You're All Mine

Amidst the swaying silky curtains, and the soft glow of candles, the pair's silhouette cast a shadow on the walls. The dimly lit room resonant with lovely sounds of their exploration.

Fueled by Sera's muffled sugary moans, Lucifer moved downhill, from her slender neck, to her beautifully carved clavicle to her full chest. Her bosom heaving up and down in agitation was a sight to behold, to capture, to engrave in one's soul.

"Oh! You're mesmerizing milady.. I.. I Just can't get enough of you..!"

"Lu.. Ah! Lucifer.. I.. I'm.. Ahhh.."

"..I'd kill to see you like this, moaning under me, calling me, like I'm the drug and you're the addict..!"

"Ahh.. Lucifer.. Lucifer.."

"God!! My name sounds so good from your sweet mouth..!"

The enthusiastic man left glaring bites on Sera's pink tinted body, all the way down to her cute little navel, groaning in echo to her mellifluous cries of pleasure.

As though she was an untainted canvas and him, a painter, painting his life's most cherished masterpiece.

With a low growl, Lucifer paused to take of his white shirt that was unnecessarily hung on his oh-so-perfect body. His smoldering gaze never leaving Sera's seductive figure, writhing under him like a fish out of waters.

His large palm groping her petite self, relentlessly, exploring each of her sexy curves and contours.

"Beautiful.. So, so beautiful..!"

Gawping at the reddened jewel throbbing with a life of it's own, Lucifer's gray irises flashed mysteriously, crossing between wonder and lust. Incredulity clear in them as he licked his lips, unable to retreat his eyes off her.

The man's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped heavily at the beguiling sight. It was fascinating.

Dizzy, Sera cast a droopy glance at Lucifer and caught his intense stare. Instantly, her heart dropped to her stomach. She could feel herself oozing down there. Ashamed, Sera bit her lips.

"Don't.. Don't look.."

Smiling imperceptibly, Lucifer wiped the beads of sweat on Sera's forehead gently.

"Sshh.. Just relax, let me know all of you tonight!"

Holding Sera's glossed over gaze, Lucifer kissed her blushing cheeks as he said. His low, husky voice thick with want sounded like music to her ears.

Sliding his rough hand across the creamy skin of Sera's thighs, Lucifer sighed deeply making her shudder.

Slowly, Lucifer closed in awfully close to her feminine folds glistening like a red rose sprinkled with dew. It aroused a number of unkind and unfamiliar emotions inside him, to ravage her, to ruin her, to ingrain himself inside her.

The man's gaze alternating to her flushed face, it bloomed like a flower in spring with an alluring beauty. He wanted to taste her, he wanted to see her face twisted in agony while crying out his name in pleasure, she'd feel deep inside her core.

The heat coursing through her body began to upsurge, feeling his erratic, hot breathe on her. Her eyes fluttering close, unable to bear the wait, the ache multiplying by each second passed.

"..Lucifer, please.."

The rest of Sera's broken words didn't even fall into his ears when Lucifer kissed her, unceremoniously dipping his face to savor her nectarine and suck her dry. His tongue hungrily lapped up her flooding juices while she wringed at his hair, pushing her sweaty neck back and moaned loudly.

The slight twinge causing Lucifer to suck harder, his actions muddling her mind as she felt herself exploding.

"..Aaaahhh.. No, I.. Aah.. Lucifer.. Don't, ah don't stop.."

"Soo.. So good..!"

Panting and gasping for breath, the spent Sera opened her eyes to look into Lucifer's gray orbs, staring at her. Pulling him onto her, she kissed Lucifer passionately, with all her heart, as though rewarding the man for his efforts.

Amidst their kiss, Sera's hands fumbled to take off Lucifer's pants that were wrapped around his long legs. Alas, she couldn't. It was way too difficult to unbuckle the shiny custom-made black belt, trickier than a bra hook.

"What the heck!!"

Exasperated, Sera pulled apart to glare at the buckle of his belt inciting an mirthful chuckle out of Lucifer. Her expression was that of an angry little kitten. It was cute.

Fuming, Sera glared daggers at Lucifer and he hurriedly shut his mouth. It wasn't wise to incur her wrath, not at a time like this!


Pressing a tiny diamond stud on the black buckle, Lucifer flashed a dazzling smile at Sera. Harrumphing like a spoiled little brat, she yanked the belt followed by his pants. Amused, he let her do it, until she touched his underpants. Her hands froze, unable to disrobe him completely.

"Let me do it.."

Nodding, she lowered her head to hide her bashful expression, her lips red from all the biting.

As the beast sprang out of it's cage, Sera's mouth went dry with nervousness and fear. Her heart racing at an incredible speed like the Olympic runner on a track, fighting for the first place.

Noticing her reaction, Lucifer looked at his shaft that was erect and ready for action.

Towering over her shrinking figure, Lucifer caressed her face with his thumb. His tone husky, trying to control himself from taking her then and there.

"Are you feeling scared now?"

His direct question dumbfounded Sera and she kept mum, hesitating inwardly.

"I'm scared too.."

Seeing her nod slightly after a long while of hesitation, Lucifer took her hand in his and pressed a firm kiss on her palms. Hi words once again stuck her dumb. Her befuddled gaze silently questioning him.

"..I'm scared to hurt you, and letting you go through this pain.. You can still back out. I wouldn't mind.."

Placing her palm on his cheek, Lucifer gave a small smile that was as charming as ever and said softly.

"I'll be fine!"

Before he could finish, Sera firmly shook her head as she mumbled. Her big black eyes shone with determination, and love.

Laughing, Lucifer had a helpless smile on his handsome face. His heart full from the fuzzy feeling Sera's words brought upon. Her face was delicate to the touch, and he wanted to keep caressing it.

"I adore you to bits!!"

Lowering his head, Lucifer mumbled before planting his lips on hers, and filled her with the same fuzzy feeling in his heart. Feeling dazed from his hungry, demanding kisses, Sera couldn't hold back her smile and lifted her head to accommodate him.

Positioning himself, Lucifer moved slightly to get a feel of her wetness, the sensation heavenly. Gasping, she moaned against his mouth at the sudden brush, momentary yet powerful.

"..Remember, remember I love you and in this life, you're all mine, and I'm yours..!"

Chanting the above words like the sacred wedding vows, Lucifer captured her mouth and thrust himself in. She cried in surprise. Her cavern warm and snug around him as he groaned inside his throat.

As the piercing pain shot through her, Sera bit onto his tongue, and the salty taste of copper filled their mouths. Tears trickling down her eyes, wet the sides of her face, her hair and the pillow. Her neatly trimmed nails dug into his arms as she closed her eyes tight, trying to get used to the abrupt intrusion.

Soon, pleasure took over pain and Sera's muscles relaxed. She was like putty in his arms, drowning in the ecstatical sensation building inside her.

Like a pair of entangled snakes, the couple moved rhythmically, dancing in pure carnal pleasure as they trembled.

Gazing down at her, Lucifer caught pace to inscribe all of her pleasurable expressions in his mind. He was enamored by her. His heartbeat ricocheting in excitement.

"Ah! Lu.. Cifer.. Lucifer.. Lu.. Aaahhh!!"

In the delirium of desire, Sera muttered his name over and over, answering each of his thrusts. Pulling him deeper, and feeling him in her depths, she felt complete like he was her missing puzzle piece.

"I love you milady.. I love you.. Love you so, so much..!!"

The windows were open, and the cold wind blew the silken curtains to let the night sky witness their love making.