Chapter Two

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"I can only handle so much." – Wang Chushan

She started with a sweet and soothing melody but as seconds passed and the thoughts in her mind played back, all the hateful, hurtful and quite saddening experiences she had motivated her. The tone of the tune took a huge blow as she aggressively plucked at each string; finally coming to her senses as she feels a sting coming from the tips of her fingers.

Looking down her eyes darkened seeing the bruised skin on her fingertips with cuts across them dripping down red blood between the guqin strings onto its beautiful wooden frame. Closing her eyes she squeezed her hand into a fist breathing in heavily. "Seven years… seven years of my life, I, Wang Chushan has dedicated to living for my husband who doesn't love me. Last Year, yesterday, I swore to myself that if there still wasn't any progress, I will give up and after last night, I see now where I stand… I am nothing but an agreement between my father and the emperor…"

Hearing their lady say this, they could only eye each other and shake their heads. Since they entered the palace they had been stuck with Consort Wang that lived, worshipped and breathed the Crown Prince but alas, the love she has for him was unrequited and finally turned sour, so sour that they weren't sure how this would all turn out – maybe this was for the best or maybe this will blow up in her face. Silently they said, "Pray heavenly father is on Consort Wang's side."

The evening arrived and Consort Wang was seen in her palace sharing a meal with her servants, a plain and simple yet delicious meal – pork belly stew and kimchi, a commoners dish but she loved it. This wasn't the first time they had a meal together and this isn't her first time eating this meal.

Her servants chatted along minding their language and almost forgetting that their Lady was with them. It's not that they forgot or deem her to be insignificant but rather that although their Lady was human, she had a superpower – one that made her seem to not be there.

Hye Jeong and Yu Na packed up the dishes and headed to the kitchen to clean up. The male servant moved silently into the dark to watch the palace grounds. Ji Min followed behind her Lady's person in line with her steps.

Arriving in her palace's gathering room she looked at the desk on the ground. Humming she turned to Ji Min, "Ji Min, please could you bring my Qin here, along with an empty book of parchment, ink brush and ink block."

Bowing her head, "Yes, my lady," she answered. Walking out of the room. Chushan watched Ji Min leave.

A smile played on her lips as she sat down on the cushion behind the desk. Moments later, Ji Min walked in with the guqin in hand and slowly kneeled down before the desk and placed it down.

"Thank you Ji Min," Chushan smiled at her. "Can you please bring me lotus tea?" she asked with a brighter smile than before.

Ji Min's heart beat incredibly fast seeing the smile her lady wore. "Yes, my lady," she answered with a blush. Nodding her head, Chushan looked at the girl with a raised brow making her confused.

"Where's the other three things I asked for?" she asked.

"Oh yes!" Ji Min exclaimed and quickly got up, running out of the room and came back with the three items in hand. "Here you go my lady, I'll prepare the lotus tea for you, and shall I add some passion fruit in and bring snacks?"

Pursing her lips and knitting her brows, she looked at the book and opened it, humming, "Sure – I'll be here for some time so it would be okay I guess," she answered nonchalantly.

Ji Min looked down at her Lady and was surprised. What was her lady going to do? Shrugging she turned around and closed the door behind her after stepping over the threshold.

Moving her guqin to the edge of the desk, she placed the book before her and started writing down.

'And who are you – the proud lord said that I must bow so low

Only a cat of a different coat – that's all the truth I know

Let it end – wipe the blood from steel

Let it end – let the heartsick heal

Let it end – let our children know it's the end

Let them see no more – bloodshed

Bloodshed – let it end

Let the feuding die – let it end

We're so tired of this – bloodshed

Bloodshed – let it end

The rains weep o'er this hall – let it end

With not a single soul to heal – let it end

The rains weep o'er this hall – let it end

The rains weep o'er this hall – let it end

The rains weep o'er this hall – let it end

Let it end

Let it end

Let it end'

Putting the book to the side and doing the same with the ink stone and ink brush, she pulled her guqin closer and started plucking the strings. Matching the sound to the words in her head she closed her eyes and started singing.

Ji Min, Yu Na and Hye Jeong walked in after hearing the new song their lady was singing, quiet curious to the reason behind it.

Resting her hands on the guqin, she opened her eyes and watched as the strings slowly stopped humming. Raising a brow she looked to her right at the book and nodded her head slightly.

"My lady, you really are talented in the art of the guqin, what is that songs name that you played and sang?" asked Yu Na.

She raised her head to look at the three girls before her who were similar in age to her and smiled. "Sit, sit," she motioned for them.

Ji Min came to her side and sat down on the wooden floor. Pouring the tea she handed the cup to her lady with a smile and expectation.

Humming in content after drinking the tea she said, "This is truly better than the grass that is served in the imperial palace."

"My Lady!" Ji Min squealed. Chushan looked at her shocked expression and winked at her. She turned to look at the terrified expressions of the other two girls and smiled shaking her head.

"Its true! If you don't believe me, I'll order the head chef to prepare us a pot of tea just to torture the three of you!" she said with a playful glare.

"Nonononono, we believe you," they said in unison.

Chushan burst out into laugher and shook her head. Wiping the tears at the corner of her eyes she swallowed the saliva that gathered in her mouth. "The song I sang is called, Let it end and the tune I played is End of it all. Both are songs I created secretly."

"Why is it that you haven't played it before?" asked Hye Jeong.

She took a sip of the second cup poured for her saying, "Hye Jeong, I don't know if you noticed it or not but I have never played a tune before the Crown Prince before so ofcause you wouldn't have heard it and the songs you only hear are the ones my master and my mother taught me over the years – I originally wanted to become a songstress because I have the talent but I didn't pursue my dream because of the life I've chosen but all of that will come to an end."

"I want you, Hye Jeong to head into the capital tomorrow and look for a building to buy. It must be centered and easy to access… I've been planning this for some time now and since I no longer want to see the Crown Prince's face, I can keep myself busy with this project." She said with a determined look in her eyes while looking at the painting on the wall.

The three girls looked at one another then looked at their lady, it seems as if their lady had given up on the Crown Prince long ago because she had no tears and was actually smiling. And not wanting to see the Crown Prince's face which she loved … this lady of ours has truly given up.

"Consort Wang, have you truly given up on Crown Prince Wu Yong?" asked Yu Na making Chushan return her thoughts.

Raising a brow at her she asked, "Isn't it obvious?"

She shook her head, "But my lady, you've worked so hard…" she trailed.

"And it got me nowhere, it got me hated in fact and it is best that I forget. I'll own my shop and be happy living my dream instead," she said with a bitter smile.

"What is my lady planning on doing after acquiring the building?" asked Ji Min.

Shrugging she said, "I plan on opening an entertainment tea house."

"With all the tea my lady taught us to make?" asks Hye Jeong.

"Yes and other stuff but we can talk about that tomorrow, remember to search well and it needs to be as big as my palace, I can envision its success already and I don't want a small place that will need to expand or we will have to move. Even if it's a small house with a big courtyard then even better, we can get builders and meet with architects," she said with an excited look in her eyes.

The girls giggled. This is the first time they're seeing their lady like this which was making them excited too.

The night passed on with the crickets making a noise in the garden while the moon hung between the stars.

Opening her window to look up at the night sky, she felt the cool breeze touch her skin making a shiver slightly. She started humming with her eyes closed.

A rustle came from the bushes surrounding her palace making her eyes open slightly.

"You're going to catch a cold," said a sweet and gentle voice coming from the bushes. She looked over in that direction but couldn't see anything.

"When will you sleep?" she asked lowly.

"I'll sleep when my lady rests with ease," the pleasant voice answered.

Closing her eyes she said, "I'll have my father send another servant to keep you company."

"Please don't trouble yourself, my lady, I'm enough."

She opened her eyes and looked ahead of her. The person she spoke to appeared before her. The boy's frame was small but tough. His round eyes looked up at her making her feel as though she would get lost in it.

"I know you are enough but things will get busy from tomorrow and the days to come. Head out with Hye Jeong tomorrow to the capital, stay by her side and protect her for me."

"Yes my lady," the boy answered. Humming she said goodnight to him and looked one last time at the moon thinking, 'What does my future hold?'

(Let it end by Karliene)