Beyond Her Beauty

At the underworld organization's headquarters.

Changing out of his earlier black clothes that reeked of blood, Lucifer was now seated inside his chamber donning a crisp blue suit. His hair slightly damp, and sticking to his forehead. He'd probably taken a shower to clean himself, there was a faint citrusy scent emanating from him.

The man's steely gray orbs glistened akin to rough cut diamonds as he stared at the lion's painting on the wall, seemingly lost in thought.

"Boss.. The one who shot Liu Chenmin is an ordinary contract killer, he's from X city. There's no info about the person who hired him, no leads, nothing.. It's a dead end!"

Entering inside, Adrian didn't dawdle as he cut to the chase and apprised his findings. Although his face had traces of tiredness from staying up late, he still looked handsome as ever.

The person who emerged out of nowhere and managed to kill Liu Chenmin in front their eyes, he had committed suicide before they could find him.

"Hmm.. I expected it, after all, the enemy this time is quiet formidable and hiding in the dark. He's not like that man!"

Playing with the red paper weight, Lucifer wasn't surprised at all. An almost harmless smile graced his seductive thin lips.

"..There's no way we'll be able find out his identity so easily!"

In actuality, everything's that happened till date was more or less within Lucifer's expectations.

"Then, now.. What should we do?! There are no new leads on the mastermind, nor any on ROSE.."

Adrian grumbled with a deep frown resembling a deflated balloon. His gaze dark, a heavy storm brewing within those blue orbs.

"Wait.. We just have to patiently wait and see, the mastermind will show his face sooner or later. He can't always be in the hiding.."

Twirling the paper weight, Lucifer looked at the red ball dancing as light reflected the pattern on it. A gleam flashed past his gray irises that were beautiful and mysterious.

Pursing his lips in contemplation, Adrian nodded, adhering to his boss's instructions.

"Okay, I'll do as you say.."

Just as Adrian was about to rise up on his two feet, Lucifer's voice reverberated and he paused in his actions.

"Oh yes, I forgot to ask you.. How's sister-in-law?"

Raising his gaze to his elder brother cum best friend, Lucifer asked softly. His tone of voice sounded apologetic.

Adrian's spine stiffened at once on his inquiry.

"Um.. She's fine, If there's nothing urgent to do, then I'll go check on her.."

Adrian shook his head, trying to pull a smile that looked less heartbreaking. His hands clenching under the table.

"Bro! You don't need to hide it from me, I'll always be there for you, remember this.. Be strong!"

Heaving a helpless sigh, Lucifer had an affronted expression mixed with hurt and encouragement. He reached to pat Adrian on his shoulder.

"Yes, I'll remember..!"

Smiling bitterly, Adrian stared into his brother's eyes and nodded his head reassuringly. A hint of redness rimmed his watery gaze. The latter gave a nod before retracting his hand.

- - -

The heat of the day was replaced by a cooling breeze and Sera sauntered under the trees with her coat dangling from her dainty arm. The cool breeze caressing her cheeks tinted them an attractive shade of pink.

There was a distant look on her small but bright face devoid of any makeup. Her fair and smooth skin resplendent like the lonely moon on a dark starless night.

The horrifying scene where Su Yin hugged Sera, bawling her eyes out surfaced through her eyes from time to time. The agonizing expression on her best friend's face cause her heart to wrench in horror.

A disconcerting feeling bubbled in Sera's chest making her lose all reason.

She couldn't help but think of the innocent little life in Su Yin's tummy. The child who didn't get the chance to see this wonderful and amazing world as well as his parents. And had to leave, had to die without any fault of his own.

The innocent little soul!

'Wh.. What if.. What if I lose my child one day?'

'Would.. Would my heart hurt the same way?'

'Ho.. How would.. I react?'

'Will.. I be able to handle it?'

Petrified, Sera's body shook like anything at the mere thought. Her knees weakened just thinking about the possibility of losing her own flesh and blood, one day.

Although Sera knew that she was being a little paranoid, she couldn't help but freak out. Her heart dropped to her stomach.

"It's cold.. What are you doing out here?"

Just as Sera was sinking in the vicious abyss of her dismal dark thought, a deep magnetic voice pulled her back, anchoring her sanity. Her eyes shot open in astonishment.

The awfully gorgeous face of her man was in front of Sera, and he was frowning at her dazed expression.

Her swan neck was soon enveloped in warmth as Lucifer skillfully wrapped a thick white scarf, his calloused fingers grazed her nape that was slightly cold.

His gray irises flickered with displeasure.

The man was clearly unhappy seeing Sera standing here all alone in the freezing cold, without a coat on.


Sera's gaze brightened instantly as though she'd seen her savior. She clung onto his arm while he looked at her in a startled fashion as she stuck to him like glue.

A thin layer of mist on her forehead made Sera's appearance as fresh as a velvety rose bathed in the morning dew. But Lucifer could see beyond her spellbinding beauty.

He could see her vulnerable heart.

He knew that something was wrong albeit her pretty visage overflowing with unrivalled charm.

The tinge of distress in her otherwise clear and bright gaze, now red with unshed tears lucid to his understanding.

Taking a step back, Lucifer held Sera's gaze and smoothed her hair ruffled due to wind, petting her head in the process.

"I'm here.. What are you doing here?"

The man's deep cello like voice soothing Sera's nerves along with his gentle, considerate actions. She parted her ruby lips to respond, still shaken by his appearance like the sun in her dark world.

"Let's go, I have something to show you.."

Without giving Sera a chance to speak up, Lucifer grabbed her right with his left one, and entangled their fingers together. His thin lips curled up into a subtle smile.

Still reeling in shock seeing Lucifer's rare smile, Sera let him drag her to his car on the other side of the road. Her gaze darting to their intertwined hands as a warm and fuzzy feeling replaced her earlier uneasy feelings.