sunny skies and warm rain

The sound was soft at first, but as it grew the sound of my laughter was not only drowned but subsiding. I could breath again, gasping for air and coughing from the assault on my vocal chords. I was coughing so hard I had to lean over and close my eyes. When I finally stopped gasping and opened my eyes. I saw water, no reflection of me, just water with fish in it. After looking up I could see the stage the pianist played for me on in the distance. with the rolling hills be hind me, I wasn't too far from the coast line actually. The ash coloured tree was to my right. Just far enough for me to have not seen it from where we were earlier that day on the stage. Meaning it was completely possible for that tree to have been there before the incident in the parking lot. The tree was the same tree as earlier right? Yet where were the instruments, the thin pianist that never blinks, the painfull laughter I had every time I looked at it. It was mid afternoon here and not a cloud in sight. Then the sound of a symphony was carried by the wind. I turned quickly in the direction I heard it from. Only to be grabbed from behind by roots of the tree. Splinters stabbing my arms as it pulled me back and hoisted me off the ground. I was sat down on a branch. I tried to jump down but was retaliated with a stab in the arm by a branch. it looped through the hole in my arm and bound me to the trunk of the tree. Small drops of warm wetness touching my skin every now and then. It burned after a minute or two of soaking in to my skin.