Now and Forever

The tree seemed to float across the lake as it traveled towards the stage. The sound of instruments in mid crescendo coming to a abrupt stop. The pianist turned around to face me.

I sat quietly on the tree, bleeding out slowly. Then the pianist's face began to stretch and tear around the bottom, forming a gooey black smile. It spoke, in a deep hoarse voice," Won't you dance with me darling, and spend all eternity enjoying my beloved symphony with me?" It's voice was soft almost sweet, warm, inviting, every thing that would make you long to savor those words forever. I jumped off the tree. It was painful to move at all, yet I found the will to jump. It's arms stretched in an inhuman way. It caught me, that hurt. I cried as it contracted it's arms back towards its self. It hugged me and squeezed. It didn't stop squeezing. It squeezed until my eyes popped out of their sockets and started to cough up blood. I passed out from the pain. I died some time after that, not exactly sure when though. Now every time someone enters a practice room at our school and turns on the vent you can hear the old band playing softly.