When he disappeared


While Linai comes closer to sleeping Zhihao she looks at him and after his move a little. While seeing it she starts moving his shoulder while whispering in his ear "wake up hubby its time"

While hearing her Zhihao open his eyes while saying "one more minute"

"No, if you don't wake up you will be punished like I like to call it," Linai said while starting kissing him. While Zhihao hears her words he hasn't move a little while thinking it's a dream. While time pass and he haven't move Linai comes lower with her kissing and while she takes his calm monster out she starts licking him.

While feeling it Zhihao open his eyes while saying "what you doing"

While taking his manhood out her said "punishment" and she comes back to what she been doing. While Linai been doing it Yaling come down and she said "Linai what you doing"

"Punishment to him that he doesn't want to wake up," Linai said while going back to what she been doing. While hearing her words Yaling come closer while saying "remember what we talk yesterday I need you to do this now or another way you will miss it"

While hearing her words Zhihao said "this is unfair you are threatening me"

"Oh don't worry we could have good sex together right Lanai" while Yaling words go out Linai look at her sisters with fire in her eyes while saying "you making this to me to let me suffer"

"Oh sis don't be like that I have a good idea what we will do," Yaling said while taking Linai hand and walking to the bedroom. While they come there and Zhihao walk slowly after them Yaling said "Jianhou wake up time for Zhihao pleasuring time"

While hearing Yaling words Jianhou open her eyes while saying "what you planning now"

"Oh lose virginity," Yaling said while coming closer to Zhihao and kissing him. While they were doing it Linai been standing in one place and Jianhou sit on the bed. While Yaling and Zhihao were kissing to lost a breath. The first person to do this been Yaling and while she turns to her sister she said "could you make some space here and I find a solution for us to be pleasured at the same time but please don't kill me"

While Yaling words go out Linai and Jianhou been listening but before Yaling could continue Jianhou said "I will be after her I just can't stand you both having a good time while I'm being left alone"

While her words go out Linai said "ok sis don't cry I will be in the morning last. Oh and good that I have still with me this specific"

"Good" Yaling and Jianhou said at the same time. Then Yaling start telling her plan to each of sisters was pleasuring at the same time. with a moment of distraction, Zhihao goes out while knowing this will be bad for him. while he been doing it he goes down to look place to hide.

When she finishes Jianhou said, "no we will not do this to each other let Zhihao do this to us."

"Ok," Yaling said and she turns to miss Zhihao. While seeing it she said "when he disappeared"

"I don't know," Jianhou and Linai said at the same time and they start searching for him. While they were doing it together they finally found him outside.

While coming closer to him Jianhou and Yaling grab each one of his hand and Linai said "no escaping"

While hearing her words Zhihao look at her while saying "really waifey you will look while I'm having sex with your sisters"

While his words come to her Linai look at him while saying "you know it could break my heart while I didn't know about it but while I agree with it I will handle it but remember one most important thing, for now, you will spend the same time with each of us. And I'm not talking about time like time but how many times. And while I'm being most experience with you I will handle this best"

"Ok I understand you but still I'm feeling bad about it," Zhihao said while looking at Linai.

"Oh come on let's start our time finally together," Yaling said while looking at Zhihao.

While her words go out he said "what time together"

"Sex," Yaling said while going to the bedroom. While seeing her Jianhou do the same while holding still Zhihao hand and Linai follow after him to not let him escape.