Chapter Fifteen

Yifan and Qinghe arrived at the tea house the next morning.

Ji Min and Jae Hyun welcomed them and took them up to the second level of the tea house to meet with Chushan. The two arrived an hour earlier than they agreed on and Chushan was still dressing.

Yifan was treated to tea and treats whereas Qinghe was given three meat buns and a bowl of sweet tea. They waited for Chushan for some time.

She slowly walked in a little nervous but happy. When she saw them she suddenly felt excited and smiled from ear to ear. Yifan stood up smiling back at her while Qinghe stopped eating to look at her. She wore a plain royal blue tunic with a light blue robe hanging over her shoulders.

She stepped faster and ran into Yifan's arms grinning. "Well you seem very happy to see me Ms Wang," Yifan teased while hugging her gently.

"No fair, my turn," Qinghe complained as he pushed between the two of them.

Chushan and Yifan laughed then she knelt down and hugged Qinghe who looked up at his father and pulled his tongue at him. Yifan looked on at him disapprovingly and shook his head.

He sat down and watched on as his wife-to-be and son were speaking.

Qinghe finally left Chushan following Jae Hyun with a bun in his mouth down to the main floor to the room where the dancers were.

Taking her hands in his, he smiled, "So you are finally mine."

Chushan chuckled, "Your son is in love with me."

Yifan mocked anger, "He dares! I should give him up and run away with you and our unborn son."

Chushsan rolled her eye, "Who told you I'm having a son?"

"Your attendants," he smirked.

Chushan sighed, "Those attendants haven't been listening to me ever since we met."

"So, I've been wondering," he trailed as he looked at her.

"You were wondering?" she asked with a raised brow.

"How did a divorced and pregnant woman, manage to create such a brilliant business?" he asked curiously.

Chushan smiled at him and took the bowl of tea Hye Jeong prepared for her. She and Ji Min stood to the side with their head bowed earning a glance from Yifan.

Chushan glanced over at her attendants then tapped her fingers on the table gaining Yifan's attention. He looked at her hand then looked up into her eyes. "I was planning on telling you after we got married; remember the husband I told you about?"

"Yes?" Yifan nodded his head.

"He is the Crown Prince of Guguryeo, Qin Wu Yong," she said while resting her chin on her hand while staring at him.

Yifan had a frown on his face while looking at her. "He had four wives until we staged a divorce. He knew about the pregnancy but I, even though I loved him, I couldn't continue being his wife anymore. The jealousy is too toxic, so I decided that it would be best to just not be connected to him. I am General Wang's daughter so I know how to take care of things but Jae Hyun decided that it was best to kill us off hence the big funeral."

"I heard gossip about that," Yifan said with an unreadable expression.

"Yes, so that's my story," she said and sat back in the chair.

Yifan stared at her. After a moment he sat forward and crossed his fingers together, "Well as long as we raise him well, I suppose that he would be a great son but won't this turn out to be trouble for us?"

"So you still want to marry me?" she asked surprised.

Yifan chuckled, "Just because you own this place and you are the ex of the crown prince, remember, my crown prince lives in Shila. My son loves you and I've become fond of you so we will still get married or do you no longer want to?"

She waved her hand, "No, we are still getting married."

Yifan laughed and nodded, "Good! I have everything set up, something small with the three of us and a few other people. Not a big gathering and also I don't want to feed other people. We still have to save up money for our son."

"I have money, so we don't have to pinch our money," Chushan said with a smile.

Yifan shook his head, "No, I'll never let you pay for anything and I'm sure you're A Thousand Lanterns is a legacy you want to leave behind for him."

Chushan smiled, "Not just him anymore both our sons will benefit from A Thousand Lanterns," she said as she snaked her hands around his neck and sat down on his lap.

He patted her bum and kissed her glowing cheek, "What are we naming him?" She shrugged, "I'll leave that for you to decide on that."

Yifan pursed his lips together. His eyes unfocused for a few seconds then returned to her, "I've always liked the name Wuqing . . . when you add our two son's names together it's just perfect."

Chushan rubbed her nose against Yifan's and smiled, "If you say so, but I want a daughter and I want to name her Rucheng . . . what do you think?"

Yifan's eyes widened at thought, "We could start practising after tomorrow then."

Chushan rolled her eyes and got up. Looking at her attendants she said, "Make sure our robes are ready, A Thousand Lanterns will be closed tomorrow for the wedding and don't spread the news, just let everyone know it's closed."