I will deal with it soon

After twenty minutes of driving like crazy and Zhihao losing blood, they come to Lou mansion. While doors open few doctors been waiting for them to see which of sisters been injured. When triples come out from car old doctor ask "who is injured"

Hearing him Linai said, "your young master so to operation room with him now he was shooting". Hearing her words they come closer and take him out. While he goes inside grandparents and mother Lou goes out. Seeing them all good they could finally breathe easily but still, they needed to know what happened.

"To my room" grandfather Lou said

Hearing him Linai only answer while passing him "I'm going to wait for my husband to go out from danger". When they hear her words they know that she is in a bad state so talk with her could be not soon. When she passes and start walking faster she could feel pain but she doesn't care about it now her thought been only with her husband.

Hearing Linai answer sisters follow her.

When they come to underground hospital Linai said "I will be waiting for him and you two need to find who done it but don't make move"

Hearing her they only nod and go out. While Jianhou and Yaling been alone first said "she isn't thinking well now for last few hours too many happened to her I can feel this"

"Yes I know sis so don't worry we need to wait for a brother-in-law to heal and he could calm her I feeling it"

"Ok let's see who dare to attack us," Jianhou said while the temperature inside of room drop and fire in her eyes show up.

Two hours later

While Linai still waiting in front of operation room doors open and old doctor goes out. Seeing him she wanted to say something but his words come first "I need to discuss something with all you"

Hearing him she only nod and follow him. she as young miss could order him to tell her all but due to the respect which he has in all family after saving her grandfather she only follows him.

After some time they come to Grandfather Lou room. When they enter all old three been drinking tea. Seeing doctor coming first old master Lou said "so how is he"

Hearing him he turns to Linai while saying "call to your sisters to come here I need to say something"

"Ok," Linai said these words while taking her phone and texting sisters to come.

After less that minute they come and while all Lou family been there doctor start talking "ok patient is safe from danger but I need to say you something that I could see while operating his arms. But to be one hundred percent sure I need to make x-ray"

Hearing him old master Lou said "ok go do this and come back while you have all"

"Yes I will be back as soon as I will have all details," he said while going out.

"Ok speak what have you find," Linai said while looking at her sisters while the temperature in the room starts drastically dropping.

"We still don't know who dare attack us but probably the main person who hire someone to do this. They just don't have balls to attack us" Jianhou said while hugging Linai.

"Ok but we need to find who is the mastermind of this and what about Li and Mo"

Hearing her Yaling said, "I ask your PA in your name good having almost the same voice hahaha to search this."

"And," Linai ask while going closer to her sister

"They haven't planned this. She hacks and after I watch a video that new young master of Tian family give them this idea"

Hearing her words Linai said "what why"

"Oh you see for him we are threats and we need to be eliminated soon. She couldn't hack to his computer to the good firewall and based on her words you could only do this" hearing her Linai said "I will deal with it soon"

After saying it nobody talk but waiting for the doctor to come back with all results come. This almost hour for them in quiet go so slow that all could feel that millenniums pass there.

When doors finally open and doctor come inside. while seeing him all wait for his words.