Upto No Good

A mundane evening, spent by walking aimlessly in the community park unexpectedly turned into an out-of-the-ordinary experience for Su Yin.

Her heart was in shambles as she stared at the scene in front of her eyes.

The blood in Su Yin's veins which had long frozen to ice slowly regained warmth. Her ears ringing with the unfamiliar grunts of pain, and panting. Her vision, blurry from tears clearing just as her muddled up brain.

Su Yin finally regained her composure.

Running to Adrian's side as he pounded the sorry figure of Shawn Qin with his fist, Su Yin tried to stop him. Her voice hoarse from crying.

"No!! Stop!! Stop.. Adrian! No.. Stop..!"

No matter how, or what Su Yin said, Adrian wouldn't budge an inch.

The mountain like man crouching on the ground attacked another ruthlessly. Her voice, her words didn't seem to reach Adrian. He didn't stop even when Shawn Qin was covered in red. His blu shirt stained crimson with fresh blood.


Aghast by the sight before her, Su Yin screamed out his name in hopes of stopping the man. Her face red, stained with tears and traces of deep affliction. The way her eyes gaze at him, it was filled with immense agony.

Startled by the painful call, Adrian hurriedly let go of Shawn Qin who was battered, black and blue. The latter let out a painful groan in the midst of fighting his consciousness. His hair messy and ridden with dust.

Turning around, the hysteric Adrian met Su Yin's gaze. His senses coming back to him gradually.

Jumping on his feet, he gently cupped her face, wiping away her tears as he said.

"Yinyin! I'm here.. I'm here.. Don't worry, he won't hurt you, nobody will hurt you.. Sorry, I'm sorry I'm late.."

His familiar deep voice laced with bitterness, full of regret entered her ears. Her heart wrenching in response. Her pitiful expression and lost gaze made his heart wince.

Embracing Su Yin's frail figure close to his chest, Adrian pressed a chaste kiss on her hair as he apologized. His oceanic blue orbs layered with mist.

Spitting a mouthful of blood, Shawn Qin's mouth curved into a sneer, almost self-deprecatingly. He cast a hazy glance at the sobbing Su Yin through his half-closed eyes. His initially grieving heart now bitter and venomous.

"No, it's.. It's not your fault.."

Slightly raising her head, Su Yin shook her head and mumbled. Her mouth jerking into a smile that wasn't exactly fulfilling. His heart ached for her. She was the love of his life, the mother of his child, and look what had happened to her? Adrian really couldn't accept it.

Pushing away the stray hair from her forehead, Adrian sighed in relief. His warm lips found her forehead, soothingly kissing her worries away while comforting his own heart. He will never let anyone, anything hurt her. She was his everything

Just recalling the scene that greeted him, the moment he walked into the park made Adrian's blood boil like anything.

Carrying bags of food, beverages and other stuff he'd purchased for Su Yin, Adrian was on his way to her apartment. It was at that time when her familiar screams reached his ears, and his blood ran cold. Leaving everything, he dashed inside the park gates to see Shawn Qin lunging at his sweetheart.

After reaching B City, the first thing Adrian did was find Su Yin. He planned to spend the night with her and report to work tomorrow morning.

He missed her terribly.

And badly wanted to see her, to embrace her, to feel her. What he didn't expect was to see her like this!

Closing his eyes feebly, Shawn lay on the ground, all while listening to the couple whispering sweet nothings to each other. Their intimate interaction was akin to salt being rubbed on his wound. It was anything but laughable. Yet he chuckled with his eyes shut. The next second, he opened those hazel orbs shining with an evil gleam. An equally evil smirk lacing his broken, red lips.

The sight capable of making one shiver in sheer fright.

Tugging the corners of his mouth into a smile, Adrian leaned away to gaze at Su Yin. She was no longer crying. Although her eyes were slightly swollen, she looked cute.

Unable to resist, Adrian's fingers lightly brushed Su Yin's pale cheeks causing her to feel greatly flustered. She was about to say that she's fine now, and not scared at all when Su Yin noticed something.

From the corner of her eyes, Su Yin caught sight of the limping Shawn pulling a knife. Her eyes went wide. And heart turned cold.

"Watch out!!"

Screaming hoarsely, Su Yin reflexively pushed Adrian who was embracing her. It was a rather futile attempt as the man only moved a tiny bit. He was as heavy as a boulder.

Greatly taken aback, Shawn Qin's hand shook as he didn't expect Su Yin to react on impulse. The sharp edge of the knife changed direction, now aiming at her.


Yelling at the top of his lungs, Adrian felt his soul leaving his body.

The man's body moved on it's own. Before his brain could process, he was blocking the attack. He winced as his hand caught the sharp, cold blade. It pierced right throug his palm and warm blood dripped on the cold concrete. His brows knit together as he fought Shawn Qin. The latter was using all his strength.


Meanwhile, the shock was too much for Su Yin to handle as an expecting mother. A piercing shriek escaped her wide open mouth and she clutched her non-existent baby bump. And fell back on the miserably.

In no time, Su Yin passed out as her eyes slowly fluttered closed.

Still limping, Shawn Qin gathered his strength to harm his love rival. Pulling and pushing the knife, cutting through the Adrian's palm in the process.

The two men struggled to beat the other, and gain upper hand. Neck-to-neck.

"Ugh! Aah.."

Swiftly, Adrian tugged at Shawn Qin, and kicked his knee without giving him any chance to retaliate. He then stabbed his shoulder before launching a couple of kicks at his abdomen. The man passed out shortly after curling up in pain.

Throwing the knife mottled with blood, Adrian darted towards Su Yin like a bow and swooped her in his arms. His tongue constantly rolling her name while patting her face to wake her up.

"Yinyin? Yinyin? Su Yin.. Baby? Wake up.. !"

The next moment Adrian's heart dropped down to his stomach when he noticed the warm liquid staining his hand. His pupils dilated. It was blood.

Su Yin's blood!

- - -

After the dinner meeting with a client, Sera who was busy all day finally got a moment of rest. Just as she was planning to go home, her phone buzzed.

Filled with curiosity, she grabbed her phone only to see a familiar name that tugged at her heart strings.

It was Lucifer!


Even before Sera could say a word in greeting, Lucifer' impatient voice reached her like a child waiting for his favorite toy. Her pink lips bloomed into a beautiful smile. He's always sweet. It maks her heart flutter.

"My love..? Are you driving?"

After switching to hands-free, Sera nodded her, replying to him.

"Uh? Yea.. I'm about to reach home.."

Sera gripped the steering wheel with only one hand. While her other hand's fingers subconsciously twirled her gold hooped earrings.

"Oh! Did you eat?"

Listening to the man beating around the bush, Sera immediately sensed something amiss. And her eyebrows quirked up in interest.

"Uh-huh.. I had a dinner meeting!"

Nevertheless, Sera still humbly played along with Lucifer, waiting for him to vomit the real motive behind this call. Instead of jumping straight into it. She wanted to see how long he could keep up the act.

"Hmm.. You won't be joining me for a drink then?"

A deep humming resonated, warming her ears, her heart and making her blush like a tomato. She was suddenly reminded of the other night they'd spent together, where Lucifer hummed against her neck while kissing her. It was addicting!

"You want me to get drunk? You're upto no good, I see.."

Playing along, Sera smiled mischievously as she counterattacked. Her tone mildly seductive. She had no idea, she was making him lose control.

"Ah~ How you know me so well.."

Chuckling mirthfully at her tactics, Lucifer was already happy and continued to joke around.

The man was sitting in his office, gazing at the dazzling night scenery through floor-to-ceiling windows. Tapping away the bespok jade pen in his hand on the desk.

"Lucifer.. What is it? You can tell me.."

Looking ahead, Sera took a deep breath to relax herself. She released her hold on the wheel and slowly, in a soft voice implored for an answer.

"You know me too well..! I.. I was thinking about meeting your parents.."

Placing the pen down, Lucifer laughed, this time heartily. His tone earnest, no longer hiding anything from Sera.

"It's okay, you don't need to hurry.. Take your time and sort everything out. I'll be supporting you, always!"

Smiling to herself giddily, Sera shook her head even though Lucifer couldn't see her. Her black orbs had a twinkle in them that confirmed how much she like his idea. She couldn't wait to let her parents meet him! Her first love!

"I know.. I love you.."

The man's entire being softened, his gray orbs held nothing but endless love as he mumbled, somewhat shyly. His thin lips couldn't help but stretch into a constant smile. His ears too slightly reddened.

"Love you too.."

"Hmm, drive safe.. Text me after you reach home. Good night!"

"Good night.."

Hanging up, Sera felt herself floating in the air and happily drove to Lu mansion. On th radio, classic love songs were playing to accompany her, as well as to set the mood.