The Sooner, The Better

Patting her chest, and still coughing, Sera looked up in panic as heat rushed to to her cheeks till they turned a glaring red.

"Who.. Who told.."

Curious yet filled with guilt, Sera's gaze darted towards her grandmother when her mother, Lu Shanshan spoke up.

"It was your brother.. Jinan, he saw you sleeping soundly when he came to your room yesterday.."

After hanging up, Lu Shanshan unhurriedly turned to look at her darling daughter with a small smile on her lips. Her soft, motherly gaze made Sera's guilt shoot upto the roof.

"That child, he was worried about you and.."

Anxious, Sera blurted out, interrupting Lu Shanshan as the latter tried to recall. Her anxiety ridden heart pounding a mile per second.

"Cold! Just a little cold.. I'm better now!"

The corners of Sera's mouth quirked into a unnatural smile as she tried to comfort the Lu ladies.

'Ah! Lying is such a pain..!'

Filled with immense disgruntlement, Sera brutally stabbed the fluffy soft pancakes with her fork, and lowered her head to eat.

"Hmm, that's good then.."

With a nod, Lu Shanshan and Anna Lu both had a relieved expression on their faces as they mumbled. Smiling warmly at Sera.

"So.. What was the call about?"

Quirking her brows, Anna Lu then turned to her daughter-in-law who was smiling giddily much to her surprise. Her hand busy stirring the rice and seafood porridge.


Taking a sip of her fragnant flower infused tea, Lu Shanshan was a bit dazed at the sudden question.

"Ah! I forgot to tell, RuYi's getting married.."

As realization dawned on her, Lu Shanshan's blank expression morphed to a joyful one as she announced. Happy as a lark.

"Hmm.. That lass is getting married? Isn't she a year or two younger than our Sera..?"

Nodding in a slow rhythm, the old woman's expression gradually creased into a frown at the announcement. She fixed her shrewd gaze on the disinterested but pretty face of her granddaughter. The latter sat looking graceful while leisurely sipping onto her glass of fresh juice, seemingly paying no mind to their conversation. Her ears, however, perked up the moment her name was mentioned.

How could Sera not get the insinuation behind her grandmother's words? She almost choked on her sour plum juice, her eyes darting around in discomfort.


Suppressing her cough, Sera covered her mouth with a napkin and raised her head. When she caught sight of her grandmother whose eyes were twinkling with a strangely familiar smile, her heart almost jumped in fright.

'No.. Not again! I don't want to get married to any Tom, Dick and Harry..!'

Stretching her pink painted lips into a wry grin, Sera stood up in haste and gathered her things.

"I.. I have an early meeting.. I'll see you at dinner! Bye.."

Saying that, Sera fled the scene leaving the two ladies dumbfounded as they stared at her fleeing figure.

"This girl..!"

Heaving a sigh, they shook their heads in dismay and continued to eat their breakfast.

- - -

Lee Mansion.

A flashy sports car in blazing red halted abruptly and a gorgeously tall hunk alighted. His visage handsome, his sparkly gaze enigmatic and aura comparable to a magnet.

"Oh Sophia darling.. My gorgeous Sophia.. Where are you?!"

Howling, and shouting spiritedly, Lucifer entered the garden where Sophia Lee was having her tea in peace. A smile blossomed on her aged face upon listening the ruckus caused by the man.

"You rascal, what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Although elated in her heart, Sophia Lee couldn't help but feign annoyance as she spat, elegantly holding her porcelain blue tea cup. She carefully placed the delicately crafted cup onto the table where other delectables were neatly arranged.

"I'm here for your blessings.."

With a slight jerk of his thin lips, Lucifer plopped himself onto the chair opposite Sophia, as he said. His words in echo with his actions. A warm almond cookie made it's way into his mouth.

"Blessings?! Did you finally decide to get married?"

The mask of ignorance cracked and Sophia Lee's motherly smile reached her eyes, while her hands reached to hold Lucifer's large ones. A sense of urgency in her tone.

"Huh! Aah~ No.. I mean yes.. No, not now.."

Casting a lost glance at their hands, Lucifer was suddenly at a loss. The man's highly animated expression from before forged into confusion, realization, and twenty other emotions as he shook and nodded his head like a broken bob toy. Unsure of what to say or do.

"Sophia.. Today, your good son, Lucifer, I'm not here to talk about my marriage.."

Taking a deep breath, Lucifer caressed the back of Sophia Lee's hand as he explained in a gentle manner.

"Oh! Then why are you here?"

As her spirits dampened, Sophia Lee, at once retracted her hands from Lucifer's hold. And pouted like a child.

"Simply, because I want to see you.. Your beautiful face, your pretty smile, your.."

Seeing the downtrodden look on his grandma's face, Lucifer hastily began singing her praises in his magnetic voice. All while smiling dazzlingly.

"Enough! You little rascal, I know exactly what you are trying to do. Don't think that just because I'm old, I don't know anything.."

Biting back her laughter, Sophia Lee playfully smacked Lucifer's shoulder with a glare to shut him up. Her narrowed gaze sizing him like he's a thief under interrogation.

"Hehe.. I knew it, my darling Sophia is the smartest, the best!!"

Chuckling sheepishly, Lucifer massaged his shoulder. He raised both his hands in a thumbs up sign and flashed a wide smile brandishing his clean white teeth to appease his lovely grandma.

"Hmm.. Now tell me, what do you want?"

Appeased to an extent, Sophia Lee continued to feign a look of annoyance as she pressed Lucifer for an answer. Her beautiful eyes, however, were gleaming in anticipation.

"That.. I.. I.."

Faced with Lucifer's incoherent stuttering that screamed nervousness, Sophia almost lost her patience.

"What is it? Tell me fast, or else.."

Giving him one final look, Sophia stood up in an attempt to leave when Lucifer leapt to her side.

"Yes yes! I.. I wanted mama's ring.. The one she gave to you, for her.. for her daughter-in-law.."

Nodding furiously, Lucifer ultimately caved in and blurted out a big yes. He uneasily lowered his head, heaved a resigned sigh, and looked up to say. His steely gray eyes avoiding hers.

"You brat! If you're not thinking about your marriage, then why do you want the ring? Don't lie.. Tell me, what's up? What did you do?"

Quirking her brows, Sophia shot a series of questions, making Lucifer uncomfortable to the core. His ears burned a deeper shade of red, reminiscing the night spent with his beloved.

Of course, the great Lucifer was not only thinking about marriage but he was also planning ahead and thinking about his future children.

Yep, his future children with Sera.

Although the couple had used protection and practiced safe sex, Lucifer was still unconvinced in his heart.

After a thorough research, Lucifer found out that though condoms claim to be 98% effective in preventing pregnancy. In reality, there are a few chances when condoms are only 85% effective in preventing pregnancy. And 15 out of 100 people can fail, and Lucifer gladly grouped himself with the unlucky 15 people. Or in this case lucky!

Call him paranoid, overprotective or even a fool, Lucifer was greatly perturbed about the fact that he'd slept with Sera without putting a ring on her finger.

Yes, you got it right, our Lucifer is a very traditional man.

Not only that, the other reason for Lucifer's impatience is a thorn in his iron clad but fragile heart. He is worried that his children would be labeled as 'bastards' just like him. Thanks to that, Lucifer is hell bent on taking a step forward and making Sera his wife. The sooner, the better.

"I.. I didn't do anything, I swea... I mean I'm not lying.."

Shaking his head in denial, Lucifer bit back his tongue from blurting out the truth. Like a deflated balloon, he slumped back into his chair.

"Okay! I just wanted to resize mama's ring according to my girlfriend's finger, that's it!"

Drawing a deep breath, Lucifer steeled himself and held the old woman's gaze nervously as he articulated in a clear manner.

"Are you sure that's it? Why now, of all the times.. Why are you so impatient, huh..?"

Sceptical, Sophia inquisitively pressed on for an answer for she could see through this man. He's her baby!

With no other choice, Lucifer was smart enough to concede defeat and unwillingly revealed his future plans.

"Because.. Because I want to surprise my girlfriend. It will be her birthday soon, and I don't want to miss my chance! I'll propose to her.."

Dodging her surprised gaze, Lucifer rubbed the back of his neck in hopes of concealing his embarrassment.

"Haha.. You, you little rascal.. Haha.. I'm so happy! Wait.. Let me get it for you.."

Elated beyond expectation, Sophia Lee burst into laughter at Lucifer's unexpected words intercepting him.