Just A Tool

First cut is the deepest and most painful, they say..

But for Zhang Lili, the second time was most heartwrenching and bloodier than she'd ever experienced. Her body shook like a brittle leaf as she stood by the door, listening to the unexpected conversation.

After Bai Yong dropped Zhang Lili at the gates of Jade Manor, he'd clearly warned her about the Liu father-daughter duo's intentions. However, she overlooked his kind advice, snubbing him like an irritating roach.

"..Dad! Are you sure that Liu Li didn't come home last night?!"

Unnerved, Liu Li held onto the edge of the table, asking in a low voice. Her dark brows knit together, her painted toes tapping onto the floor nervously.

When Liu Li woke up, she was all alone in the room, and the door was closed. There was no sign of Zhang Lili. Even the video footage was wiped clean much to Liu Li's dismay. Thanks to that, she had no idea what happened to Zhang Lili.

Only God knows how Liu Li made it to Jade Manor, she was antsy all along the journey back home. Constantly calling Zhang Lili's phone, her father's loyal men and also Mr Bai who ignored her calls.

Even though her lackeys were nowhere to be found as well, Liu Li wasn't the least bit concerned. She was dead sure that Lucifer, by now, has sent them all on their way to hell. And there was no need to cry over the dead.

The only thing which mattered to her was Zhang Lili's safety, or else Liu Chenmin's going to give her a earful and take back all her bank cards as a punishment. He might even skin Liu Li alive if his plans are foiled due to her stupidity.

With a gleeful grin, Liu Chenmin nodded his head, clearly in high-spirits unlike Liu Li. He hurriedly swallowed his words, not wanting to abuse Lucifer or call him bastard in front of his daughter who loved the man more than her own father. Her Lucifer mania on next-level.

"Yes, I even asked Mr Bai.. Our men also saw her going into a hotel room with that.. I mean Lucifer!"

As everyone knew, Mr Bai was the only one who Liu Chenmin trusted the most as he was his "loyal" assistant. Thus, he'd called Bai Yong last night to confirm, who at that time was busy tending to the unconscious Zhang Lili.

After a brief call, Liu Chenmin ended up being fed with lies. There was no doubt that Bai Yong wouldn't sell out Zhang Lili, not after he'd fallen hard for her.

One thing Bai Yong understood clearly was that Liu Li wouldn't dare divulge whatever happened in the room, as it was a great humiliation. Thereafter, Bai Yong did not worry about being called out for lying to Liu Chenmin.

Liu Li could be grounded for more than a month for committing such a blunder. Her father wouldn't be happy, and the ruthless big boss might even kill her in rage. Thus the deceit would save Liu Li's neck as well as Zhang Lili.

'Oh no! Dad is getting the wrong idea.. It was I who told them to lie! Since my plan failed miserably, i cannot disclose Zhang Lili also failed to spend the night with my Lucifer.. And God knows where that bitch is!'

Raising her brows in confusion, Liu Li thought in her head.

"But Dad! You know Lucifer.. He might've not touched Zhang Lili, and she must be somewhere.."

Unconvinced, Liu Li pressed on with a doubtful tone which irked Liu Chenmin.

"What's wrong with you Lili? I know you don't want Lucifer and Zhang Lili to get together.."

Scowling in disappointment, Liu Chenmin glared at the shook Liu Li as he berated her.

"Don't worry, I won't let that happen.. After all Zhang Lili is just a tool, and you know that too! I'll have to discard her.."

Mellowing his tone, Liu Chenmin eased his expression after seeing how scared Liu Li looked. A scheming light flashed past his eyes.

"Yeah, that's.."

Grinning evilly, Liu Chenmin burst into a fit of heinous laughter, imagining Lucifer in a pathetic state.

"Once Lucifer is defeated.. I'll see how long he can keep his head high. He's bound to grovel at my feet sooner or later!"

Witnessing the small changes on Liu Li's face, Liu Chenmin decided to struck when the iron is hot. What better than marriage as bait?

"At that time.. I'll let the big boss spare him and force that bastard to marry you. He'll rather wish to be dead than humiliated.. Whatever happens, your happiness is the most that matters to me!"

As far as Liu Chenmin was cognizant with Lucifer and his methods, albeit being cruel he'd never lay a hand on a helpless woman like Zhang Lili.

Also, if anything really happened between Zhang Lili and Lucifer, then he wouldn't shirk from his responsibility. Even if there isn't any existence of love. That's what gave Liu Chenmin the confidence to plot this devious scheme.

Once everything is done as per his plans, Liu Chenmin would discard both Zhang Lili and Lucifer!

"Thank you Dad, I'll wait for the day you'll fulfill your promise.."

Almost jumping on her seat, Liu Li happily hugged her father with a wide smile across her heavily made up face.

Filled with utter despair, Zhang Lili dragged her feet out of the large manor, her eyes reddened with crystalline tears. Salty and sorrowful.

Just as Zhang Lili came out of the gates, she was greeted with a familiar figure staring at her. His unreadable gaze made her feel comfortable and not affrighted for once.

Zhang Lili was slowly growing accustomed to Bai Yong's stoic personality. He had a cigarette in his hand, there were a some crushed ones on the ground, near his feet. He might've smoked all of them in such a short time.