It's A Cat!

The clock struck exactly 10. It was dark and eerie outside.

All the roads were nearly empty, with just a few people here and there. The only sound that could be heard was a distant howling of dogs. It was more than enough to scare any fainthearted person.

*click* *clack*

*click* *clack*

The crisp sound of heels clicking against the slippery ground reverberated, ceasing the dead silence.

Absentmindedly going through her phone, Su Yin disregarded the footsteps following her. She moved ahead steadily. Her head full of her work, and her man, Adrian whose been MIA. She was missing him terribly!

Due to some issues, the carpark of Su Yin's apartment couldn't be accessed for a few days now. And, she's been parking her car outside the apartment gates. Her appetite is better now. There's no sign of nausea or dizziness. Her fetus is also stable. Even her supposed stalker is scarce, out of her life. Su Yin was truly happy.

*buzz* *buzz*

Just as Su Yin was about to enter the gate, her phone buzzed, indicating that it's a text message. Smiling, she hurriedly clicked it open after seeing the sender's name - Ad!

Ad - 'Are you still up?'

Yinyin - 'Hmm.. When are you coming back?'

Ad - 'Soon.. Take care of yourself, for me ❤'

Yinyin - 'You too.. I miss you loads!!!'

Ad - 'You think I don't miss you?'

Yinyin - 'Who knows?! You don't even call me.. Like before!'

Ad - 'Stop accusing me! I was busy, truly.. I'll try to call you tonight."

Yinyin - 'Liar!!'

Engrossed, the couple started messaging back and forth. Her lips stretched into a constant wide smile. Her fingers tapping away like a teenager in love.

Su Yin's plump cheeks hued pink as she grinned widely.


Suddenly, a sharp noise caught Su Yin's attention. And she almost dropped her phone as cold chill shot through her spine. Her hands shaking uncontrollably.

The sound of metal bars clinging against each other made her heart jump in fright. Su Yin stood rooted to the ground. Her lead like legs wouldn't move no matter how she tried to. Her back drenched in cold sweat.


A cry echoed abruptly bringing the pale Su Yin back to her senses. Her heart gradually calmed hearing the familiar voice.

"Jinan! Wh.. Wha.. What are you doing here?!!"

Turning around, Su Yin was shocked to see a grinning Lu Jinan waving at her. His head of hair was tilted to the side charmingly, a sight for sore eyes.

"I was just passing by, and saw you here, standing like a fool..! What's up? You look odd.."

Jogging towards her, Lu Jinan elaborated why and what he was doing here, so late at night. His expression streaked with doubt seeing her pallid countenance dotted with sweat. And his large palm covered her small forehead.

"You're the fool!!"

Puffing her cheeks, Su Yin hastily swatted Lu Jinan's hand away as she cursed him. All of a sudden, the similar sound of metal reverberated, and she ended up screaming like a banshee.


To her surprise, a white cat with hints of gray fur emerged from the dark. It's eyes glowing in the dark scarily.

"Hey! Relax.. It's just a cat playing with a tin can!!"

Patting her back, Lu Jinan without wasting a beat comforted Su Yin like a good friend. The mirth in his gaze couldn't be hidden as he tried to hold back his laughter.

The small metal tin, when hit against the street light's pole would produce the same frightening sound. It all made sense to Su Yin now. She heaved a sigh in relief.

Staring at the dumbly standing girl, deep in thought, Lu Jinan simply shook his head in resignation. Like a big brother, he wrapped his sturdy arms around her frail shoulders, beckoning Su Yin's attention to himself. It worked.

"Yinyin, Want to get some icecream? My treat.."

As Su Yin turned to him, Lu Jinan flashed his brilliant smile followed by a playful wink.

Enticing Su Yin with icecream is the best option lest she spends the whole night without any sleep. Everyone in the capital is aware of the fact, how much of a scaredy cat the great Miss Su Yin is.

"Okay, by the way.. Where's your sister?"

Easily tempted, Su Yin happily strode alongside the tall man, forgetting all about her initial fears.

"At home! She's sleeping.."

As their backs receded amidst the dark and empty roads, the pair's voices faded as well.


The furry white cat curiously pawed the thick metal rod hidden in between the potted plants. A black mask thrown beside it was gnawed by the cat, it's paws scratching at it.

The next morning, Su Yin woke up to a call from an unknown number. She was groggy to the point, she couldn't make out head or tails out of the of the phonecall.

*ding* *dong*

Su Yin cursed as she dragged her feet to the door, after the door bell went off. It was so frustrating.

A neat bouquet of rose stalks minus the rose bulbs, but thorns and leaves sat on the floor. It was wrapped in a beautiful red ribbon. A blood covered card was attached to it.

Covering her mouth, the originally sleepy Su Yin was now wide awake. She backtracked her steps and closed the door with a slam. Her eyeballs bulging out of her head. The sound of her heart hitting against her cage distinctly loud, even her breathing erratic.

*ding* *dong*

Peeking through the peephole, Su Yin saw no one. She felt that her ears were ringing. Taking a few breaths, she slowly opend the door to find the bouquet cleared. There was no blood, no red ribbon, nothing. It was squeaky clean.

Petrified, Su Yin's head spun.

"Wha.. What the..!!"

Cursing, Su Yin swiftly slammed the door shut in trepidation. Her forehead covered in cold sweat.

- - -

Humming a tune, Sera happily skipped to the dining room. Her complexion a healthy pink. She looked stunning in a sleek bubble sleeved blouse in royal purple, paired with a mint hued tight skirt. Her pillowy soft feet adorned a pair glittery silver heels.

On the dining table, Anna Lu, along with her daughter-in-law, Lu Shanshan was having breakfast. While Lu Shanshan was busy on the phone.

"Good morning grandmother.."

Smiling like a flower in full bloom, Sera greeted before taking her seat across her ever gorgeous grandmother.

"Good morning my precious! You look so pretty, come here.. Today grandmother's made your favorite pancakes!"

Anna Lu, enthusiastically served her break fast to her lovely granddaughter. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she grinned.

"Wow! Really.. Thank you! My grandmother is the best.."

Full of smiles, Sera said a word of thanks as she prepared to gobble up her favorite fluffy pancakes. However, her hand halted midway, hearing her grandmother's next words.

"I heard you were sick yesterday.."

Erupting in a fit of cough, Sera chugged a glass of water. Her throat suddenly felt parched.

*cough* *cough*

It's true that she was burning. After their vigorous activities, Lucifer dropped Sera back home as he prepared to attend an important meeting.

It was then, Sera felt something amiss, her insides were squeezy. However, she patiently held her breath until she stepped foot inside her bedroom. And collapsed on the bed, once inside. She was like a piece of bread stacked into oven.

Fortunately, Sera had read somewhere, when a girl loses her virginity, she's prone to catch fever. It made her blush profusely. It might not be true.. She thought! Yet, now she experiencing it first hand.