He's My Dad

In his intoxicated state, Ethan Lee flung the glass away which shattered into pieces, greatly terrorizing the old lady. Her body jolted in shock.

"Ethan! My dear child.. It's me, grandmother!"

Recomposing her emotions, Sophia Lee inched closer to Ethan Lee and cupped his tired face. Her voice timorous. Her tears which she was suppressing so hard fell unannounced.

A dead silence pervaded in the air before Ethan Lee slowly opened her eyes, halfway and recognized the woman before him. His teary gaze fixated on her in a dazed manner.

"Gra.. Grandmother? Ugh! I'm in pain.. So much pain, I.. She, she left.. Xia Ruo Lan, she is gone.. I let her down, I didn't love her enough.. I let her down.."

Clutching onto his chest, Ethan Lee slumped on Sophia Lee's shoulders and sobbed like a baby making her heart break into pieces.

"No, no my child, don't.. Don't cry, she'll be back, I'm sure.."

Pursing her lips and closing her eyes, Sophia Lee patted Ethan Lee's back.

"Mi.. Mia.. Mia left me, she's gone.. gone! Now Ruo Ruo Lan doesn't want me too.."

Pulling back from his grandmother's arms, Ethan Lee mumbled groggily, his haggard appearance nothing like the mighty CEO of Lee Holdings.

"Ethan! Look at me!!"

Regardless of what he was told to do or say, Ethan Lee repeated those few words, grunting in pain. His throat burning. And head throbbing wild

"She's gone.. I let her down.. She'll never come back, never!"

Splashing the jug of water on his face, Sophia Lee called Ethan Lee's name sternly, enunciating each word clearly.

"Ethan Lee! Xia Ruo Lan is different from Mia.. She's still here, and will always come back to you, if you love her, then buckle up and wait for her like a real man.. Just like how she was waiting for you all these years!"

Ethan Lee's back straightened within seconds, the haziness in his gaze cleared up to some extent as well. His messily worn shirt and chest soaked, his body slightly shivered as the ac temperature was low.

"Hmmmm.. Yo.. You're right, I should I should wait for her, wait for Xia Ruo Lan to return.. I'll wait for her!"

Running his fingers through his drenched hair, Ethan Lee was lost in thought as he hummed. His abyss like dark pools brimming with hope and determination.

- - -

Dumbfounded, Su Yin stared at the mother-son duo with her mouth wide open. Before she knew, she was already up and standing like an ice block.

Sighing in exasperation, Adrian embraced Su Yin's shoulder and introduced his mom.

"Yinyin.. Yes, she's my mom, Lillian Gold.."

Turning to his mom who was smiling like a teenager, Adrian couldn't help but snap in irritation.

"Mom, I told you not to interfere, see, you've scared her.."

The man's accusing tone as well as his words full of blame managed to snap Su Yin from her stupor. She hurriedly shook her head, denying it, albeit the blush on her cheeks.

"Um.. No, I mean.. I'm not scared. I'm just a little overwhelmed!"

Chuckling merrily, Lillian wasn't upset at all, even when her son blamed her. She held onto Su Yin's soft little hand with a fond expression.

"It's okay dear, don't worry. It was my bad, I shouldn't have come here unannounced.."

Seeing the deep affection his mom had for his girlfriend, Adrian's lips naturally lifted into a wide grin. His gaze filled with adoration

"Mom, how did you even know that I was here?"

Quirking his brows, Adrian questioned when he realized that it's been two days since he last contacted Lillian. His tone suspicious.

"Hmph! My dear son Lucifer isn't unfilial like you.."

Turning her face away, Lillian harrumphed like a spoilt princess before saying with a proud smile. Her gaze sparkling akin to stars.

"I should've known.."

Shaking his head, Adrian grumbled under his breath.

Watching the duo's antics Su Yin couldn't help but giggle out loud.

"Wha.. What are you mumbling about? Don't you dare curse my son, I'm telling you!!"

Ignoring the chortling Su Yin, Lillian snapped her head to glare at Adrian, pointing her finger at him. She even pinched the poor lad's ear while warning him. His expression greatly aggrieved.


Before Adrian could yelp in pain, a deep masculine voice resounded, calling everyone's attention.

Pouting her coral painted lips, Lillian had no choice but to retract her hand. She glared at her son as her fingers released his reddened ear.

"You.. You're here too?"

Rubbing his painful ear, Adrian was surprised to find Damien Gold standing across them in a beige brown winter coat. His hands stuffed inside his pockets.

"Of course, who else is gonna drive if not him?"

Listening to her son's obvious question, Lillian snorted. She unhurriedly grabbed onto Damien Gold's arm, thus appearing like the perfectly harmonious couple.

"Yinyin.. This.. He is.."

Scratching his nose awkwardly, Adrian parted his lips only to stutter incoherently.

An imperciptible frown creased Damien Gold's forehead observing his son's hesitation.

"I know, your dad, right? You guys have the same eyes.."

Laughing innocently, Su Yin asked with her bright puppy eyes. She even pointed at the two men's faces making them smile wryly, a flush coloring their cheeks.

"Hmm, yes.. He's my dad!"

Nodding his head, Adrian ruffled the childlike Su Yin's hair affectionately as the words left his mouth easily.

Adrian's acknowledgement left Damien Gold in bewilderment. His frown replaced by a look of astonishment. His blue eyes widened akin to globes.

"Okay, let's get inside now.."

Smiling in satisfaction, Lillian urged the young couple, they all agreed to her suggestion and turned to leave.

Su Yin hurriedly grasped the cake box placed on the stone bench resembling a squirrel gathering food. Her hasty actions elicited a round of light laughter from Lillian and Adrian.

Sensing her husband standing like a mountain, Lillian tugged at his arm and raised her brows. Her beaming face etched with gentleness and warmth.

'I'm.. I'm really happy!'

Blinking his tears, Damien Gold shook his head, tightly holding Lillian's hand on his arm and both of them followed Adrian and Su Yin inside.