Fallen For You

By the time Bai Yong made up his mind to help Zhang Lili out of her predicament, by going against his own principles. He was too late as Zhang Lili was taken away by Liu Li and her men.

Unknowingly, Bai Yong's indecisiveness caused this adversity to Zhang Lili.

Anxious, Bai Yong searched every high and low of the western restaurant as well as all the hotel rooms. Alas, his efforts in vain as he couldn't even find a hair of Zhang Lili.

"Where are you.. Zhang Lili?"

Soaked, Mr Bai's back was covered in cold sweat, running around the establishment like a madman. His face was damp with a layer of salty moisture that glistened in the dim corridor lights.

"..Zhang Lili, you.. Troublesome woman! Where did you run off to..?!"

It was at that time, Bai Yong felt defeated for the second time in his life. The moment when Bai Yong finally discerned the actual meaning behind his feelings for Zhang Lili. The realization struck him dead hard like a bolt of lightning.

After what seemed like eternity, Bai Yong sneakily accessed the CCTV footage of the hotel, before Liu Li could tamper with the video to find Zhang Lili's whereabouts. He was relieved to see Zhang Lili, yet his heart hurt as he watched her being dragged like a rag doll.

Looking for the perfect chance to stealth through the door, Bai Yong gradually found his way inside the room. He skillfully hid in the closet when Liu Li was preoccupied in lighting the flavored candles.

"This bitch! Just because I'm busy these days, she's having it quite easy.. I'll let her taste what real pain feels like..!!"

After two whole torturous hours in the tight closet, Bai Yong almost passed out. Yet his perseverance prevailed over his consciousness for the only and first love of his life, Zhang Lili.

"What the..! Is.. This the same petite girl Lucifer is currently toying with?! This can't be.."

At that time, the man miraculously got to witness the bolder side of Sera leaving him flabbergasted to the core. This oppressive trait of hers no where mentioned in his detailed investigation.

"She doesn't look anything like what they told me.. This girl is definitely something to threaten this psycho bitch, Liu Li..! I have to remind Zhang Lili to not mess with her.."

Thanking his stars for not offending either of the two, Lucifer and Sera, the relieved Bai Yong emerged out. He quickly struck Liu Li on her neck causing her to black out. He then picked up Zhang Lili and vanished without a sight. His abduction-cum-rescue-the-princess act clean and successful, with no hitches.

"Hah! What rotten luck.. After living half of my life for the sake of vengeance, I fall in love and with the daughter of the man who killed my sister..!"

Rubbing his face tiredly, Bai Yong let out a sardonic chuckle. He stared at the delicate woman lying unconscious on the bed. After escaping from Liu Li's clutches, he brought her to his old home. The same home where his sister, and parents passed away.

In the same room where Bai Yong's sister, Bai Yue used to sleep, now Zhang Lili was snoring uncomfortably due to the drug. He secretly called a friend of his, who is also a doctor to examine Zhang Lili's condition.

Thankfully, the drug used on Zhang Lili's was less fatal than the ones administered to Lucifer. Her condition was much better after a good rest and an antidote to wear the effects of the sedatives.

"I have fallen for you, Zhang Lili.. You dumb woman!"

Leaning on the broken wooden chair, Bai Yong gazed deeply at the sleeping Zhang Lili with a tender emotion in his eyes. His tone holding in the laughter while his lips curved into an unbelievable grin.

Bai Yong's night was spent on the chair as he sat inscribing Zhang Lili's features, her each distinct memory in his heart and mind like a lovestruck fool. A teenager in love!

- - -


After what seemed like a century, there was a rustling followed by the door closing.

Turning around, Bai Yong saw the Zhang Lili walking timidly towards him. Actually no, she was walking towards the car like it was normal.

Zhang Lili effortlessly opened the door and settled down, without even glancing at the man with huge dark circles around his eyes and no glasses, holding a cigarette in his mouth. His hair disheveled akin to a street rogue's, unlike his neatly gelled hairstyle of a noble scholar.

"Heartless woman!"

Grousing like a child, Bai Yong crushed the cigarette on the ground and strode to the driver's seat.

The whole journey, Mr Bai and Zhang Lili were mum as neither of them spoke a word. Eventually, he decided to drop the bomb.

"That.. Yesterday.."

As Bai Yong's words fell, Zhang Lili turned to glare at him as she rudely cut him off. Her eyes gradually reddening.

"I don't want to hear anything.. I don't know why you did it, but I don't care what you're planning to do. I'm done, I don't want to be threatened by you.. Anymore!"

Slamming onto the brakes, Bai Yong spat furiously as he returned Zhang Lili's glare.

"Why are you so dumb?!"

Scared stiff, Zhang Lili tightly clutched the seatbelt on her, her heart pounding wildly.


Poking Zhang Lili's forehead, Bai Yong stressed through his clenched teeth, he was really incensed. Unable to keep his cool, he vomited everything without a stop.

"Yes, dumb!! Stupid woman.. It was all Liu Li's doing, she planned to drug you so she can obtain Lucifer's affection and frame you.."

Shook by the revelation, Zhang Lili kept her teary eyes on Bai Yong's dead serious expression. Refusing to believe him, she shook her head hard. He reached to wipe her tears before retreating, and starting the car.

"Wha.. What?! No.. I don't believe you.. You're lying!"

Grabbing his handkerchief from the pocket, Bai Yong threw at the side, on Zhang Lili's lap. His gaze trained on the road.


Harrumphing indignantly, Zhang Lili wiped her tears with the man's kerchief. She even rubbed her nose, the mucus sticking to the white fabric.

Smirking evilly, Zhang Lili threw the white kerchief on the man's face.