A Normal Man

A loud screeching sound tore the silence in the air as the sports car stopped in front of the high mansion gates.

Clutching the steering wheel, Lucifer turned to glanced at Sera who was preparing to alight. She was looking better than before, her complexion was rosier and eyes sparkling brightly. There was a faint smile dancing about her glossy pink lips which was contagious. His own lips curled up subtly.

"I'll get going now, love you!"

With her LV bag in her hand, Sera leaned over to peck the man's cheek, contributing to his now wider smile.

"Uh-huh.. Don't forget about the party, Ms Zhang and Mr Bai especially asked me to invite you!"

Watching Sera open the car door and get down, Lucifer reminded her. His darkened gaze trained on her petite figure.

"Hmm.. I won't!"

Bending slightly, Sera calmly met Lucifer's deep dark gaze as she nodded her head. Her gorgeous smile constant.

"Good night.. I'll call you later!"

Revving up the engine, Lucifer waved his hand before winking at Sera who was dumbstruck by his smoothness. Her heart skipping a beat.

"Good night!"

Recovering herself quickly, Sera too waved her hand with a smile on her beaming face.

She stood watching the sports car driving away, and merge in the darkness of the night before entering the mansion gates.

Thinking back to tonight's events as well as Lucifer's unexpected surprise that successfully pacified her negative feelings, Sera couldn't stop smiling.

Humming a romantic tune, Sera was about to push her bedroom's door when a familiar deep masculine voice entered her ears. Her body jolted in fright.

"Who was that? Your boyfriend?!"

As the face of the intruder became clearer in the dimly lit corridor, Sera heaved a sigh in relief. Her hand on her throbbing chest was shaking.

"Br.. Brother!"

Holding a can of chilled beer, Lu Jinan's tall figure emerged from the dark corridor. His hair were a bit damp. He had a dark blue robe loosely tied around his chiseled abs that were covered in a black silk shirt and pajamas.

Unbothered by Sera's extreme reaction, Lu Jinan gave her a side-eye glance and asked again.

"Hmm.. You didn't answer me. Who was that with you?"

Wiping her forehead clumsily with her sweaty palm, Sera mumbled in a low voice. Her eyes wide with shock as she questioned Lu Jinan.

"Brother, what are you doing here? I.. You scared me!"

Taking a sip from the can, Lu Jinan continued in a low voice. His gaze fixated on his little sister.

"And you scared me.. That was him right? Your mysterious boyfriend!"

Turning around to avoid her brother's penetrating gaze, the flustered Sera pushed the door open, ready to enter.

"He isn't mysterious.. He is a normal man, just like you and dad!"

Raising his brow to his sister's 'he is a normal man' statement, Lu Jinan inquired curiously.

"Really? Then why didn't you introduce him to us.. To dad and mom?"

Jinan was clear that Sera's mysterious boyfriend was anything but normal for the man was driving the latest sports car that was showcased at last week's international expo. It intrigued Lu Jinan's curiosity to know more about his little sister's boyfriend.

A rattled Sera began sputtering while searching to find excuses inwardly, her head hurting like anything.

"B.. Because.. Because he was busy. Yes, a business trip.."

Snorting at his naive little sister's obviously made-up answer, Lu Jinan indifferently spat two words before walking away.

"Sleep early!"

Thanking her stars in her head, Sera heaved a sigh and closed the bedroom's door without a squeak.

- - -

The next morning.

A pale faced Assistant Chen stood staring at the man across him unblinkingly, his mouth hanging open.

Taking off his glasses, Chen rubbed his eyes before confirming that he wasn't seeing things. And his head was in the right place. He couldn't help but question himself in awe.

"Am I seeing correctly?"

"It's not a ghost.. Right?!"

A dapper young man dressed to the nines sat on the CEO's chair in a crisp black suit, deeply engrossed in his work.

The man's focused expression was simply attractive. The frown resting upon his sword like brows gave him a unique charm that was hard to ignore. His flawless face appeared fresh, without a trace of exhaustion or lack of sleep.


Pinching himself, Chen unintentionally ended up coughing a fit, garnering the cold and aloof Ethan Lee's attention. His eyelids lifted momentarily to glance at the assistant before going back to the lifeless black and white sheets in front of him.

"CEO Lee, Mr Lucifer is here to see you.."

Wiping his sweat, Chen cursed himself inside his head as he announced. His voice slightly hoarse and shaky.

Focusing on the file before him, Ethan Lee merely grunted in response which led to the assistant scrambling out of the door, as though his life was spared by the demon of hell.

Shortly after, a tall statured man with a wide grin plastered on his strikingly handsome face walk in through the glass doors. His steely gray orbs glistening akin to stardust.

"Hey.. You look damn good!"

Standing across the uncluttered desk, Lucifer was slightly taken aback as he scrutinized Ethan Lee.

He'd received news about the latter's heartbreak as well as his awfully drunk episode last night, which is completely different from what he was seeing now.

"Hm.. Why are you here?"

Although Ethan Lee's aware of the reason why his extremely busy and hardworking friend has taken time off his schedule to visit him, he still asked the obvious, expecting a different answer.

"Damn! Talk about being heartless.. Is that how you talk to your only best buddy in the whole wide world?!"

Plopping himself on the black chair opposite the iceberg like Ethan Lee, Lucifer dramatically said clutching his heart. His expressions undeniably comical to see.

Faced with his friend's bad acting Ethan Lee was unfazed. Snorting, he rolled his eyes not buying his act.

After a beat, the look in Lucifer's eyes changed, and his expression turned somber.

"I heard what happened.."

As soon as those words left Lucifer's mouth, Ethan Lee's obsidian-dark eyes flashed indiscernibly.

Nevertheless, the CEO's expression remained composed. His head buried in the documents without displaying any interest in Lucifer or his words.

"Don't you think I might know where Xia Ruo Lan is?"

Observing Ethan Lee's reaction and noticing the barely perceptible tremble of his fingers, Lucifer probed. His thin lips curled to reveal a devilish smirk.

Gulping inaudibly at the temptation, Ethan Lee uncomfortably shifted his leg under the table. His face, however, remained unchanged.

Seeing the lack of response from the seemingly nonchalant Ethan Lee, Lucifer was beginning to feel frustrated.

"Don't tell me.. You're not gonna search for her as well!"

Lucifer's voice tinged with irritation was a notch higher than usual as he exclaimed incredulously.

"What the hell Ethan! You.."

Raising his head, Ethan Lee's reddened gaze rimmed with tears was met with Lucifer's gray irises.