Lesson No. 2




Establishing Assertive Style:

Assertive :

1. Don't sound too nervous

2. Not unsure of answers

3. Go hand in hand with confidence

Note: Use right words

Don'ts - I think, I might, May be, But

Don't use subservant languages such as:

- Sir, Ma'am, Po, Opo,

*Confident Building Words: I know, I am sure

*Use Casual Language

- Be casual when empathizing and paraphrasing.

---> Empathize - Identify customer's feeling about

---> Paraphrase - Summarize important details not repeating words per words

---> Refrain from using call center cliche

---> Redirect casually

---> Vary your responses

*Optimize Voice:

---> Use confident voice

---> Modulate voice

---> Vary your pitch

---> Maintain proper pacing (Don't talk too fast)

*Confident Tone - Matches what you say

*Modulate Tone - Not too high or low pitch


1. Use the right words

2. Optimizing our voice

*Credibility as customer service representative with assertive manner

*Proactive - doing the initiative or being assertive


