What A Tragedy

Perched on the princess bed was a svelte figure, bathed in the early morning sunlight. Her delicate face had a rather complicated expression. Her misty-eyes instilled with a newfound determination as she clenched her phone.

A desire to live freely, to win, to conquer.

Tucking away the dark threads of hair from her face, Zhang Lili blinked the tears in her eyes. And smiled. It was a beautiful smile that lit up her entire self.

Last night, after Zhang Lili collapsed in Bai Yong's arms, he begrudgingly called Mr Liu to send her back, lest their cover is blown. He didn't want the despicable Liu Chenmin to know about their brewing closeness as well as his love for Zhang Lili.

So, Bai Yong informed Liu Chenmin about Zhang Lili's inebriated state, asking for the Liu bodyguards to safely escort her home. His tone cold and highly professionally, not revealing his true emotions.

Half-heartedly, Bai Yong placed Zhang Lili on the small bench outside the restaurant, waiting patiently. He caressed her flushed cheeks, reminiscing her soft touch, warm breath and intoxicating scent.

"No matter what happens in the future.. Lili, I'll definitely protect you, I'll fight for you till my last breath.."

Sighing, Bai Yong closed his eyes, vowing as he kissed the unconscious Zhang Lili's palm.

Soon, Liu Li arrived at the shaby restaurant in a sultry red dress and high heels with her bodyguards in tow. Her long legs attracting lustful gazes.

Turning heads, Liu Li had a disdainful look as she looked around, searching Zhang Lili and accidentally caught sight of Bai Yong icy glare.

A chill crawled down her spine.

Clenching her fists tight, Liu Li sauntered towards the glacial man staring her coldly. With each step she took, Liu Li could hear her heart drumming against her chest, loud and clear.

"Mr.. Mr Bai, I'm.. I'm here to bring Zhang Lili home.."

No matter how Liu Li tried, the shakiness in her voice gave away her nervousness. Her face pale.

Quickly averting her gaze, Liu Li's slender body shook as she spotted something odd and stepped back. The aloof and heartless Mr Bai's large hand clutching Zhang Lili's small one, protectively.

"You.. You.. Why!"

Gasping, Liu Li screeched while pointing at their intertwined hands. Her eyes red, and voice hoarse. She was seething, her chest heaving violently.

Mr Bai had never been gentle to Liu Li, but he was holding Zhang Lili conscientiously like she was a precious porcelain doll. He was a ruthless beast who had ravaged her, ruined her life, yet he was so kind to Zhang Lili. It hurt her eyes.

The vast difference in treatment enraged Liu Li beyond words.

"What? You think I'm answerable to you..?"

Smirking devilishly, Bai Yong scoffed at the red-faced Liu Li and tightened his hold on Zhang Lili's hand. Her expression soured at the sight of his possessiveness.

Frowning, Zhang Lili winced in her sleep catching their attention.

Turning to glance at the frown in between Zhang Lili's brows, Bai Yong smoothed it with his thumb.

Staring at the peaceful Zhang Lili, a smile crept up his full lips. It was subtle yet the impact it had on Liu Li was huge akin to a bolt of lightning.

Stunned, Liu Li stood rooted to the ground.

"Don't forget your place!"

Glaring icily, Bai Yong spat harshly before carrying Zhang Lili in his arms. His actions extremely cautious stung Liu Li's eyes. She felt cold to her bones.

Walking past her, Bai Yong strode straight towards Liu Li's car, ignoring her presence completely.

When Zhang Lili woke up from her slumber, it was already the next day, and the sun vas shining brightly.

Vivid images of what occurred the othr day came flooding to Zhang Lili. Liu Chenmin and Liu Li's schemes, Bai Yong's care, his concern as well as her own outrageously drunk behavior. Her head throbbing in pain.

"Heh! What a tragedy.."

Chuckling dryly, Zhang Lili shook her head and muttered under her breath.

True enough, Zhang Lili's life was no lesser than an epic tragedy. She'd been deprived of her mother's love, her father's affection from a young age. She was even betrayed by both her father's time and again. While her best friend and half-sister, Liu Li hated her to the bones.

Picking up her mobile, Zhang Lili swiftly dialed a number she thought she'd never see again.



"Yes, it's me.."


"I want to meet you. It's urgent.."


"Tha.. Thank you, I'll forever remember you for this favor!"


"Hmm.. See you!"

Gripping her phone tightly, Zhang Lili's lips curled to reveal a ravishing smile while her gaze turned icy cold.

"I'll definitely get back at you two despicable bastards, Liu Li, Liu Chenmin.. Just wait for your retribution!"

- - -

It was blinding outside, the shining sunlight pierced inside through the peeks of the silk curtains. The cood breeze flailing them in a slow motion, bringing in the sweet scent of red roses and white lilies. The heart-shape candles no longer burning.

Happy as a lark, Lucifer casted a glance at the sleeping beauty in his arms, her small face against the pillow akin to a beautifully blooming flower. Her thick black eyelashes quivering ever so lightly. While her red lips, bitten by the man were pursed lightly.

Entranced, his hand subconsciously moved to Sera's hair covering her bare shoulders. And he gently threaded his fingers through their silken locks. A blissful smile danced about his bruised lips.


Frowning mildly, Sera groaned in her sleep as the soreness in her back made her feel uncomfortable.

Feeling guilty, Lucifer reached to massage her back, slowly. Satisfied, Sera mumbled groggily before curling upto him, and slept soundly in his embrace.

The sound of Lucifer's heartbeat was a serene lullaby to Sera, her little cherry mouth curled into a sweet smile.