Chapter Fourteen

The three of them had a whole cooked chicken between them with vegetables and noodles. Qinghe was talking so much that it annoyed his father but Chushan didn't mind. This was her first time hearing a little human speak so much and the topics he spoke about were truly interesting. Through him she found out that Yifan was a retired general from Shilla and that he was teaching Qinghe how to fight.

"So, Chushan, how far along are you now?" Yifan asked when he saw that his son started concentrating on his meal.

Swallowing he spoon of soup, she wiped her mouth off, "I'm a few days away from being five months," she answered while dishing up vegetables for her and chicken.

"Your husband must be pretty excited about having a baby, I remembered when I first found out. My late wife fainted while doing the laundry, she also didn't know… it was pretty funny," he said and helped wipe away the mess Qinghe made.

Chushan felt relieved when she heard that he was practically single. She shook her head, "That man can kill himself for all I care. He doesn't know I'm having his child. He divorced me before I could even tell him," she said with a frown on her face as she looked at her bowl.

Yifan's eyes widened as excitement grew in his heart. He patted his chest down to calm his happiness and asked, "Why would he divorced such a beautiful wife?"

She looked up at him for a split second then looked away feeling embarrassed, "He has three other wives," she said with a sigh. "I knew him my whole life and he declared that he'd make me his but the older he got the more arrogant he became and wanted women that weren't like me… I think he only married me to full fill his promise but I stopped trying to get his attention after being ignored for seven years. Funny enough, he came to me when he saw I no more cared then I woke up with him staring at my naked body early hours in the morning – and now I'm here," she rolled her eyes.

"You don't seem to care much about him taking you unwillingly," Yifan frowned not liking this ex-husband of hers.

She nodded her head, "It was infuriating in the beginning but then at least I won't be alone anymore," she said while rubbing her stomach.

Yifan stared at her momentarily then said, "I would have never let you go if you were my wife and I don't believe that a man should have more than one wife."

Chushan stared at Yifan not saying a word. His words made her heart beat fast and speaking now, well she didn't know what to say. But Qinghe joined the conversation at the right time and asked, "Aunty Shan-ah be my mother and baby be my brother."

Both Yifan and Chushan turned their attention to little Qinghe who looked at them expectantly. Neither answered him but inside, while staring at each other they mutually agreed on one thing – the four of them needed each other.


Chushan walked back with Qinghe and Yifan to their home. When they arrived she saw that the place was pretty big with a big courtyard for the children to play in and the house was pretty big too with many rooms.

Yifan had someone attending to Qinghe while he was out working. The day was drawing to a close while Qinghe fell asleep in Chushan's arms. Yifan watched her rock his son back and forth and saw the visible adoration in her eyes for Qinghe.

When Qinghe was limp and snoring, he took him from her and took him to his room. He notified the lady looking after him that he was going to walk Chushan back home.

As they were walking the street was still busy but not as much as before. Chushan walked up front while Yifan followed in her steps behind her. He took a deep breath and grabbed her hand catching her off guard.

She stared up at him as he stared down at her. Raising his hand he pushed the strands of hair behind her ears and caressed her cheeks. They stood there staring at each other while other watched hoping that the beautiful couple would kiss or do something other than just stare at each other.

"Chushan, I know we just met but my son has fallen in love with you," he said and watched as she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth as her eyes scanned him nervously.

"I meant it when I said that I wouldn't have treated you the same way as your ex-husband did," he said and saw her eyes weaver.

"Qinghe will be six this year and still without a loving mother to be by his side. I lost my wife after she gave birth to him and have been hoping for the day that she will send us someone who will love our son as her own and I know you are that one she sent us. All of what happened today was fate and I know this may sound like craziness but I need you in my life as much as Qinghe needs you, so will you be my wife and help me raise my son into a man we both can be proud of?" he asked her scanning her expressionless face for an answer.

Chushan held his hands that were on her face and took a nervous breath in, "Will you raise my child as your own?" she asked.

He nodded his head, "Yes. And I'm as eager as Qinghe for his arrival."

"You won't hurt us?" she asked him.

Yifan wiped away the tears that formed in her eyes ready to spill, "I will never hurt you or your child. He'll be my child after you marry me, we'll raise them both to be wonderful men so please, will you accept my hand in marriage?"

"Yes," she nodded her head. Her eyes widened when she felt his lips touch hers. She melted into his kiss and eased into his hug. The few people who watched them couldn't hear what they were saying but were so happy that they finally kissed that they clapped hands startling the now newly formed couple.


Arriving home, she found that the shop was closed and went in through the back where her employees were getting dinner started. They saw a glow on Chushan's skin and squealed in excitement.

During dinner she said, "Okay, I have something to tell you all."

They looked at her eagerly and stopped eating. "I'm getting married in two days," she announced and smirked when they just stared at her not saying anything.

When they finally realized what she said they went into an uproar and cross questioned her. She told them about Qinghe and Yifan and that it was probably the best since the baby will now have a father.

Her employees weren't happy but Chushan seemed happy and they supported that. Jae Hyun gave his approval on the spot since he watched everything unfold but he still wanted to marry Dong Woo.

When he told Chushan this she just shook her head disapprovingly since he was the one that killed them off, him included.