That promise

"Ok I have all and I don't know how he could survive this" doctor said while looking at Lou family

"Ok details" old master Lou said

"He has all his ribs broken twice or more. probably from betting him with something" doctor said while looking at the papers in his hand

"What" mother Lou said

"Could nobody disturb me I want to tell all now?" the doctor said and when everyone nod he continued "probably he has eighty percent of his bones broken. Last probably around six years ago"

"Two years after he been kidnaped," mother Lou said in a low voice

"He has around a hundred scars on his body. Most of them on tors some on back. He has probably been tortured a lot but I don't know how he is now recovering much faster than normal person and we don't need to give him blood while operating him" the doctor said while closing files.

Hearing him old master Lou said "ok you can go now I need to discuss something"

"Ok I will be going and young Miss Linai new better medicine is in your room please use it before sleeping"

Hearing him Linai only said "ok" and after few seconds doors were closed after doctor.

"What we will do" mother Lou said

"I don't know yet but for me, I will go to see him," Linai said while going out

"We will go too right sis," Yaling said while following Linai

"I hope he will wake up soon and we could talk to him" old master Lou said while looking at his grandkids going out.

When doors close he said "so he probably could have the power of Tian family. I haven't talked with them too much after our father's argument but all change when you come here, my dear daughter-in-law"

"Oh I just like Zhihao mother she has been so sweetheart after what she experiences in her childhood"

"Oh yes did you find anything about her it's been so long and we still can't find anything. She is so mysterious person"

"Nothing all papers from her orphanage been burned," mother Lou said

"Oh ok let's talk about business and what we will do with Jianhou and Yaling. That promise still is with me and I know I can't break it"

"Oh this I totally forgot about it but when Zhihao show up and marry Linai I remembered it too" mother Lou said


After sometime when Zhihao been free and transported to Linai bedroom

"Please place him on the bed he will be sleeping with me."

"Ok" nurse said while with the help she starts putting Zhihao on the bed. While all been done and they start going Linai ask "how long with this plaster he will be going" Linai ask while pointing on plaster around Zhihao full tors

"I don't know with his fast regeneration we probably could take it in two maybe three days"

"oh ok thanks" Linai said while lying on bed and saying to Zhihao "I hope you will wake up soon and have punishment after what you have done with my lover body its hurt so much" Linai said while kissing Zhihao lips and lying close to him and going to sleep to let what happened earlier disappear.

After a few hours she wakes up and while feeling hunger she calls to order food.

After some time food delivers and Linai start one of the things she been the best without her family power. While she had been fighting she said aloud "oh why I'm not so great at hacking yet".

While Linai been fighting with firewall she becomes more and more frustrated. While seeing that she can't break it she comes to the bed where Zhihao been sleeping and while hitting the pillow she said "fuck"

Probably hearing her Zhihao start crying while saying "no please no I can't take it anymore" hearing him Linai start putting him on the head. While doing it she falls asleep while hugging his body.

After some time in Linai room, Zhihao wakes because something been not good with his lower body. While he opens his eyes he said: "Why I'm here".

Hearing him Linai open her eyes while saying "hello hubby what happened"

"What hubby I'm nobody hubby" Zhihao start screaming. While going it he makes a moan while saying "what happened with my lower body."

Hearing him Linai look down on her bed and she could see there is someone that shouldn't be.