Where Is Lucifer?!

Conversing with the billowing winds, the sports car sped towards it's destination like an arrow shot forward.

Leaning against the backrest, Sera slowly fell in a deep sleep while looking out of the car window in curious confusion. Her dense lashes casting a faint shadow on her iridescent face akin to a rare pearl.

Expertly maneuvering the steering wheel in his hand, the man would occasionally turn to glance at Sera's sleeping face. A loving smile graced his handsome-as-hell countenance, wiping the tinge of concern between his dark sword like brows momentarily.

"Silly girl..", he murmured, squeezing Sera's soft hand in his as he sighed exasperatedly.

Claiming himself to be an excellent 'reader', proficient in 'reading' the open book called 'Seraphina Lu', Lucifer's naturally aware of her apprehensions, both needless an essential.

He's well aware of the battle going on in Sera's little head, especially after visiting Su Yin this morning. Whatever happened to her was truly unfortunate.

Being the kindhearted little soul that she was, Sera definitely couldn't accept the parting of an innocent little life. She's still young, and has yet to see the struggles of the world, as well as the reality of life and death.

His girlfriend might be smart, strong, brave and adept in all kinds of martial arts and other jaw dropping skills, she's still a girl.

An ordinary girl with a big and kind heart, one who feels burdened whenever the matters of life and death are concerned.

Although not all of Sera's worries might be uncalled for, Lucifer still cannot let her keep worrying and overthink herself to death.

Lucifer really wished that Sera could be a bit stronger, and not get affected by these things. Otherwise, it would be too hard for her to protect herself in this cruel dog-eat-dog world.

Not like he'd let anyone bring her harm. The world would be in chaos if his woman was touched by a hair. It was just his wishful for her to become stronger, stronger than him!

A couple of hours later, the car finally came to an abrupt halt. The man glanced at their hands that were intertwined closely, and his heart gradually turned warm.

After sleeping for full two hours of their journey, Sera was startled awake by the chiming of her phone.

Sera's groggy mind took her a while to recognize her surroundings when a familiar scent wafted through her nose. Her straight lined brows shot up instantly.

Pleasantly surprised, Sera looked down to see a man's coat in powder blue covering her body like a blanket. She instantly knew who it belonged to. And a soft smile crept up her full pink lips that resembled petals of sakura. Her heart as warm as her body temperature in the cold night.

All of a sudden Sera seemed to recall something, and her eyes widened.

Where is Lucifer?!

It was him who brought her away. Like a knight in shining armour Lucifer had rescued Sera from the vicious cycle of her own foolish thoughts.

So, where was he now?

Impatient, Sera lifted her head to see out the sports car's window. What she saw, took her breath away.

The ground below Sera was alive with lights, like someone had taken a handful of colorful glitter and thrown it as far as the eye could see. It was too dark to make out every building situated in the city, but the brilliant lights were enough for her. Sera sighed, amazed at the view laid out before her.

Just then, a deep magnetic voice lifted it's way to Sera's ears like the much needed music for her to relish.

Her small face flushed hot as her traitorous body reacted to him faster than she thought it could. Her spine tingling. The heat surging through her veins screamed to pounce unrestrained upon the delicious man peeking through the car window.

"You.. Like it?"

With a lopsided grin, Lucifer bent his head to meet Sera's gaze as well as to witness her fascinated expression.

The man had been observing Sera from the moment she woke up from her sleep, like she was his sleeping beauty and him, his prince.

Her every expression, every movement, even the light curl of her sweet as honey lips as well as the slight twitch of her brow was detected by the his keen pair of eyes.

Unlike other times, Lucifer's amusement knew no bounds whenever he was with Sera.

At last, the man couldn't stop himself from walking over to take a closer look, to satisfy his raging heart.

Concealing her embarrassment with a stifled cough, Sera nodded her head. The tips of her ears shaded an alluring red in the dark.

"Uh-huh.. I love it! It's so.. So mesmerizing!"

Taking another look at the blinding lights, Sera mentally searched for an appropriate word to describe her feelings at the moment. Her gaze locked onto the sea of colorful lights twinkling akin to stars, but man-made.

"Come on out.. I'll let you take a closer look!"

Giving himself an appreciative fist bump in his heart, Lucifer extended his hand, gesturing Sera to alight. To Sera, his sparkling gaze was a lot more bewitching than the scenery.

"..And don't forget to wear your coat!"

Pausing, Lucifer's warm countenance was replaced by a stern expression as he reminded. He didn't forget how cold her hands were earlier.

Pouting her pink lips, Sera could only nod like a meek lamb lest she angers the big bad wolf!

Taking a whiff of Lucifer's sexy masculine scent emitting from the coat secretly, Sera hid a smile. She threw his coat to him. Picked her own from the backseat and draped it around herself. Her fair skin a great contrast against the bright red.