The heavy breathing was across the small practice room. I looked towards the sound, but because I'd been staring at the door the entire time my eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark, little room. By the time my eyes began to adjust it had moved closer towards me. It, the band hall monster, was practically inhaling chunks of shinning metal. Metal with gold and silver finish on them. Five opened cases of mellos, euphoniums, and one tuba lay dismantled and some even crushed. The creature had moved toward me to grab a trumpet case to my left. As it reached past me I could see it's impossibly long and thin fingers. It's hands were large and somehow elegant, like that of a pianist. I was an all black creature except for it's white eyes and white outline of a bowtie. The bowtie looked as if a child took a white crayon and drew it on black construction paper, while its eyes were perfect circles. It was tall even sitting down with both knees pulled up to it's chest. It appeared to have had a human like structure that was simply stretched out vertically. Other than it's eyes it had no facial features, no eyes, no mouth, no nose, nothing. I was hairless and had a perfectly spherical head. I must admit. I was scared. Scared to the point of being paralyzed. I had to meditate to get myself to move, to leave the room and accept the consequences of my irresponsibility. Just so I can have the security of not dieing. I know as a band student I should be able to scream and shout as loud as I was afraid, I can't, I never could.