Very.. Sweet

Left only in a white lace covering her, Sera looked like an enchantress with a goddess like beauty on the white swing with golden lanterns surrounding her. Her face flushed crimson and eyes sparkling with pureness was a sight to behold.

"If this is what heavens reward is for all the sins I've committed, I'm willing to sin again, a thousand times more, and die a sinner in your arms!"

Standing across the bashful Sera, Lucifer's gray irises flickered with a desire. Taking in her unrivaled beauty in the golden glow, he could feel blood rushing in his veins.

Dressed in the tattered white shirt, Lucifer held her nervous gaze. He then strolled to the table beside, seemingly ignoring Sera and picked up the tub of icecream placed on it. His actions befuddling her greatly.

Taking a small bite, Lucifer proceeded to Sera's side, while her gaze was fixated on him, his delicious abs and sinful v line that were peeking through. She was practically drooling over him.

'Oh my goodness!! I don't know if I'll be able to.. Take this!'

Bending forward, Lucifer grabbed her chin and transferred the milky icecream from his mouth to Sera's, making her eyes pop out. The chunks of milk chocolate melting gradually against their tongues entangled in a fiery battle.

"Mm.. Ugh! Aah.. Luci Lucifer Mm.."

Perched on Lucifer's lap, Sera turned beet-red feeling him poking her soaked nether regions. Hot and hard. Excited, she could hear her heart pounding against her chest like a freight train.

Tugging onto Lucifer's slightly grown dark hair, Sera pulled him closer. He growled against her mouth before deepening their kiss.

The swing went back and forth slowly, with their urgent movements.

As Sera gasped to catch her breath, Lucifer nuzzled in the crook of her swan-like neck, deeply inhaling her intoxicating scent to his heart's content.

Biting back a smile, Lucifer kissed her ears and licked them, making Sera shudder. She was loosing herself. His hand on her small back drifted to her plump derrière, his other hand rubbed her sopping wet lace, inciting loud moans. His movements rapid.

"Aah! Lucifer..! Luc..ifer..!! Aaahh.. Lucifer!!!"

The bittersweet torture deriving from the man's fingers as well as his scalding hot member drove Sera crazy like never before. She helplessly clung onto him. Her throat parched and voice hoarse from calling out his name, over and over again.

Nearing her release, Sera subconsciously bit Lucifer's ear until her teeth dug into his skin leaving a red mark. Fresh blood oozed out of the piercing gash. Feeling the sharp pain, the man laughed menacingly instead of cursing out loud.

Raising her head dizzily, Sera had her misty-eyes fixated on Lucifer's blissfully smiling face. It tickled her heart.

Staring into her dazed eyes, Lucifer licked his fingers as though tasting his favorite caramel sauce making her blush profusely. She was speechless.

"Very.. Sweet!"

"Lucifer! No.."


Placing his finger on her swollen red lips, Lucifer kissed the corner of Sera's mouth, stopping her mid-sentence.

Probing Sera's plump lips open akin to a ripened fig, full of nectar, Lucifer's tongue delved deeper, transfering her essence. She was caught her off-guard as the weird taste assaulted her senses left and right.

Snug in a blanket that completely covered her nakedness, Lucifer cradled Sera in his strong arms like a newborn baby. Her black orbs sparkling like a million stars fixed on him.

Their eyes locked onto each other's faces as the man carefully brought her down to his bedroom.

"Milady, I.. I'm besotted by you, it wouldn't be a lie to say you're my only obsession in life.."

Lowering Sera on the bed, Lucifer grazed his thumb gently across her jawline, slowly making his way down. All her senses burst into life with the touch. The heat radiating caused visible goosebumps to prickle on her skin. A hot tingling sensation inflamed inside her core, making Sera ache badly for Lucifer. Stiffening, Sera held her breath in anticipation, feeling the man's electrifying touch as he unwrapped the blanket off her.

Gently pushing Sera's limp body on the big pillow on the huge bed, Lucifer went down, baffling her.


In one swift motion, Lucifer yanked Sera's delicate white lace. It had a big wet patch which made her cringe, her ears bleeding red in abasement.

Agitated, she closed her legs tight.

"Lucifer!! No.. Don't.."

An abashed Sera tried to snatch away her skimpy looking lace from Lucifer but to no avail. He was quick and brimming with energy unlike her, awashed with a hazy tiredness.

"I.. Give.. Give it back..!"

Tightening her fists, Sera averted her gaze to the fabric in Lucifer's hand, sputtering in a low voice.

With a devilish grin, Lucifer shook his head as he shamelessly brandished the 'object of Sera's embarrassment' in front of her.

Her small face streaked red with shame and anger at his audacity.

Completely oblivious to the inviting state she was in, Sera leapt on the man teasing her, forgetting all about her initial fear and uneasiness. No longer scared or stiff, Sera swiftly snatched the lacy panties from Lucifer, and flashed a bright victorious grin.

Pinned by the petite figure, Lucifer couldn't help but laugh in sheer amusement.

"Wha.. What are you laughing about?!"

Instantly on guard, Sera slightly raised her chin and questioned Lucifer. Her dark brow quirked up inquisitively.

"Relax.. I know what you're thinking about.."

Brushing away the dark threads of hair on her forehead, Lucifer said.

The man knew of Sera's uneasiness, her trepidation, as well as the overwhelming feelings inside her. He can read her like an open book. Nothing could be hidden from his hawk like sharp gaze.

Nodding her head slightly, Sera gave a soft smile, making Lucifer's worried expression soften.

Rolling her off him, Lucifer pinned Sera on the bed, and grasped her wrists on either side. His mouth covered hers hungrily, his teeth nibbling softly onto her lower lip and pink tongue.

Squirming under the man, Sera's eyes fluttered close like the enchanting butterfly wings, soft and delicate.