His Bottomline

At a loss, Liu Li stared at the man towering over her as she kneeled pathetically on the bright red carpet, horror evident in her

"Y.. You.. How??"

A clear drop of salty liquid rolled down Liu Li's eyes. Her fair knee swollen and bruised purple, the pain excruciating. However, the shock of witnessing Lucifer standing up on his feet as though nothing had happened was a greater affliction to her.

"You think it's that easy to drug me?!"

Straightening the crumpled edges of his black suit, Lucifer scoffed derisively at Liu Li's sorry figure. Her reddened eyes peeled on his slightly pale but handsome face, his own tinged with ridicule.

"N.. No.. Nooo!!"

Ghastly, Liu Li shook her head vehemently appearing like a lunatic as she screamed at the top of her lungs. The sight appalling.

"This can't be.. It can't be..!! I can't fail.. I.. I can't fail!!"

With a look of disbelief plastered across her face, Liu Li kept shaking her head as she mumbled to herself. Her hazy gaze disoriented.

Faced with Liu Li's hysteria, Lucifer was as cool as a cucumber. A smirk danced about his thin lips as he witnessed her madness, mirthlessly.

"..Lucifer!! Lucifer, I'm sorry.. I'm.. I love you, I really really love you.. I do!! You don't believe me?!"

Seeing how Lucifer was totally unperturbed and ready to leave, Liu Li hastily crawled to his side. Her shrill voice cracking, and soft sobs escaped out of her half-open mouth.

Beside herself, Liu Li's face was smeared with thick makeup as she cried frantically in a bid to make Lucifer stay. Desperately clung onto his leg, Liu Li pulled the hem of Lucifer's pants like a child begging parents for a candy.

Without an ounce of mercy, Lucifer kicked Liu Li's clammy hands away. Feeling hurt, her gaze fixated on him turned blurry with tears. She bit her rosy lips to stop herself from lashing out at the man she loved to death. Her breathing erratic.

Afraid that she'd unintentionally hurt him, or injure him, Liu Li tried her best to calm herself. Her condition acting up.

"Get lost! Believe me when I say, I won't bat an eyelid to strangle you to death..!"

Unfazed, Lucifer glowered at the affrighted Liu Li who was shaking like a leaf near his feet. His tone comparable to glaciers as he coldly spat, not a hint of emotion. His gray orbs flashed with an evil glint at the end of his sentence.

Restraining her surging emotions, Liu Li bit her lips until blood dripped down the sides of her mouth. Taking a sharp breath, Liu Li raised her head stubbornly to grab Lucifer, determined to have him tonight, no matter what the cost.

Highly delusional, Liu Li blindly believed that no man on earth could resist her, not even Lucifer.

"Do not challenge my bottomline..!!"

Before Liu Li could even move an inch, the man's bone-chilling voice resounded and she subconsciously shrank her neck back.

Lowering her head, Liu Li weeped without a sound, clenching her fists until her long nails dug the soft flesh of her palms. Her initially pretty and youthful countenance was now haggard as her messy strawberry blond tresses veiled her wretchedly pitiful state.

'Why! What did I do..?! I love him so much, why can't he.. Why can't he seee..!'

Apart from Liu Li's sobbing, only the sound of Lucifer's footsteps reverberated in the room. His each step akin to a harsh blow on her broken heart.

The aromatic candles selected according to Liu Li's preference flickered in the room continuously. The unconscious Zhang Lili had her eyes closed, her expression filled with calmness as she obliviously laid on the huge bed.

The floral scent floating in the air, a vast difference from the gloominess in Liu Li's hurting heart. Her small frame curled up, and kneeling on the carpet pitifully was a dismal sight.


As the man was about to step out of the bedroom and head to the living hall, a hoarse cry caught his attention.

Taken aback, Liu Li abruptly raised her head, her pale complexion suddenly red with fury. Even her blood boiled as she glared viciously at the exit of the room.