Don't Forget Your Promise

After scuffling whole night in each other's embrace like rabbits in heat, Sera was dog-tired, and sore all over. Her initially spotless body covered in glaring hickeys.

Although, the beastial Lucifer did bath Sera warm and clean, he once again, shamelessly pushed himself onto her softness until she begged for mercy. Overcome by exhaustion, the poor soul had no idea when she fell asleep.

Rousing from her slumber, the disoriented Sera peeled her groggy eyes open to gain a clearer look of the person beside her. Her sleepiness flew out of the window like a bird taking flight at the captivating sight. Her mouth hanging open.

Staring at her funny expression, Lucifer couldn't help but smile.

With the late morning sun showering him in rays of light, the man looked like an Adonis. His bare upper-body colored a healthy bronze. The warm blanket covered his long legs, revealing his abs and broad shoulders.

In a daze, Sera's gaze lingered on the cruel bite mark etched on his shoulder. Her face flushed hot from the night's memory.

"Good morning, love.. Did you sleep well?"

Guiding her eyes upto the man's face like she was in a trance, Sera slowly nodded in reply.

A fuzzy feeling sprouted in Lucifer's chest after seeing her listless like this. It was exciting. The beauty's abashed expression too cute for words. His steely gray orbs sparkling with light.

Feeling a strong urge to tease her, Lucifer inched close to Sera making her hold her breath. Her big black eyes staring him fixedly. While his fingers grazed her chin gently as though she's the priced national treasure.

Seeing the most handsome man's most handsome face approaching her, Sera's eyes automatically fluttered close. Her heartbeat racing in anticipation.


Just as Sera was waiting for his warm lips to fall gently on hers, Lucifer's caramel like voice resounded beside her. Her heart almost did a somersault in surprise.


With a start, Sera's eyelids twitched open and she gaped at him in bafflement. She was stumped for words.

"This.. You had an eyelash on her face!"

Satisfied with her reaction, Lucifer showed Sera the thin thread of lash in his fingers. And flashed an innocent smile.


Staring harmlessly at his speechless woman, Lucifer bit back his smile.

"What did you think I was doing.."

Seemingly in a deep thought, Lucifer shot Sera an innocent looked as he asked.

The previously drained colors crept up her small face painting it an alluring deep red.

"N.. Nothing!!"

Flustered beyond words, Sera hurriedly cut Lucifer's sentence short and stuttered like a child learning to speak. Her gaze averting from the man's piercing gaze in abasement.


Laughing heartily, Lucifer effortlessly swept Sera in his arms, caging her petite frame. His nose pressed against her jade like collarbone to take a whiff of her enticing scent he loved so much.

"Hurry, let go of me.."

Flailing her arms, Sera feigned struggle as she mumbled softly trying to get away from him.

"Uh?! Why.. Didn't you ask me to hold you tight last night.."

Stopping in his movements, Lucifer cocked his brow as he recounted the events of the night as Sera begged him in delirium. Her face so red, blood could be seen spurting out any moment.

"Shut up! Stop being so shameless.."

Harshly sapping his strong chest, Sera muttered angrily which evoked Lucifer's inner beast from his sleep. Her actions extremely coquettish in his eyes.

"Shameless?! Hmm.. Let me show you what shamelessness actually means.."

Grinning like a devil, Lucifer peeled away from Sera and licked his seductive lips. His words, gaze, and actions provocative.

"Ah! No.. Not again, I'm really sore.. Lucifer!"

Feeling the man's hands explore her, Sera turned and twisted but to no avail. He was strong for her. His skilled mouth nibbling on her smooth skin until her legs turned to jelly.

Sera struggled in Lucifer's arms for a second before receiving his kisses with a little laugh, helplessly.

- - -

Inside a small cafe.

Sitting opposite the iceberg like Mr Bai was a youthful and smiling Zhang Lili.

In a modest white and black striped jumpsuit, Zhang Lili appeared clean and fresh unlike her haggard self last night. Her face had a natural glow which was previously absent. Her red lips jerked up to reveal a radiant smile.

On the table across the pair, two cups of piping hot coffee along with a strawberry shortcake was placed. There was also a small vase with pink flowers that resembled Zhang Lili's pink cheeks.

"Ms Zhang, what do you want to talk about so urgently?"

Pushing back the gold rimmed spectacles on his nose, Bai Yong was the first to open his mouth. Unlike others, he didn't like to beat around the bush. His words precise, cut to the chase without wasting any time.

Tracing the rim of the coffee mug, Zhang Lili took a deep breath to calm her throbbing heart. After a beat, she smiled at Bai Yong, blinding him. His own heart in shambles.

"I want your help.. I know that you're aware of things that I have no idea. So.. So please help me.."

Squinting slightly, Zhang Lili articulated in a clear voice. Her astute gaze gaging his reaction with each word spoken. His brows furrowed in a mild frown.

"And what will I get.."

Relaxing his expression, Bai Yong cast her a glance which was neither sharp nor cold. His intentions unfathomable. It made Zhang Lili's perturbation rise.

Before he could finish, Zhang Lili's agitated voice interrupted Bai Yong. She sounded desperate and he knew better than anyone.

"Anything!! Anything that you want.. I can give you.."

A glint flashed past Bai Yong's hawk like eyes fixed on Zhang Lili, although his face remained unchanged.

Silence engulfed the two.

After a beat, Bai Yong gave a nod, seemingly contemplating Zhang Lili's words. He spat his words apathetically. an almost imperceptible smile graced his frigid face that Zhang Lili failed to notice.

"Hmm.. Don't forget what you promised!"

Understanding that under the man's cold exterior was but a warm interior, Zhang Lili didn't doubt him. Her smile deepened.

Unlike earlier, Zhang Lili didn't cower frightfully or feel ill at ease under Bai Yong's calculating gaze. However, the knot in her heart untangled with just his few words.

"Definitely.. I definitely won't forget!"

With a small bow, Zhang Lili had a a grateful look in her eyes as she smiled prettily.