Most Dumb Person

A petite figure appeared out of nowhere, out of breathe, and worried, a mild frown creasing it's forehead. The source of the cry stood in front of Lucifer, shocking him greatly.


Halting in his steps, Lucifer's eyes widened with surprise before doubt clouded them like fog.

"What are you doing here?!"

Raising his left brow inquisitively, Lucifer coldly questioned unlike his usual mellow manner. The suppressed anger evident in his tone.

Gawping like a fool, Sera's eyes bore a hole into Lucifer's gorgeous features. Her heart thumping wildly inside her cage like a drum being hit to play a perfect rhythm. It's din pleasing to her ears.


Secretly enjoying the undivided attention he was getting, Lucifer coughed, feigning a cold front. His heart soaring high above the fluffy clouds filled with unprecedented happiness.

"I.. I'm here with my family..!"

Biting her inner cheek, Sera surreptitiously fidgeted with her fingers, avoiding Lucifer's hawk-eyes before blurting.

Peering at the girl in front of him, Lucifer's gaze narrowed dangerously as he studied her appearance. He noticed the thin layer of moisture on her flushed skin, unruly thin strands on the sides of her face, also a dot of red on her pristine pink dress.

His gaze deepened.

Faced with the intense pressure, Sera's eyes darted around in guilt, not daring to meet Lucifer's sharp gaze.

"Let's head out first.."

Not buying Sera's excuse, Lucifer ordered coldly. He held Sera's hand possessively while blocking her view, irritation clear in his actions.

Naturally, Lucifer didn't wish Sera to see Liu Li like this and misunderstand him. He loved Sera too much, and couldn't bear to hurt her, not one bit. He'd rather kill himself than let anything afflict her.

Of course, Lucifer had no idea that his Sera had already seen Liu Li enter the room with a couple of burly men before. Hence, she'd followed after the crazy woman - Liu Li - just like the deft and highly-skilled spy from the famous Hollywood movie.

Especially after discovering that her man was also somewhere, on the very same floor, Sera couldn't contain her bubbling curiosity.

Of course, Sera wouldn't tell Lucifer how she'd effortlessly killed those two men, just to get inside this damned suite room.

Also, Sera wouldn't tell Lucifer how very sexy Lucifer is looking at the moment, and how jealous she's of Liu Li who'd seen him like this, first.

Entranced by the angel-in-the-guise-of-a-devil like man, her dreamy gaze drowned into Lucifer's gray eyes, as mysterious as the universe.

Losing her cool, Liu Li glared daggers at the couple whispering sweet nothings to each other, across her.

Seething in anger, Liu Li wiped the dried up tears on her face, roughly. Suddenly, her furious gaze darted to the fruit knife on the table, filled with malice.


With venom dripping from her eyes, Liu Li picked up the knife. She threw it, aiming at Sera who wasn't paying any attention to her.

To Liu Li's astonishment, the meek looking Sera skillfully caught the knife flying at her like a pro. The act caught Liu Li by surprise.

On the side, Lucifer had an amused grin across his face that was hard to conceal. His thin lips twitching to break into a smile as he glared at Sera with unrivaled interest. While Liu Li felt her soul floating in air, she was frightened out of her wits.

The dainty looking girl stopped the sharp knife with ease and in time, as though it was child's play. To be honest, Lucifer really loved how capable and strong his little girlfriend was. A warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest.

The devilish gleam in Sera's obsidian-dark orbs as she flawlessly blocked the attack was incomparably sexy to Lucifer, causing the man's heart to skip.

Impressed beyond words, Lucifer once again was rendered speechless by Sera's superbly dexterous skills.

Feeling Lucifer's scorching gaze on her, a faint blush crept up Sera's ears. Clearly embarrassed, she softly cleared her throat to maintain her composure.

"Even after reducing to such a pathetic state, you dare play tricks..?"

Twirling the knife in her hand, Sera stood a few feet away from the panic-stricken Liu Li. Her scornful glare akin to a bucket of cold water splashed on Liu Li. She flinched involuntarily before gulping a mouthful of her spit.

In Liu Li's mind, Sera was more dangerous than Lucifer. He wouldn't simply harm her, but Sera had 'N' number of reasons to take her down. Her adroit moves awe inspiring.

"..What?! You thought I wouldn't know what you were upto..?!"

Observing the minute changes in earlier dark Liu Li's expression, Sera scoffed. The former felt humiliated, her guilt showing on her face.

Sera's indolent gaze telling Liu Li that she's the most dumb person on earth. And it couldn't be any truer.

'Coveting my man?! Dream on!!'

Smiling chillingly at the dazed Liu Li, Sera harrumphed in her head. She was beyond satisfied after seeing the state Liu Li was in. Her initially sullen mood improved by leaps and bounds.

"If you don't want to lose your life.. Stay away from 'My Lucifer'.. He's my, Seraphina Lu's man! Mine..!"

Lifting her chin haughtily, Sera menacingly glared at the pallid Liu Li. Her finger pushed against her chest as she declared with pride and hint of adoration in her expression. Sera successfully squashed whatever designs on Lucifer, the latter must've been keeping in mind, for the near future.

Bold and beautiful, Sera's threats drove the final nail into Liu Li's coffin, incapacitating her to the core. Her usual cockiness nowhere to be found!