Chapter Three

"Wu Yong-ah what's gotten you into such a foul mood, did Consort Wang come pay you a visit?" Laughed Gong Jung Hwan, Crown Prince Wu Yong's best friend and adviser.

Crown Prince Wu Yong glared at his best friend who was hiding behind a book and laughing to his heart's content. Knitting his brows thinking about Consort Wang he suddenly realized something.

Consort Wang he hadn't heard from her for a while now and that's why it was so quiet around him and his three other consorts.

Seeing that he didn't get yelled at, Jung Hwan stopped laughing and look at his frowning friend, "What did she do now?" he asked.

Wu Yong looked at Jung Hwan, "It's not Consort Wang that's the problem this time, I actually haven't seen her in a while, I'm upset because all three my Consorts are stuck in their palace."

Raising a brow Jung Hwan asked, "Why? Are they all sick… why aren't you ill too?"

Wu Yong glared at his friend, "They're not sick with flu, they all… it's all three of their menstrual cycle at the same damn time!"

Jung Hwan stared at Wu Yong for a moment before laughing once again, "And here I thought it was the troublesome Consort that spoilt your mood. Our poor Wu Yong is sexually frustrated."

"Dong Woo, please kill this asshole," Wu Yong growled under his breath. Jung Hwan looked at Dong Woo who stood by Wu Yong's side. He looked over at Jung Hwan and rolled his eyes, "Why should I kill him?" he asked making Wu Yong glare at him.

"Why is it that you only listen to me when you want to?" he asked.

"Well, as much as I'd like to kill Jung Hwan, he is our friend, even though he is an asshole, he needs to stay alive," answered Dong Woo listlessly.

Squinting his eyes at Dong Woo, Wu Yong asked, "When was the last time Consort Wang came here."

Dong Woo looked at Wu Yong and raised a brow, "Why the sudden interest?"

"Because I can't remember," he answered with an eye roll.

Facing forward he answered coolly, "It's been a total of twenty-five days."

"Huh?" Jung Hwan blabbed. Wu Yong's face had shock written all over it. His heart suddenly started up as he thought about the last time he saw her then suddenly remembering that morning when her servant came to let him know that she was feeling ill.

So she hasn't been here since then? His brows knitted feeling slightly anxious, "Is she okay, she was sick last time I heard, did it get worse?" he asked Dong Woo making him frown and turn to him.

"I haven't seen her since then, how would I know and on top of that, it's not like you care," he said in a low voice.

Wu Yong looked at Dong Woo with a glare but couldn't refute. "Is anyone out there?" he called out looking towards the door to his study.

The door opened and his attendant bowed, "Answering to His Highness."

"Go to the moon palace and find out what's happening, go quick and report back," he ordered. His attendant bowed, closing the doors behind her, she quickly made her way over to the moon palace.

The door to the moon palace were closed. Knocking on it, it was silent for a while; she knocked again and the doors opened. The boy looked at her irritated and asked, "What is it?"

She looked at the boy shocked at his attitude. "I'm here from the Crown Prince's palace, here to see Consort Wang," she said politely. She wasn't sure who this boy was but he didn't look like a servant.

He raise a brow and looked back into the palace. Frowning slightly, he pushed the door open to let her come through. She stepped in after thanking him then made her way to the front of the palace but couldn't see anyone. She looked behind her and didn't see the boy either.

Tracing her steps back she looked around confused. "Hello, is anyone here?" she called out.

The boy came jogging over, "What is it now?"

"Where is Consort Wang?" she asked cautiously.

"This way," he grumbled.

She followed him all the way around the palace coming to a garden. Consort Wang was seated in a chair laughing and drinking something. Chushan looked at the girl who arrived and smiled at her.

She bowed before Chushan.

"Yoo Kyung, what can I do for you? She asked. Yoo Kyung was taken aback. Before she was under the impression that Consort Wang didn't care about anything else and didn't know her name but she recognized her and knew her name. Not even the other three consorts knew her name!

"Yoo Kyung-ah," she called again after seeing the girls shocked face and was unresponsive. Snapping out of it she bowed.

"Answering to Consort Wang, Crown Prince Wu Yong is worried about your well-being, he asked me to come over and see if Consort Wang was still ill."

Chushan raised a brow. After a moment of silence she said, "Yoo Kyung-ah, as you can see, I am perfectly fine, please relay a message to the Crown Prince for me, tell him that I am well and that he doesn't need to worry about me, tell him to focus of the kingdoms affair and my sisters."

Yoo Kyung looked at Consort Wang dumbfounded. When did she not care about the Crown Prince? Seeing Chushan raise a brow at her, she bowed and took her leave. The boy saw her out and banged the door behind her giving her a fright.

She was stunned for a moment but then quickly made her way back to the Crown Prince's palace.

Arriving she walked through the door and bowed. The three handsome men before her stared at her.

"And?" asked Wu Yong with a frown.

She bowed again, "Answering to the Crown Prince, Consort Wang is perfectly fine, she asked me to relay a message too His Highness."

All three men had a frown on their faces while Wu Yong's was slightly deeper than the other two.

Yoo Kyung added, "Consort Wang said, she is well and that His Highness doesn't need to worry about her, she also said that I should tell you to focus of the kingdoms affair and the other consorts."

She bowed and stepped back. Quickly glancing at them she saw that they were all equally stunned as she was when she heard those words. It was silent for a while before Jung Hwan asked her, "Did she really say that?"

She bowed, "I would never lie, Consort Wang's servants are my witnesses."

Jung Hwan shooed her away then turned to look at his stunned friends. He was shocked too and still processing what was just said. Wu Yong and Dong Woo heard Jung Hwan sigh and looked at him.

Seeing that he got their attention he asked, "Hyung, what did you do to her?"

"What did I do? I didn't do anything…" he trailed then looked at Dong Woo, who looked back at him with a glare, "What?"

"Did I do anything to upset her?" he asked lowly.

Both Jung Hwan and Dong Woo looked at him surprised but it didn't last long. Shrugging his shoulders Dong Woo faced elsewhere, "Maybe."

Wu Yong felt like punching him but stopped himself, "Care to elaborate?"

Feeling helpless Dong Woo looked at his friend, "I really don't know, you should know yourself Wu Yong. You don't care about her so it's obvious that she'd give up on you eventually."

Jung Hyun tsked making them look over at him. "Hyung, you finally got your wish, you should be happy." He said.

Wu Yong nodded his head and sighed in relief but it was short lived. "By the way, her birthday is coming up soon, what did you get her, she's turning twenty-two this year so it must be something good," added Jung Hwan.

"I haven't gotten her anything yet, when is her birthday again?" he asked, directing his question at Dong Woo.

Dong Woo looked at him for a few seconds then his eyes widened I shock, he stared at Wu Yong then said, "Exactly twenty-six days ago."

Wu Yong looked at his friend speechless then turned to look at Jung Hwan who looked at him amused.

Frowning at the amused look he asked, "What?"

Shrugging he answered, "Well now you know why she hates you."