I Still Love You

LuSera Art Gallery.

It was already past lunch time when Sera was finally finished with her work. Her secretary and assistant Ye JiaYu, a young girl with a bubbly personality and bright sense of fashion had gone out to get lunch for her boss. While the manager, a young man in his thirties called Jiang YuZhe was in his cabin having lunch. Even the staff was on break.

With a faraway look on her face, Sera's dark orbs keenly studied the newly arrived paintings at the display when she heard footsteps approaching. A subtle change overcame her expression before returning back to normal.

Alarmed by the sudden intrusion, Sera turned around and the confusion in her gaze deepened.

Two middle-aged men, decent looking as well as dapper in suits and formal wear walked towards her. Though unexpected, the smiles on their face didn't appear to be revolting.

Slightly startled, Sera's straight brows wrinkled almost imperceptibly as she gazed at them in silence. Waiting for the duo to speak up.

As far as Sera's memory served her right, there were no other appointments today, apart from one dinner meeting that she'll be attending later tonight.

"Hello beautiful lady, my name is Alberto Chung and this is Donal Wen, my assistant.."

Taking off his dark sunglasses, Alberto Chung introduced himself with a faint smile. His hand gripping the glasses gestured towards Donal Wen who had a subtly smiling expression all along.

"Hello Mr Chung, Mr Wen, I'm Seraphina Lu.. How can I help you?"

With a curt nod, Sera greeted the two men with a professional smile. Her youthful and fresh face glowing. Her supple lips stained a light shade of pink added an extra charm to her over all look. Especially when she smiled.

"I'm looking for a particular painting by the artist 'ROSE', I heard your gallery especially exhibits all 'ROSE' paintings in the country!"

Looking around, Alberto Chung maintained his smile as he said. His eyes squinting. His voice crisp with no signs of aging. Raising his hand to the many paintings of 'ROSE' on the gallery walls, he smiled at Sera.

"Oh, yes Mr Chung. If you're free now, we can have a look.."

Acknowledging Alberto Chung's words with a nod of her head, Sera aptly proposed.

"No.. Ah, I mean, I'll visit another day. I have a lunch appointment today.."

Declining Sera's offer, Alberto Chung flashed a gentle smile, shaking his head. His gaze landed on his watch as he excused himself.

"No problem Mr Chung, you can call me any time. This here, it is my card.."

With a blink and a nod, Sera returned his smile with ease. And nimbly retrieved her name card.

"Sure, see you again!"

At cue, Donal Wen reached to take the card from Sera's hand. Still smiling, Alberto Chung bid his farewell.

Feeling somewhat weird in her heart, Sera eyed their receding backs in silence. After a long time, she shook her head and turned around to leave.

- - -

A crescent moon glowed in the dark grayish sky flanked by glittering stars.

Enjoying the cooling breeze caressing her skin, Su Yin was out on a stroll in the neighborhood. Her black hair pulled up in a messy bun leaving thin threads to fall on either side of her pale face.

Dressed warmly in an oversized gray sweater and matching wool socks that reached her knees, Su Yin happily licked the ice cream waffle cone in her hand.

Waiting for her man to come back home soon, Su Yin was earnestly taking care of her own health as well as her baby. For she was now ready to share this happiness with Adrian. In her heart, Su Yin felt really awful for keeping him in the dark. And making him selfishly wait for her.

After staying apart these few days, and thinking through things bugging her, Su Yin finally came to a conclusion.

Even if the sky falls, Su Yin will surely fight for her happiness, for the love of her life. And most importantly her baby and her future with Adrian. Instead of backing out on him.

All of the useless uncertainties in Su Yin's heart that had previously clouded her thinking cleared up like mist. Leaving only her love, and sheer determination, to love, to live. To happiness.

Humming a hippy tune, Su Yin was gorging on her lychee icecream busily when the streetlight exploded with a loud noise. The lights went off. And the surroundings turned eerily dark giving a spooky feeling. Only the howling of wind could be heard.


The ice cream cone in Su Yin's hand dropped on the cold concrete audibly in the quietude, in sync with her shrill scream.

As though that wasn't enough a scare, suddenly, a silhouette emerged from the darkness catching Su Yin off-guard. Her legs turned to jelly as she stumbled back a step, in shock. Trepidation clutched Su Yin's whole being, unable to breathe or make a sound.

'Why am I so unlucky! Is this.. Is this man my stalker?!! Is he finally showing himself?'

The biting cold breeze blew past Su Yin's ears coupled with the deafening sound of her wildly beating heart.

Frightfully retracting her steps, Su Yin was about to crash into the wall when the face of the shadow became clearer.

The so-called stalker's identity shook Su Yin into a state of speechlessness before she found her voice back.

"The fuck Shawn!! You scared the hell out of me.."

Blurting out an expletive, Su Yin tiredly ran her hand on her damp forehead to wipe the traces of moisture. She'd broken into cold sweat earlier.

The moment she met Shawn's smouldering gaze boring a hole into her, Su Yin almost lost her ability of speech.

"Anyway.. Wha.. What are you doing here?!"

Pulling herself together, Su Yin asked the question bugging her.

Shawn Qin lived on the other side of the city, so what was he doing here?

However, the man's only response to Su Yin's inquiry was pin drop silence making her feel extremely ill at ease. His stare just as spine chilling as his taciturnity.

"Hey! Shawn.. Shawn, Answer me.. Why are you here?"

Pushing back the strange discomfort multiplying in her chest, Su Yin beseeched for an answer. However there was still no reply. Her patience thinning by the second.

After what seemed like eternity had passed but only a moment in reality, Shawn Qin reacted.

"I love you.."

As though in a trance, Shawn took a slow, tentative step closer to Su Yin. His words resounding in a rasp.

"I love you Su Yin.. I love you so much.."

Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Su Yin was about to berate Shawn Qin when the man interrupted her. As though on a tape setting, Shawn Qin kept on repeating the same words again and again.

"Okay, stop it.. If you're here to play a prank then sorry, I'm in no mood to entertain you.. Also, you know that I have a boyfriend right

Just as Shawn Qin was getting closer to Su Yin, she raised her hand, stopping him. She rolled her eyes at his stupid attempt to pull a prank on her.


Su Yin's tepid, and unenthusiastic reaction to his heartfelt confession didn't sit well with Shawn Qin. His jaw clenched as fury burned in his gaze, his fists balled tightly.

"And.. A baby?! Is that what you want to tell me?"

Snorting derisively, Shawn Qin interrupted Su Yin with a mocking tone, his gaze as red as the devil's.

The question, no less than a brutal kick in the guts left Su Yin shell-shocked. All the blood drained from her face rapidly at the revelation.

On tenterhooks, Su Yin's fingers clutched onto the hem of her sweater. Crumpling it. It's warm temperature a dark contrast to her cold hands.

"Bab.. Baby? Wha.. What baby? Why don't I understand?"

Letting out a flat laughter, Su Yin brushed off Shawn Qin's allegations but her choked voice gave her out. She looked hysterical, it hurt his eyes.

"Heh.. What are you talking about? Bab.. Baby? No.."

Not in the mood to entertain Su Yin, Shawn Qin hollered like a madman. He was shaking in rage.

"Don't fucking lie to me! You think I won't know just because you won't tell me?!! You think I'm that dumb, ha?"

The man's outburst made Su Yin jump out of her skin.

"Look here, Shawn.. Just calm down ok? Calm down, and let's talk it out.. Calmly.. Hmm?"

Gritting her teeth, Su Yin made an attempt to reason out with Shawn who was clearly raging mad. Her back covered in bouts of cold sweat.

"I love you so much Su Yin why can't you see?!! I love you, really, really, I love you so so much.."

Red-eyed, Shawn Qin's sight akin to a jilted lover, disheveled and shouting. His harsh ragged breathing, twitching brows, bulging veins, tight jaw and dilated pupils, all screamed madness.

"Okay, I know.. I know.."

Salty wetness pooled in Su Yin's dark eyes before rolling down her cheeks. With her heart racing at an incredible pace, Su Yin had only one thought - to get out of here unscathed.

Her life, and her unborn child's life was the only thing that mattered. For Adrian, for the sake of their future, she had to save herself today.

In despair, Su Yin's eyes furtively searched the ground for something, some weapon to evade this stalking-pyscho-lover of hers.

"No! No you don't know.. You know nothing you dumb woman!"

Like a madman, Shawn Qin rushed to grab Su Yin when she shrieked and shrank back. Her pale face damp with freshly flowing tears of horror.

Su Yin's extreme reaction to him was akin to a million daggers piercing straight through Shawn Qin's heart.

"What do you know how I feel when I see you.. How I felt when I held you, when you kissed me, the touch of your lips, your skin, your beautiful breath.. I love you dammit..!!"

Unmoving, Shawn Qin stood dead in his track while gazing at Su Yin's crying figure, dreamily reminiscing their gud times. His gaze, as though devouring her whole.

Listening to Shawn, a repulsive sensation smothered Su Yin's senses making unable to breathe. Goosebumps erupted on her skin with each word, each memory.

"And you? You used me!! You used me to get back at your piece-of-a-shit boyfriend! You heartless woman! I know, I know that I'm not worth anything in your eyes.. But I still can't forget you, I still love you.. Come back to me Su Yin!"

Raising his hands, Shawn beckoned Su Yin into his arms. Terrified, she shook her head vehemently, refusing to do his bidding.

In a moment of pique, Shawn Qin growled loudly. His legs racing to reach Su Yin and haul her back to him.

"Come back to me!!"

Before Shawn Qin could even reach a hair of Su Yin, a figure dashed into him heavily. It brushed past her like a gust of wind.

"Ad.. Adrian!!"

Seeing the back of the man straddling, and raining punches on the pathetic Shawn Qin, Su Yin mumbled in a daze. Her soft lips quivering