Could you not signing with him?

While Linai Yaling and Jianhou go out from the living room where they spend last hour they go in different directions to look for Zhihao.

While Linai goes outside Jianhou needed to check the first floor and Yaling rest of floors in a house that they were now. After Jianhou and Yaling check almost all places without bathrooms they go to Linai to help her with searching for Zhihao. While she saw her sisters Linai ask "you found him"

"no," Jianhou said

"I don't know where he could be I look around and I can't see him," Linai said while starting looking one more time. While she been doing it Yaling said "I will be back soon" and she runs to the bathroom. While she comes inside she goes directly there but when she wanted to open it doors been closed from inside.

"oh," she said and she uses her nail to open the lock. While coming inside she saw Zhihao peacefully sleeping inside of bath so she goes to another bathroom and after using it she goes out and after seeing Linia and Jianhou still looking she said "sis you search everywhere"

While hearing her Linai and Jianhou said at the same time "yes"

"so come with me," Yaling said and while they follow her they do to the bathroom and after coming inside they saw Zhihao still sleeping.

"wake up hubby," Linai said and she comes closer while moving Zhihao shoulder. While she been doing it Zhihao open his eyes and said "what"

"get up and let's go to bed," Linai said

"and again you will do this to me I don't want to," he said while turning to the side where he shows sister his back

"oh come one you probably are happy while we been doing it," Linai said then Jianhou add

"You can do with us what you want right sis"

"yes," Yaling and Linai said at the same time.

While hearing them Zhihao turns while saying "let me think but now go out I need to use the toilet"

While his words come to them sisters go out and Zhihao finally use it and after he goes out he said "I just don't want to do it so much now"

"oh my hubby is hurt I will make your mood better," Linai said while grabbing Zhihao head and moving to her chest. While he been there Jianhou and Yaling come closer to him and he been between three pairs of boobs.

While being there he said, "stop and let's go to the bedroom" while hearing his words Linai Jianhou and Yaling jump and they go there.

While coming inside he said "we need to talk"

While hearing his words Linai said "we bought you new place for your company"

"what," Zhihao said loud

"oh don't be like that we just can't let you don't have any. And its small building" Jianhou said

"oh ok but still I haven't started it yet," Zhihao said

While Yaling wanted to say something her phone starts ringing. while she looks at it she could see that it's her PA. while she answers it she listen for some time then she said "ok buy more oh and really that gossips are around we need to sign with him"

After some time she said only "'by" and while talk ended she start jumping from joy. While she been doing it Jianhou ask her "what so happy news"

"Zemin Ren will be soon free and the queue will be after him. gossips are that he disagrees with some works and they will fire him soon after paying him a lot of money"

While hearing Yaling words Zhihao faces change and his first step come from nowhere.

"oh really I haven't known this" Jianhou said then she adds "so we can now easily cancel our contract with them. I'm feeling so light now"

"yes this is good," Linai said

"wait renkun will be free soon," Zhihao said

"you know him," sisters said at the same time

"yes he and my old PA sorry current are fathers of my old company and he owns me a lot," Zhihao said while making smile then he adds "could you not signing with him "

While hearing his words Yaling change her attitude to businesswoman and she asks "what I will have from it"

"I don't know what you want," Zhihao said while looking at her

"let me think," she said while getting up and coming to Zhihao