Moments later, Su Yin was heard shrieking in frustration inside the bathroom.

Worried sick, Adrian pulled open the door to see Su Yin wriggling her derrière to get inside the asymmetrical black skirt she loves to wear. The sight was hilarious to see.

All of a sudden, a tearing sound echoed in the quiet, and Adrian burst out laughing much to Su Yin's displeasure. Her body froze. She stopped in her actions like a thief caught in the act.

Turning around, Su Yin glared daggers at the man guffawing like crazy which was effective and his laughter ceased at once.

"What are you going crazy for?! Is it really funny??.."

Throwing away the ripped skirt on Adrian's face, the furious Su Yin snarled, grinding her teeth.

With his palm against his mouth, Adrian shook his head vehemently before saying with a soft smile.

"No! Not at all.. Baby, you want me to get you something else to wear?"

The mere mention of clothes made Su Yin's blood boil like anything. She grabbed the bathrobe from the rack while glaring at Adrian, her chest heaving up and down as she spat.

"Don't bother! I'll do it myself.."

Tightening the belt of her bathrobe, Su Yin pushed the handsome man aside without an ounce of mercy.

"Yinyin? Don't get mad, you look ravishing as ever.. I love you!"

Standing behind the vexed Su Yin who was refusing to see his face, Adrian tried to hug her as he uttered coaxingly. Tears shone in her red rimmed eyes akin to twinkling stars.

"Go whip me something for breakfast.."

Biting her lips, Su Yin unkindly dismissed Adrian while swatting his hand away. He had no choice but to heed Su Yin's words to appease her. He knew best not to play with fire first thing in the morning.

For the next half an hour, Su Yin was busy rummaging through her wardrobe to get herself a set of best fitting clothes to wear for work. Alas, all her new dresses were either tight or ill-fitting which aggravated her already bad mood.

At last, Su Yin dug out the oldest set of formals in her collection as she had no other option. She didn't even eat a morsel of the tasty looking breakfast prepared by Adrian in irritation.

Painfully squeezing her eyes close, Su Yin combed her hand through her gorgeous locks frustratedly.


'Why can't I fit myself in my favorite skirt?! Am I really.. Fa.. Fat?!!'

'NO! It can't be.. I need to get back in shape!'

'Yes, I need to diet, and lose weight or else Adrian will no longer find me sexy!'

'What if he finds himself a young girl..'

*knock* *knock*

Jolting at the abrupt rapping, Su Yin looked up in a start. What came into her sight was a wild man grinning happily, and her mood instantly took for the worse.

Rolling her eyes, Su Yin didn't give him another look as she returned back to the set of documents in front. Su Yin clearly didn't wish to bother with these annoying pests.

"Manager Su? Why are you avoiding this humble worker of yours?"

Taking a step inside the stifling room filled with silence the familiar man respectfully stood across Su Yin. His tone sounding frivolous.

"Scram! I don't want to waste my breath on you.."

Without raising her head, Su Yin uttered in a tight voice, greatly suppressing herself.

"Haish! How cruel.."

Clutching his chest, Shawn Qin pouted his lips pitifully as he lamented.

"The hell Shawn?!"

Seeing how the red-faced Su Yin was on the verge of tearing him into pieces, Shawn Qin raised his limbs in the air in defeat.

"Sorry! Sorry, I know you didn't eat anything so let's go to the cafeteria.."

Lowering his voice, Shawn Qin said with a bright smile minus the frivolity. His brows quirked up expectantly.

"How do you know that I didn't eat anything?!"

Startled, Su Yin squinted dangerously as she quizzed warily. Deep inside, she had a feeling that something was off.

"Uh?! From your mood, of course.. What? You think I don't know you, Miss Su..?"

Tilting his head, Shawn Qin held the edges of the black chair as he said matter-of-factly.