Those eyes...

With anxiety gripping his heart tight, Adrian paced outside the emergency room with a prominent frown.

Sporting a half-sleeved t-shirt in night black that highlighted his well built arms and broad chest, Adrian moved about frantically. Uncaring of all the weird looks he garnered from the nurses and the hospital staff. His soiled white shirt already discarded and thrown into the park's trash bin.

A faint stench of blood lingered on him.

After calling his subordinates to skillfully handle the half-dead Shawn Qin, Adrian carried Su Yin, who was barely conscious and immediately rushed to the hospital. His heart tore to pieces at the sight of her face contorting in pain. Even in her sleep she had a frown coloring her features causing him to lose his mind.

The whole drive to the hospital was a nightmare.

The poor man had no idea how he entered the hospital and communicated with the doctors. His body as though working on auto-pilot.

It was past midnight.

The corridor was very much empty. Soon, all the nurses, doctors were off duty and ready to go back home.

After what seemed like eternity, the door to the emergency room pushed open. A middle-aged woman donning a white coat and surgical mask emerged out.

Coming back to himself, Adrian lifted his gaze and eagerly followed her.

Taking off her mask, the doctor strode towards Adrian who was staring at her with big, hopeful eyes. The tinge of grief in her expression was a ruthles slash through his already bleeding heart. He felt suffocated.

The silence hanging in the air intensified before Adrian finally found his voice.

"Doctor.. Yinyin, how is she?"

Suppressing the tumultuous emotions in him, Adrian asked. One could see the subtle redness lining the rims of his oceanic blue eyes.

Worry lined the female doctor's threaded brows at Adrian's question, her pale lips pursed lightly. After a moment of hesitation, she replied softly.

"Mr Adrian.. Ms Su, she's.."

A weight as heavy as 100k boulder pressed against Adrian's chest making it difficult for him to breathe. His expression changing slightly.

- - -

Around 4 in the morning.

The spacious hospital ward was laced with a glum silence. The Ivory curtains on the windows lightly swayed at times, giving rise to an occasional stir in the still picture.

Lying on the bed was a frail looking Su Yin in a pink hospital gown akin to an angel fallen from the skies. Her complexion pale, signs of obvious exhaustion could be seen on her angelic face. Her brows lining into a mild frown.

The figure resting for hours slowly fluttered it's eyes open. Her expression resembling that of a lost lamb as she scrutinized her surroundings in shock.

A deep resonant male voice caught Su Yin's attention.

"You're awake.."

Surprised, Su Yin turned her head abruptly. Her expression relaxing gradually at the sight of a familiar face.

Her gaze followed Adrian who entered, carrying a bottle of water in his hand. He was beside her in no time.

"I.. I.."

Staring at the man helping her to sit up, Su Yin attempted to speak, and a frown streaked her sickly countenance.

The itchiness in her throat resisting her speech.

"Have some water first.."

Straightening the pillow propped behind Su Yin's back, Adrian mumbled, unintentionally avoiding her gaze.

At sixes and seven, Su Yin drank a few sips from the straw, silently adhering to Adrian like a child to it's parent. Her head gradually clearing up, giving her time to think about the situation she was in.

Bit by bit, memories of what occurred in the night flashed through Su Yin's eyes like a gory horror film. Overwhelmed by the recollection, her heart began to wrench. Her ice cold hands shivering uncontrollably under the comforter.

"Yinyin, How are you feeling now? Do you feel better?"

After placing the strawed glass on the cabinet, Adrian finally turned his glance to Su Yin. His fingers gently wiped the layer of mist covering her forehead as he asked, gently like the breeze.

"A.. Ad, our baby..? Our baby?"

Turning to the man, Su Yin's eyes were wide with a sea of questions, grief, and hope. There were tears swimming in the redden pools making her appear as delicate as a flower.

Angsty at his prolonging silence, Su Yin lost her composure and shook Adrian's mountain like figure. Her slender fingers clutching his tshirt for dear life.

Taken aback by Su Yin's outburst, it took Adrian a full minute to react and come back to himself. Her startling hysterics was in no anticipation of his. And he had no idea how to take the situation in hand, his own head in a frenzy.

"Yinyin.. Calm down, hmm? I'm here with you.."

Gathering Su Yin gently in his arms, Adrian's low voice brushed past her ears. It was soothingly soft that her urgent ragged breathing turned to normal. His warm hand patting the small of her back in a practiced manner.

After a long time, the pair parted from each other's arms.

Raising her watery gaze, Su Yin looked at the big man who was comforting her like a child.

There was something solemn swimming in those eyes of his. Their stunning, deep blue held a truth that his face couldn't hide. The despairing chill that those spell binding orbs conveyed made Su Yin, at that moment, feel heartbroken.

Trembling, Su Yin looked away. She couldn't bear to see him like that.

Those eyes..

What was usually strength, now showed weakness.

What used to be joy now showed grief.

A tear silently rolled down Adrian's left cheek.

Although Su Yin didn't see it, she could feel him crying beside her. She thought of what had happened, her own gaze hazy as tears streamed down her cheeks like a waterfall. And her soft sobs echoed in the room.

'..Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while.. So that we can see with a clearer view again..', Su Yin thought, closing her eyes.

Pursing her lips in a tight line, Su Yin clumsily brushed the remnants of her hopelessness off her messy face.

Putting her hand on Adrian's arm, Su Yin gave a small, hopefully encouraging smile that was dazzling to him.

Dazed, Adrian firmly grasped her hand on his arm before smiling back. And in that moment, she knew everything was going to be alright.

- - -

At a high-end nightclub.

It was a scene of madness on the first floor of the club's dance floor. The hot blooded young crowd grooved to deafening music under the blinding lights.

Seated comfortably in the VIP private room was a dashing man in a tailored sapphire suit. His hair pulled back, revealing his forehead and a pair of glistening black orbs.

Like a haughty king, Ethan Lee's brooding dark pools cast a glance at the wild night life of of A Country, in disinterest. Many were clinging to one another, intoxicated.

Here he was, alone and missing something, or rather someone!

His beautiful jade like hand curled around the crystal glass, lazily twirling it so that the golden liquid danced freely like a balletic.

His gaze occasionally shifting to the glass table where his phone was placed without a care, hints of anticipation in his usually rigid expression.

"What a heartless little thing..!"

Chuckling lightly, Ethan Lee shook his head with a look of longing.

"..Just a few hours, and I'll be able to see you!"

Rasping under his breath, Ethan Lee swiftly raised his hand and gulped the whole thing in one shot.

As the drink burned his throat, the hazy feeling of want, need burned brightly in Ethan Lee's heart. His thin lips curled into a smile that could put the handsomest devil to shame.

Picking up his phone, Ethan Lee stood up with a start, and opened the door.

"Yes, no need to wait for tomorrow.. Book the earliest flight now!"

Fiddling with his mobile phone, Ethan Lee exited the private room leaving behind his overbearing voice.