Dear Daughter-in-law

At the hospital.

The air was serene, filled with a tranquility that instantly put troubled minds at ease and settle unsettled hearts. A benign orange glow colored the vast sky as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon.

In the distance, A man and a woman were seen walking at a leisurely pace painting a mellow scenery with each step, easy on the eyes.

Heads turned as the couple passed by the corridor leading to the small garden man-made inside the prestigious hospital.

The tall and handsome man in a spotless white shirt walked beside the beauty dressed in a thick beige coat, her silk like black hair let loosely on her frail shoulders.

A match made in heaven is what everyone said, in awe of their good looks.

"Ad, when can I go home?", a pensive Su Yin inquired in a mumble, biting her lips.

Just a day, and she's already sick of the pure white walls as well as the smell of disinfectant surrounding her. It was boring to sleep all day, alone!

It would have been different if Adrian was sharing the bed with her..

"Your doctor called, she's stuck in a traffic and will be here soon. After that I'll take you home..", Adrian spoke while looking at the time on his blue diamond encrusted watch.

"Hmm.. Ad, I don't want chicken soup for dinner again, I want crayfish!"

In battle mode, Su Yin slowly batted her eyelids. She also pouted her lips for extra effect which fortunately did have an impact on the stoic faced Adrian. His expression cracked for a moment.

Helpless against Su Yin's charms, Adrian steeled his heart and shook his head firmly.

"Yinyin, it's too spicy! Just a few days, bear with it. I'll bring you to eat something good next week!"

Upon seeing Su Yin's shriveled expression Adrian hurriedly added, bribing her.

In order to not appear unreasonable, Su Yin had no choice but to concede. She nodded her head appearing like a wronged child badly bullied by it's parents.

"Fine! But I want something sweet like strawb.."

Catching sight of two little feet waddling n the green grass, Su Yin halted in her tracks and her ability to speech seized.

Like a stone satue, Su Yin stood rooted to the ground as her legs refused to take another step. Her expression rigid.

"Strawberry icecream? Nope, no cold stuff too.. I'll get you a cake, ok?"

The gentle breeze blew past, messing Su Yin's hair heavily. The dark threads covered half of her eyes and lips but she didn't care.

Like an ideal doting boyfriend, Adrian unhurriedly retrieved a black hair-tie from his pocket and tied Su Yin's hair into a ponytail. His calloused fingers tucked the thin loose strands behind her ears lovingly.

Watching the heartwarming family of three, Su Yin's lips trembled. Her eyes burned as she tried to keep her tears at bay.

After he was done, Adrian grabbed Su Yin's hand that was slightly cold in temperature than his, startling her. She glanced at the little ball of love playing with his mother on the swing, then at her man smiling fondly at her. It broke her heart.

"Are you cold?", the man asked in a whisper.

Blinking away the tears threatening to fall, Su Yin tightened her grip on Adrian's hand and gave a light squeeze to let him know that she's okay.

In response, Adrian softly grazed the back of Su Yin's hand with his thumb. And both of them walked to a pavilion to sit down.

*ring* *ring*

Just as Adrian's derrière was about to place itself on the stone bench, his phone began ringing loudly.

His gaze trailed to Su Yin, she was looking at him with her brows raised, before guiltily landing on his phone's blinking screen. He knoted his brows and appeared to be conflicted.

"Go ahead and answer, I don't mind. I'll wait for you here..", sensing his dilemma Su Yin said with a shrug.

"I'll be back in a minute.."

With an awkward smile, Adrian quickly pecked Su Yin's cheek and hastily walked away to answer the call.

Smiling to herself, Su Yin was staring at her man's receding figure when a familiar sounding voice called her attention.

"Miss Su.."

A genial smile graced the lady in pink who stood before Su Yin, elegantly.

"Auntie? You.."

Mapping the familiar looking face of Lillian with the lovely cafe owner in her memory, Su Yin was discombobulated.

She didn't expect to meet any recognizable faces in the hospital. Especially when she's like this! It was hard to explain to people..

"Oh! I'm here looking for my idiot son. Here, it's strawberry cake.."

A mischievous glint flashed past Lillian's gaze as she snorted thinking about her dear son, Adrian. Taking out a small box in a cute strawberry pink from her paper bag, Lillian happily passed it to Su Yin, grinning widely.

Drooling, Su Yin hungrily glared at the cute box in Lillian's hand. Her own hands itching to snatch the it, and undo the ribbon on it before gobbling the whole thing up. The cakes from Lillian's cafe were simply delicious.

Su Yin was completely tempted, when a certain someone's angry red face surfaced through and she unwillingly had to retract her hands.

It isn't worth angering the demon, Su Yin thought inwardly.

"Auntie.. This, I.."

The adorable puppy like expression on Su Yin revealing her inner conflict almost compelled Lillian to pinch her flushed cheeks.

Shaking her head, Su Yin was about to refuse in a polite manner when Adrian's voice resounded in, shaking her to the core. She snapped her head so hard she'd almost whiplashed.

"Mom?! What are you doing here?"

Annoyed by her son's wrong timing, Lillian glared daggers at him. Her dear daughter-in-law was on the verge of jumping on her cake!

Unaware of his mother's thoughts, Adrian was at a loss as he found himself at the centre of her fury. He frowned harder. He could feel his spine chill and goosebumps erupt on his skin. It was scary!

On the other side, Su Yin felt her soul flying away with the wind as she stared wide-eyed at the mother-son pair.

Her comical expression one in a million!


The loud shriek from Su Yin finally caught Adrian and Lillian's attention, and they turn to her at the same time.