Strange position

While Yaling come to Zhihao she said to him "oh I need to think about what I want but now let me be here"

After she said these words she sits on his laps. While being there Linai get up while saying "that's my place"

"Oh don't be like that sis," Yaling said while hugging Zhihao. While she does this she whispers to him "I know what I want"

While hearing her he said "what"

"You inside," she said while kissing his cheek. While hearing this Zhihao said "no"

"So he will be in my company," Yaling said and then Jianhou add "oh and his deal will go to Yaling company not your"

While hearing them his business side starts from the first time after some time. "Oh so you are talking now about business with pleasure but I can't do this" Zhihao said while looking at them

"Hahaha pleasure is the only mine," Linai said while laughing

"Oh Zhihao please let us taste this fruit that we haven't tested yet and we want to do this with you right Jianhou," Yaling said and she starts kissing Zhihao more.

While she been doing it he takes her face from his and said "I will think about it but not now"

While hearing his words big smile show up on Jianhou and Yaling face. While hearing his words Linai said with a sad voice "ok you could taste his monster but after I do with him enough times"

"Oh, Linai don't be like that you will make him die first and we left without anything so lets Zhi decide," Jianhou said while coming closer to Linai and placing her hand on her shoulder.

While seeing this Zhihao said "I need think and what we will do now it's getting late and I haven't slept enough"

"Oh let's go sleep while watching something," Linai said while lying on bed and pointing Zhihao where he needs to lay. While seeing him he gets up while first letting Yaling get out from him and after lying on the rights side of Linai. Jianhou takes his right side and while Yaling has nothing she lay on everyone.

While hey been in that position they start watching TV and first to fall asleep been Zhihao. While his first snores come out sisters look at him and after shutting down TV they lay and fall asleep.

While they dream been good but after some time Zhihao been kicked out from the bed. When he landed on the floor he saw that Linai leg is in a place where he was sleeping and she probably did this while sleeping.

While looking out he saw that it's still dark outside and while he hasn't been sleepy he take one of the laptops and go down. While being there Zhihao start searching for some stuff around the net.

First been gossips about renkun. While seeing them he knows that Yi probably doesn't need him anymore and he could promote more his own artist not the best of the company that he takes over from Zhihao.

While looking around Zhihao could find false gossips about Zemin that for first nobody knows but while looking now at them Zhihao could see that probably Zemin make ruckus after Zhehan been fired and while having long term contract they probably wanted to cancel it but after Zemin safe his ass probably with Zhehan help they couldn't do anything.

While looking more about news Zhihao start laughing " Zemin is a gay don't make me laugh he become so popular to look at nice girls who come to watch his concerts and even some he spend nights. Good that I safe his ass too many times". While finishing saying it Zhihao look more about few business things that he wanted to check.

While looking at it Zhihao starts searching for more artists that Tian company destroys and probably wanted revenge. While looking around he couldn't find anyone and while seeing it he knows that one again with only one artist he will start his company.

While time passes and while searching he hasn't found anything which could help him he fall asleep while he was doing it. While Zhihao been sleeping in the living room on couch day come and while its pass nine Linai wakes up.

While she starts looking around she couldn't find Zhihao and while she was moving a lot on the bed she wakes up Jianhou and Yaling.

While sisters look at Linai Jianhou ask first "what happened"

"I can't see my hubby," Linai said

"Oh we sleep for so long so he probably wakes up earlier and goes out," Yaling said while lying one more time and falling asleep

"True," Jianhou said then she adds "let's sleep for more time I have feeling this could be the exhausting day"

While hearing Jianhou and Yaling words Linai lay down and she tries to fall asleep one more time. While time pass and she couldn't do this she gets up while not waking up Jianhou and Yaling and she goes search for Zhihao.

While coming down she saw him sleeping there while having so strange position.